My Celestial Store System/C10 Popularity
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My Celestial Store System/C10 Popularity
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C10 Popularity

After logging in, Chu Yang opened his shopping cart, ready to purchase the Azure Silk Skirt.

"Would you like to spend 1666 soul stones to purchase this item?"

As he was about to pay, Chu Yang paused, surprised.

"It was 1888 soul stones just a moment ago. It's dropped by more than 200 already. That's quite a steep price drop, isn't it?"

Regrettably, he needed the money urgently. Otherwise, he might have waited a few more days and potentially saved even more soul stones.

Having completed the purchase, Chu Yang headed back to his dorm room.

"Yang, I've fallen in love."

Liu Wenyu approached him with a grave look on his face as soon as Chu Yang walked in.

"Aren't you in love with your paper doll wife every day?"

Chu Yang joked, tossing the bag onto Zhao Chen's bed.

Just then, Wang Lei sat up from his bed, looking distraught, "Yang, please talk some sense into him. He's been going on about playing games with this girl for the last half-hour!"

"Oh? Is she a girl from the game?"

Chu Yang, with nothing better to do, was quite interested in the gossip.

"No, she's a freshman."

Liu Wenyu, energized as if he'd found a kindred spirit, pulled up a stool, "I was trying this new raid in the cafeteria today and kept failing. By chance, a junior who plays the same game noticed and helped me through it... And let me tell you, she's incredibly skilled. She's a top player with a complete collection and ranks in the top hundred in the server, all without spending a dime!"

"And so, you, my friend, have fallen for this high-class European beauty?"

"Heh, hehe..."

Liu Wenyu chuckled foolishly, looking like he was in his own world.

"Kid, you should chat with her more on WhatsApp. You never know, you might hit it off."

Chu Yang advised with a meaningful tone.

The group chatted for a while until Zhao Chen entered, drenched in sweat.

"Hey, are all the guys here?"

Zhao Chen greeted them and took a few big swigs of water.

"The skirt's here; have a look."

Chu Yang gestured to the bag on the bed, suggesting Zhao Chen check it out himself.

"Talk about efficiency."

Zhao Chen complimented, unfolding the skirt and examining it with curiosity.

The Azure Silk Skirt's design was simple, reflecting the traditional Celestial style, yet it incorporated some striking elements from the Celestial Silk Gown, adding an air of understated elegance. It was particularly well-suited for girls with a serene demeanor.

"Wow, this skirt is really nice. The fabric feels so comfortable, and it's definitely worth it for a handmade, limited edition piece!"

Zhao Chen and his friends admired it for a while before pulling out their phones to transfer the payment to Chu Yang.

"By the way, Chen, there's a discount on the skirt now. It's only 16,660 yuan."

When Chu Yang heard that Liu Fei'er had already sent the money, he quickly reminded him.

"Hey, since we've already settled on a price, let's just act as if we're unaware. She probably wouldn't care much about those two thousand yuan."

Zhao Chen seemed to suggest that Chu Yang should keep the extra money.

"Chen, I appreciate that you're looking out for me, but consider this: even though she's already transferred the money, she might still have her reservations. If we return the two thousand yuan, it would clear any doubts and her opinion of you would surely improve. Makes sense, right?"

Chu Yang leaned back in his chair, offering Zhao Chen a thorough analysis.

"Heh, Yang, you always think things through. Should I send the money back to her now?" Zhao Chen said, coming to a realization.

"Absolutely. Use this chance to strengthen your rapport with her."

Zhao Chen nodded, packed the skirt into a bag, transferred the money to Chu Yang, and then took off.

16,661.18 yuan!

Chu Yang's excitement surged as he looked at his WhatsApp balance. He had been burdened by debt for so long, without a penny to his name, depending on Zhao Chen and the others just to get by.

Life had been unbearably tough!

Thankfully, he had discovered the Celestial Amazon Store, which finally offered him a ray of hope for the future.

After a moment of reflection, Chu Yang remembered the newly listed skirt and quickly grabbed his phone. Upon opening Amazon, a flurry of messages from the system appeared.

"Is my pal there?" Luo Yuning inquired.

Luo Yuning: I haven't logged in yet, but I have a few questions!

Luo Yuning: Never mind, I'm in a rush. I'll just go ahead and buy it.

Transaction message: Luo Yuning has purchased 15 "new high-waisted white pleated skirts designed to prevent upskirt visibility"!

Chu Yang was taken aback as he looked at his now-empty inventory. He had listed a total of 15 pleated skirts for a mere 100 soul stones each.

He had thought such short skirts would be a tough sell, yet Luo Yuning had snapped them all up!

After a moment of surprise, Chu Yang remembered to respond: "Hello there, can I assist you with anything?"

A little while later, Luo Yuning's icon finally blinked to life: "No issues now. I was curious about how well the skirt prevented exposure, and having tried it on, I'm pleased with the results!"

It seemed she was quite satisfied. Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, hoping this meant he was safe from a negative review.

Chu Yang replied: "Thank you for your purchase. If you encounter any issues with the skirt, please feel free to contact me!"

Luo Yuning responded: "Thanks, shopkeeper... but I'm just a court dancer, not a celestial being. I can't accept the title of 'fairy.'"

Chu Yang was mildly astonished and, after some further inquiry, he began to understand the situation.

It turned out that the Celestial realm was home to many natives with limited magical power, making it difficult for them to obtain celestial status. They often served immortals as a means to advance themselves.

Luo Yuning was one such individual, who had reluctantly joined the court as a dancer to gain access to resources for her cultivation.

Her purchase of the light-proof short skirts was a necessity for dance rehearsals with her fellow dancers.

Upon learning this, Chu Yang couldn't help but sigh, realizing that the natives of the Celestial realm faced far greater hardships than he did.


Less than half an hour later, Zhao Chen returned.

"So, how did it go? Any news?" Wang Lei inquired with curiosity.

"Liu Fei'er is really happy. She even invited me to her New Year's Eve party. It looks like she's taken a liking to me."

Chu Yang offered some encouragement, "Well done, Chen. Keep up the good work, and when you've won over Liu Fei'er, you owe us a dinner."

Zhao Chen grandly gestured, "No problem. When that happens, we'll head to the little building in Esterphis."

After some idle conversation, Chu Yang remembered something and sent a message to Jade Hare on the Celestial Amazon Store.

Before long, Jade Hare responded: Do you need something, pal?

Chu Yang: What, I can't hit you up for a chat if there's nothing urgent?

Jade Hare: Of course, you can. I'm actually quite bored right now.

Chu Yang, with a sly glint in his eye, casually inquired, "Isn't the Fairy of Moon busy designing a new pair of high heels? Don't you need to assist her?"

Jade Hare: The new shoes have already been designed by the master. Now, the Embroidered Pavilion is working hard to produce them. They're planning to launch them tomorrow, along with the new dresses.

Moon Palace is about to launch new products!

Chu Yang was thrilled by the news. Last time, he made a tidy profit from the popularity of the Celestial Silk Gown, earning a substantial amount of soul stones.

Now with this insider information, he was already thinking about how to ride the wave of the upcoming release!

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