Carefree Rural Doctor In City/C9 Zhenqi Circulation Needle
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Carefree Rural Doctor In City/C9 Zhenqi Circulation Needle
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C9 Zhenqi Circulation Needle

Standing next to Lin Haolong was the Vice President of the Central South City Hospital. He was in a high position and rarely helped treat people. This time, Lin Ruoyi's Second Uncle spent a huge sum of money to invite him over, but he was helpless in the face of old man Lin's illness.

He said slowly, "Which hospital does this young brother work in?"


"Then do you have a medical license?"


"Then aren't you disregarding human life!" The Vice Principal immediately puffed his beard and glared at him.

Chen Xiu tilted his head and calmly said, "Chinese medicine, since ancient times it has been taught by masters and disciples. Don't tell me that all the famous doctors from ancient times regard human life as grass?"

The Vice Principal was momentarily speechless, he had only wanted to suppress this young man's arrogance, but unexpectedly, he was put down and his face turned ugly, "Humph, the old man's illness isn't something that can be cured by a rural doctor like you. Our hospital has even formulated such a strict treatment plan, how can you not be afraid of saying big words."

If people respect me for one foot, I respect them for ten feet.

Faced with the aggressive attitude of others, Chen Xiu naturally did not retreat. Instead, he asked, "Since your treatment is ineffective, what right do you have to stay here? What right do you have to stop my diagnosis?"

"What are you trying to do by slandering me?"

Chen Xiu's mockery made the group of doctors with their noses pointed towards the sky look extremely embarrassed. All of them glared at Chen Xiu hatefully, but couldn't find any words to refute him.

"Enough!" When Lin Ruo Shuang heard their argument reaching her grandfather, she stopped them. "Since you can't do anything about it, why don't you let Chen Xiu treat you? The more one has, the more hope there is."

"This won't do, the Lin family's old patriarch is currently in a very critical situation. If this unknown fellow were to randomly diagnose him, the consequences would be unthinkable." The Vice Principal was unhappy and naturally refused to agree. He loudly said, "We can only let it go. We cannot bear this responsibility."

"That's right, eldest niece. You can't act so rashly!" Lin Haolong also quickly agreed.

Lin Ruo Shuang looked at the calm Chen Xiu. She turned around and coldly looked at the group of experts and said, "What you mean is, can you heal my grandfather?!"

After many years of being in charge of the Lin Clan, Lin Ruo Shuang had long developed her swift and fierce aura. As she coldly swept her gaze over, even her second uncle couldn't help but lower his head.

Even Chen Xiu felt the atmosphere in the room freeze. Although his temper was a little bad, his eyesight was still quite good.

Seeing these people submit, Lin Ruoyi harrumphed in her heart, then pulled Chen Xiu in front of her grandfather's bed.

Chen Xiu pulled over a chair and sat down. He placed his hand on Old Master Lin's wrist to carefully diagnose the change in his pulse pattern and at the same time, observed Old Master Lin's haggard appearance.

"What signs did Old Master Lin have before he fell ill?"

"Before Grandpa fell ill, his body was very healthy and his appetite was pretty good. That day, he even took me out to play golf. I don't know why, but after coming back, he suddenly fainted." Lin Ruoyi's eyes were brimming with tears, but she still spoke in full.

Chen Xiu pondered for a moment before slowly saying, "The old man invaded my internal organs because of external evils. If I'm not wrong, my body should be festering a little bit."

As he said this, Chen Xiu looked at the old man's collar and saw a dark patch.

The Vice Principal saw Chen Xiu's assurance and took in the disdain in his tone, but his tone remained cold. "We've already used an overdose of antiseptic drugs to counteract the infection, but it still hasn't improved. I thought you had some brilliant ideas."

Chen Xiu disdained to explain, so he didn't answer. Western medicine believed that people were sick because of virus infection, so it was necessary to develop anti-bacterial drugs and kill the bacteria.

This view was too narrow, and Chinese traditional Chinese medicine believed that external evil energy was something that would cause physical and mental harm. Not only did it contain germs, it also contained noise, environment, joy, grief, and other factors.

It was a form of address.

Moreover, the large dosage of antibacterial medicine they were using could only be used to treat symptoms and not their symptoms. Moreover, Old Master Lin was old, and his body's functions were declining. It was even more difficult to recover his vitality.

He took out the silver needle and asked, "If I can cure your Master Lin, would you be willing to let me treat him?"

"I'm willing, of course I'm willing!" Lin Ruoyi's laughter was laced with tears as she nodded like she was pounding garlic.

Lin Ruo Shuang beside him also gave Chen Xiu a firm look. Lin Hao and his men wanted to say something, but stopped themselves. Just as they were about to say something, Lin Ruo Shuang's cold gaze swept over them and they swallowed their words back into their stomachs.

Chen Xiu lifted the quilt, indicating for Lin Ruoyi to help him take off the old man's shirt. Circulating his zhenqi, he pierced the silver needles into all the major acupuncture points at lightning speed.

Following this, the black ancient cauldron in his body emitted an ancient and desolate aura. It slowly rotated, and the cryptic symbols engraved on it seemed to wiggle as if it were alive.

At this moment, everyone in the room was in high spirits, and even the air felt a little fresher.

Chen Xiu was so tired that fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Old Man Lin had accumulated too much external energy, almost all the organs in his body, even the blood vessels and meridians.

What he could do now was to cooperate with acupuncture and moxibustion, and use all his strength to pull it out.

After ten minutes, Chen Xiu finally returned to the room, "The root of the disease has been cleared, but Old Master Lin's vitality is too damaged, and he still needs to be treated with medicine to wake up."

"Really?" Lin Ruoyi was overjoyed. She threw herself into Chen Xiu's arms and cried bitterly.

"Nonsense, how can a small acupuncture technique treat viral infections?" The Vice Principal, who found it hard to believe, hurriedly gestured for the doctor beside him to investigate.

As a vice president of a hospital, he naturally also involved the field of traditional Chinese medicine. However, to his knowledge, acupuncture only had the function of simply regulating the body and could not kill viruses.

Chen Xiu didn't mind. He picked up Lin Ruoyi and handed her to his sister, then calmly watched the group of experts carry out an examination for the Lin family's old master.

"Vice Principal, this..." It's too amazing! "

"Old Master Lin's body is starting to reverse direction."

"What!" When the vice principal heard the diagnoses of these experts, his eyes were filled with shock. He hurriedly went forward to take the stethoscope and discovered that Old Master Lin's heart rate had already returned to normal. He then obtained the data from the other experts, looking as if he had seen a ghost.

"Thank you, Chen Xiu. I knew that you would have a way to cure grandpa, I knew that …" "Sob, sob …" Lin Ruoyi was already in tears as she thanked him profusely.

Even the usually cold Lin Ruo Shuang's eyes were slightly red. She opened her mouth to express her gratitude to Chen Xiu.

The Vice Principal looked at the young man's calm expression and wanted to ask something, but he was too embarrassed to say it out loud. Suddenly, he remembered a word from the medical classics — Zhen Qi Needle!


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