My Celestial Store System/C12 He Was Ready to Strike
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My Celestial Store System/C12 He Was Ready to Strike
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C12 He Was Ready to Strike

After that incident, Chu Yang was hardly fazed.

He had grown accustomed to Yang Wanli's taunts and had developed a thick skin.

Having enjoyed a bowl of rice noodles at a street stall, Chu Yang picked up his belongings and headed towards his apartment complex.

Arriving downstairs, he ran into his landlord, Wang Sis.

Wang Sis, a well-to-do middle-aged woman, greeted Chu Yang with enthusiasm.

After exchanging pleasantries, Wang Sis inquired, "Chu, your lease is almost up. Are you planning to renew, or should I list it with an agent soon?"

He had rented the apartment at the end of June, at 1,500 yuan per month, with a one-month deposit and three months paid upfront, and the lease was due to expire at month's end.

Chu Yang pondered for a moment. With Amazon now offering a warehousing option, he could upload his inventory directly, rendering the apartment superfluous.

"Sis Wang, I've decided not to renew the lease."

"Okay then. Please clean up the place when you can, and I'll return your deposit at the end of the month," Wang Sis said, nodding before she departed.

Back in his room, Chu Yang began sorting through the clothes stacked in the corner.

With the lease ending, he needed to clear out the backlogged items quickly.

The clothes were of poor quality and certainly couldn't be sold to discerning customers.

But selling them at a discount to the general public could still be worthwhile.

Hence, Chu Yang entertained the idea of setting up a street stall.

Twenty minutes later, Chu Yang, lugging two large bags of clothes and gasping for breath, arrived at Fifth Road outside Northwich University.

This street was home to numerous small vendors, and during holidays, it would buzz with life and the constant calls of traders.

Chu Yang spread out newspapers on the ground, arranged the clothes, and began his pitch.

"Clearance sale! Buy one, get one free; buy two, get two free. The more you buy, the more you get!"

His booming voice drew the gaze of many students.

Before long, a short-haired girl approached, her curiosity piqued, and asked, "How much for this denim skirt, boss?"

"This one's $100, buy one get one free!"

The short-haired girl's eyes widened in astonishment as she flipped through the denim skirt, murmuring with hesitation, "It's so cheap. Could there be something wrong with the quality?"

Chu Yang offered a wry smile and explained, "I'm really just clearing out stock, selling at cost. Even with the freebie, I'm taking a $50 hit."

"Alright then, I'll take this one. And you'll throw in another skirt for free, right?"

"No problem."

Pleased with his quick agreement, the short-haired girl happily paid and left.

With the first sale under his belt, Chu Yang's stall began to buzz with activity.

The other vendors around claimed to be liquidating stock with huge markdowns, but when it came down to it, their prices were steep. Charging $150 for clothing that cost them $50 was not unheard of.

But Chu Yang was different. He was genuinely selling at half price, as if he were doing a favor for someone else, without any attachment to the profits.

After wrapping up another sale, the man selling clothes at the next stall sidled up to Chu Yang.

"Bro, where do you get these clothes so cheap? Can you give me a tip?" he asked, offering Chu Yang a cigarette with a hopeful look.


Chu Yang replied without looking up.

The merchant, clearly unfamiliar with online commerce, looked puzzled and made a mental note to do some research.

Chu Yang's stall was thriving, leaving the others in the cold.

The same merchant, after much deliberation, approached again. "Bro, you seem eager to sell. How about you sell me your stock in bulk?"

"In bulk?"

Chu Yang did some quick math. He still had over thirty pieces of clothing, which could take a while to sell individually.

Selling in bulk would indeed save him a considerable amount of time.

"Alright then, there's $1,500 worth of goods left. They're all yours."

"You're a man of action," the merchant said with a grin, proceeding to tally the goods.

Once Chu Yang received the payment, he counted a total of $2,800.

He must have paid at least five or six thousand yuan for his inventory, so it's fair to say he took a significant loss.

Right now, though, he wasn't in the mood to dwell on these losses. The priority was to capitalize on the buzz tomorrow!

The next morning, Chu Yang rose early and headed to the supermarket to stock up on instant noodles and drinks before spending the rest of his morning refreshing Amazon on his phone.

He had uploaded the high heels he purchased the day before to the warehouse, but since the pricing at Moon Palace was still unknown, he couldn't list his items for sale just yet.

By noon, Amazon Store showed no updates about Moon Palace, and Chu Yang was growing impatient. He was eager to sell the shoes quickly to trade for some magical tomes, hoping to resolve Yang Wanli's issue sooner rather than later.

Upon refreshing the homepage once more, the banner suddenly changed, revealing a new ad.

"New arrivals from Moon Palace are here, setting the trend with dazzling fashion!"

Chu Yang's spirits lifted when he saw the new dresses and high heels in the image.

He clicked on the high heels and quickly checked the price.

3999 soul stones!

As expected, Moon Palace's pricing was steep.

Without hesitation, Chu Yang listed the high heels from his warehouse for sale.

Concerned about setting the price too high and deterring customers, he settled on 1888 soul stones.

Getting customers to visit his shop right after listing wasn't guaranteed, especially with Chang'e's current strategy of creating scarcity. He'd have to wait until her items sold out before traffic might divert to his store.

Not one to rush, Chu Yang noticed it was lunchtime and decided to boil water for his instant noodles.

While waiting for his noodles, he felt it was wasteful to leave a slot empty, so he casually listed a bucket of instant noodles to fill the space.

"Ding dong."

No sooner had he exited the backend than his phone chimed.

A potential sale!

Chu Yang eagerly opened the chat to read the customer's message.

He Yurou: Shop Owner, how different are these shoes from Moon Palace's?

Chu Yang: Hello, the design style of our shoes is very similar to Moon Palace's, aside from the material differences. Plus, our shoes are a limited edition—only five pairs available in the entire Celestial!

He Yurou: Huh? That's it? I'll snap a picture right away.

"Your exquisite [Swan Velvet Classic Black Limited Edition High Heels] has been successfully sold!"

Seconds later, a notification popped up from the system.

To avert any dissatisfaction and potential negative reviews from buyers, Chu Yang even went the extra mile to send a friendly reminder: Dear customer, our store offers a same-day, no-questions-asked return policy. If there's anything you're unhappy with, please reach out to the shopkeeper. If you're pleased with your purchase, we'd appreciate it if you could promptly confirm receipt and perhaps leave a five-star review for our product!

The after-sales service terms were also clearly outlined in the product details.

Some might see this as overkill.

However, that's not the case. Chu Yang's message, while seemingly well-intentioned, also served as a nudge for buyers to quickly leave positive feedback.

Many buyers aren't in the habit of actively confirming receipt, often waiting for the system to do it automatically.

This detail shouldn't be overlooked; a timely reminder can boost positive review rates by at least 20%!

True to form, He Yurou, upon receiving the message, found Chu Yang to be very thoughtful and swiftly confirmed receipt, leaving a glowing review in return.

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