My Celestial Store System/C19 There Is Still a Long Future
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My Celestial Store System/C19 There Is Still a Long Future
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C19 There Is Still a Long Future

"Alright, let's put an end to this matter. From now on, you two are even and owe each other nothing. No more trouble-making, understood? Focus your energy on your studies—that's the right path."

After resolving the issue, Liu Meng gave them a stern talking-to and then left the classroom.

On the way back to the dorm, Zhao Chen couldn't help but ask, "Yang, are you really going to let Yang Wanli off the hook after what he did to you? That lets him off way too easy, doesn't it?"

Chu Yang responded with a smile, "Of course not. I won't let him off that easily, but the time isn't right yet. He'll have his day of regret."

"What's your plan?"

Wang Lei looked around cautiously and whispered his question.

"I'll make him kneel and beg for mercy, of course."

"Damn, you make it sound so real."

The others rolled their eyes, clearly skeptical of his claim.

Chu Yang just laughed along. His current lack of strength made any claims futile, but in time, they would see and believe.


Chu Yang's Amazon shop had been thriving in recent days.

He had previously struck a deal with the God of Cookery: Chu Yang would provide creative culinary ideas for free, and in return, the God of Cookery would promote his shop to draw in more customers.

Since the instant noodles had cured the Jade Emperor's anorexia, word had spread far and wide. Many deities came out of curiosity, eager to discover the magic behind the noodles.

Of course, some deities wanted to taste for themselves, and at just 100 soul stones, it was a price many could afford.

Truth be told, while Chu Yang's shop stocked well-regarded brands of instant noodles, the deities were discerning customers. They would know at first taste whether the noodles were truly good and of practical value.

Chu Yang's biggest concern was that the deities might be too picky, and a negative review would be disastrous if the noodles didn't meet their standards.

Yet, to his surprise, that never happened. Contrary to his fears, the instant noodles received a 100% approval rating with not a single negative review!

Initially, Chu Yang thought the deities genuinely enjoyed the taste of the noodles. It wasn't until he spoke with the God of Cookery that he understood the real reason behind the lack of negative feedback.

What are instant noodles?

They're the gourmet treat that cured the Jade Emperor of his anorexia!

If you were to publicly criticize them, claiming they taste terrible and offer no benefits to cultivation, wouldn't that be akin to slapping the Jade Emperor himself?

As a result, instant noodles received nothing but glowing reviews.

Some even penned lengthy essays of praise, likening instant noodles to the most exquisite delicacies, which made Chu Yang blush.

With the surge in patronage, the shop was receiving seven or eight orders daily, and sales were steadily climbing. At this rate, the monthly income could easily reach tens of thousands of soul stones.

For the average person, that amount of soul stones represented a fortune. Yet for cultivators, it was merely a drop in the bucket.

Since Chu Yang had entered the Foundation Building stage, his need for cultivation resources had skyrocketed, forcing him to pause his training.

"Ding! The God of Cookery invites you to join the 'Celestial Sellers Group'!"

While Chu Yang was strategizing his next move to fleece the deities, a system alert caught him by surprise.

A sellers group?

He was momentarily taken aback, then filled with elation.

Could it be that all the deities with Amazon stores were in this group?

With this thought, he eagerly accepted the invitation.

"Welcome to the Celestial Sellers Group. Newcomers, please follow the group rules. Refrain from posting any inappropriate comments, or you'll be promptly removed from the group!"

No sooner had he joined the group than a notice popped up.

Then, the group chat exploded with messages.

God of Cookery: @Everyone, we have a new member. Come and see!

Taibai Jinxing: Warm welcomes!

Floral Goddess: Welcome to the group...

Yue Lao: Where's the newcomer? Why so quiet?


Chu Yang glanced at the flurry of messages and felt a rush of excitement.

The deities in this group were all renowned figures in the Celestial World, and here they were, warmly welcoming him without a hint of pretension.

After much deliberation, Chu Yang still felt a bit nervous. He politely introduced himself, "As a newcomer, I hope the veterans in this group will look after me."

Having sent that message, Chu Yang quickly messaged God of Cookery privately, "Bro, why did you suddenly decide to add me to the seller's group?"

God of Cookery responded, "It's the Queen Mother's directive. She wants us to bring in more new members to the Amazon account to prevent the group from becoming stagnant."

Chu Yang chuckled in response, "So I'm here to liven things up, huh?"

God of Cookery replied with a laugh, "Sort of. But keep an eye out—the big shots in the group often give out red packets. You might just snag some great stuff."

Chu Yang couldn't help but smile at this. He eagerly opened the seller's group, not wanting to miss out on any red packets from the heavy hitters.

The group was buzzing with activity, with many immortals engaging in lively discussions.

Great Monad announced, "In a few days, my store will be launching new pills. I'd appreciate everyone's support."

Lee Jing complimented, "Anything from Great Monad is top-notch. We'll definitely be there to support you."

The immortals all agreed, promising to patronize the business on the day of the launch.

Suddenly, a discordant message popped up in the group.

Sun Wukong warned, "@everyone, don't buy from him even if your life depends on it. That old guy runs a shady business, and you'll regret any purchase!"

Chu Yang was torn between laughter and tears. Great Monad was no ordinary figure, and in the Celestial realm, probably only Sun Wukong would dare to address him so boldly.

Great Monad retorted, "You're not even a seller. How did you sneak into this group?"

Sun Wukong shot back, "Sneak in? Don't make me laugh, old man. I, Old Sun, have opened my own shop and have every right to be here!"

The immortals were taken aback, not expecting the monkey to have set up shop too.

Curious, Chu Yang checked out Sun Wukong's profile and visited his store, which left him speechless.

Name: Flowerfruit Mountain

Owner: Sun Wukong

Established: Three days ago

Reputation: None

Sun Wukong's shop had only been open for a few days, and it lacked any sort of decoration. The shelves were bare, not a single treasure in sight, making it seem even less appealing than Chu Yang's establishment.

The deities were bemused and peppered him with questions.

Mother of Lightning: Great Sage, with a name like Flowerfruit Mountain, are you planning to sell local specialties from Huaguo Mountain?

Lee Jing: Exactly, what's on offer at your shop? Should we come by and show some support?

The deities: …

Sun Wukong was taken aback by the barrage of questions.

Ever since the Celestial deities sealed the passage to the human realm over a thousand years ago, he hadn't set foot in Huaguo Mountain. There were no local products to sell.

When Sun Wukong remained silent, the deities assumed he had retreated into seclusion and began to speculate amongst themselves.

Ao Guang: I think the Great Sage could sell his monkey fur. Plucking just one strand could serve as a clone. The sales would be impressive.

Taibai Jinxing: That's not advisable. If he plucked all his fur, he'd be left with nothing. Moreover, the Great Sage only has three precious strands of hair gifted by Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Those are not for sale.

Mountain God: With the Great Sage's vast array of skills, any item he chose to sell would likely sell out instantly.

Taibai Jinxing: That's even more problematic. The skills the Great Sage has mastered were imparted by Ancestor Subhuti. They shouldn't be sold off lightly.


After much discussion, the deities concluded that it would be quite a challenge for Sun Wukong's shop to take off.

Chu Yang observed Sun Wukong's shop and empathized with his plight.

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