My Celestial Store System/C11 Don't Bully the Young Man for Being Poor
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My Celestial Store System/C11 Don't Bully the Young Man for Being Poor
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C11 Don't Bully the Young Man for Being Poor

After pondering for a bit, Chu Yang inquired again, "Yu Hui, I'm quite intrigued by Fairy of Moon's latest creation. May I have a peek?"

Yu Hui paused to think, then responded, "You may, but you mustn't let the secret out, or I'll be in deep trouble with my Master."

Chu Yang assured, "Don't worry, I'd take it to the grave before I'd tell a soul!"

With his promise secured, Yu Hui swiftly sent several images.

The photos showcased various styles of high heels, each designed with elegance. While the exact materials were indiscernible, it was clear that they were of high quality, and the ornamental patterns added a beautiful touch.

Overall, the shoes had a conservative flair, exuding a subtle charm without being overt, lacking any hint of wear and tear—perfectly aligning with Celestial aesthetics.

After reviewing them, Chu Yang expressed his gratitude to Yu Hui and closed the chat window.

Staring at the images on his phone, Chu Yang felt reassured; these shoes seemed purchasable.

The current dilemma, however, was sourcing the merchandise.

Previously, he would bulk order from 1688, where the clothing was affordable and varied, ideal for small retailers to stock up.

Yet, the Celestial taste demanded not just style but also durability.

Despite the low cost of goods on 1688, the quality often left much to be desired.

Eager to earn soul stones, Chu Yang couldn't risk deceiving the deities with subpar products, as it would inevitably lead to a decline in his shop's ratings and possibly its closure.

After much contemplation, an idea sparked in Chu Yang's mind.

Instead of sourcing from 1688, he could explore the upscale department stores, home to numerous renowned brand boutiques, where he might stumble upon the right pair of shoes.

On Friday, Chu Yang finished his midday classes and hailed a cab to the city center.

Silver Tower, the largest department store in Esterphis, housed many prestigious international brands.

Chu Yang browsed through the store but couldn't help feeling a twinge of disappointment.

The selection of shoes in the brand-name boutiques leaned towards trendy fashion, which seemed somewhat at odds with the classical and ethereal style of the Celestial.

"Sir, I've noticed you've been browsing the mall for quite some time. Would you like to come in and take a break?"

Chu Yang was on the verge of departing when he suddenly heard a voice from behind him.

Turning, he spotted a young sales associate in a black dress standing nearby, offering him a warm smile.

"Glorious Splendor."

Chu Yang glanced at the store's name and inquired, "Do you carry high heels here?"

"Yes, sir, our store specializes in women's apparel, including shoes, all of which are handcrafted. Please, feel free to come in and have a look."

The sales associate gestured invitingly.

Having roamed the mall for quite a while, Chu Yang was starting to feel weary. Tempted by her enthusiasm, he decided to step inside.

The shop's name had a poetic ring to it, and its interior decor leaned towards a classic style.

Upon entering, Chu Yang's eyes brightened, and he began to look forward to what he might find.

"Sir, are you looking to buy a gift for your girlfriend? I could recommend some of our best-selling styles," the sales associate offered, her smile growing as she noticed him examining a pair of shoes.

Chu Yang shook his head, "No, that's alright. You go ahead and assist the other customers. I'll call you over if I find something."

"Okay, if you say so."

The young sales associate felt a twinge of disappointment at his response; customers who spoke like that often weren't very serious about making a purchase.

Just then, another sales associate approached, rolling her eyes as she chided, "Xiao Hui, are you clueless? Look at that guy's outfit; he's obviously not wealthy. Do you really think he can afford anything in here?"

"Sister Liu, keep it down, will you? Don't let him hear you," Xiao Hui implored, casting a nervous glance at Chu Yang and pleading with Sister Liu.

Sister Liu sneered at Chu Yang dismissively, "What does it matter if he hears? Just look at him, dressed in knockoff clothes and wearing counterfeit Adidas. There's no way he can afford our shoes!"

"This isn't necessarily the case."

Xiao Hui stole a glance at Chu Yang, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"I don't have time for this; you'll see soon enough."

As a middle-aged couple entered the store, Sister Liu's face brightened. She quickly donned a welcoming smile and approached them.

Meanwhile, Chu Yang, while selecting shoes, overheard bits of their conversation. He had more pressing matters at hand, though, and chose not to engage with the likes of Liu.

It must be acknowledged that when it comes to classical clothing and footwear, domestic craftsmanship is unmatched. The shoes in this store bore a striking resemblance to the Fairy of Moon's designs.

After much deliberation, Chu Yang settled on a pair of black, vintage swan velvet high heels. Adorned with golden flowers, sparkling crystals, and polished rivets, they exuded elegance and personality.

"Could I get some assistance over here, please?"

Chu Yang set the shoes aside and gestured for Xiao Hui to come closer.

"Sir, may I assist you with something?"

Despite Sister Liu's earlier mockery, Xiao Hui maintained a respectful demeanor towards Chu Yang.

Chu Yang shot a sidelong glance at Sister Liu, who had just bid farewell to the browsing couple, and then announced loudly, "I'll take these shoes in every size from 36 to 40, one pair each!"


Xiao Hui was taken aback.

This was a first for her as a sales assistant, to receive such an unusual request.

"What's the matter? Are you out of stock?"

Chu Yang noticed her hesitation and pressed for an answer.

"We do have them, but are you sure you want so many? They're quite expensive..."

Xiao Hui ventured cautiously.

Catching Sister Liu's skeptical gaze, Chu Yang couldn't resist showing off a bit, "It's just a few pairs of shoes. It's not like I can't afford them. I'll pay upfront, and you can restock later. That should settle it, right?"

The shoes were priced at 2600 yuan, a considerable sum even among luxury brands.

Chu Yang, however, didn't bother to negotiate. He simply scanned a QR code with his phone and paid in full.

It wasn't until the payment confirmation chimed that the two sales assistants realized Chu Yang was serious.

Xiao Hui's face flushed with excitement as she successfully closed the deal. She eagerly told Chu Yang, "Sir, please hold on for a moment. I'll have it wrapped up for you in no time."

Catching a glimpse of Sister Liu, Chu Yang noticed her eyes filled with a mix of envy and jealousy directed at Xiao Hui, which brought a smile to his face.

Xiao Hui stood to make at least a thousand yuan in commission from this transaction.

What was even more remarkable was how effortlessly the money was earned. From start to finish, she had done nothing more than welcome Chu Yang into the store for a rest, and without any further ado, the deal was sealed.

In contrast, Sister Liu had spent a considerable amount of time pitching to a couple, only to be met with silence, not even a word of thanks, as they departed. It was truly a case of comparison being the thief of joy.

Xiao Hui was adept and efficient; she quickly wrapped the shoes and handed Chu Yang the receipt.

Just before departing, Chu Yang turned to Sister Liu and inquired, "Have you ever read a novel called 'Battle of the Heaven'?"

Sister Liu responded with a puzzled look, "No, I haven't."

With a knowing glance, Chu Yang advised as he left, "You should give it a read. There's a line spoken by the protagonist that you might find quite enlightening."

Curiosity piqued, Sister Liu later searched for it on her phone, only to find the quote: "Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, don't underestimate the young and destitute!"

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