My Celestial Store System/C20 Fiery Golden Eyes
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My Celestial Store System/C20 Fiery Golden Eyes
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C20 Fiery Golden Eyes

It's common knowledge that in order to grow an Amazon store, not only do you need savvy operational tactics, but you also require a source of high-quality goods.

While operational strategies are crucial, the supply of goods is the true cornerstone of any store. Without it, all efforts are in vain.

Chu Yang learned this the hard way when he first opened his shop. With no supply chain in place, he was forced to source a large quantity of uncompetitive clothing from 1688, which garnered no interest whatsoever.

Sun Wukong's situation was even more dire. He essentially had nothing to offer, making the idea of opening a shop nothing more than a pipe dream.

As everyone lamented their plight, Sun Wukong quietly exited the group chat.

Truth be told, he had opened his shop on a whim, without any real plan for the future.

But as the others pointed it out, his pride kicked in, and he began to seriously consider how to get his store off the ground.

After much thought, a lightbulb went off for Sun Wukong.

Who says I, Old Sun, have nothing to sell?

Sure, I can't share spells like the Seventy-Two Transformations or the Cloud-Somersault, but the Fiery Eyes of Truth are my own creation!

With that in mind, Sun Wukong took out a jade slip and inscribed all the essential details of the technique onto it.

The Fiery Eyes of Truth was his signature skill, which had helped him unmask countless demons and spirits on his journey to obtain the scriptures. It was incredibly useful, and he knew it wouldn't come cheap.

As Sun Wukong uploaded the jade slip and pondered the pricing, his finger accidentally grazed the listing button.

"Ding! Your 'Fiery Eyes of Truth' is now live!"

Hearing the prompt, Sun Wukong was baffled. I haven't even set the price yet, how could it be live already?

Unfamiliar with the seller's interface, Sun Wukong was flustered and at a loss for how to remove the listing.

Meanwhile, Chu Yang had just finished browsing Sun Wukong's shop and was about to check out the celestial banter in the group chat.

Suddenly, his phone screen lit up with a notification about a newly listed item.

Fiery Eyes of Truth!

Chu Yang was intimately familiar with the name, having encountered it frequently in the classic "Journey to the West" during his childhood.

Yet, when he laid eyes on the price tag of this treasure, his expression shifted from puzzlement to a flushed excitement.

Ten soul stones!

The renowned Fiery Eyes of Truth, as thunderous in fame as it was, was being sold for such a bargain. This was the minimum price set by the system!

Was Sun Wukong hosting some grand opening sale?

Chu Yang scoffed internally, though his actions betrayed no hesitation.

"Ding! Congratulations on your purchase. Would you like to retrieve the item?"

"Retrieve it!"

Determined to confirm its authenticity, Chu Yang promptly extracted the jade slip.

He was well-versed in using the jade slip. By channeling a thread of spiritual sense into it, the slip transformed into a beam of light that soared into his consciousness.

"The Fiery Eyes of Truth, a technique devised by the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, the Victorious Fighting Buddha, the Monkey King Sun Wukong, can discern the finest detail and distinguish spirits from demons..."

The spell's introduction was laden with Sun Wukong's boastful praise, elevating the technique to an unparalleled status, as if it were the foremost spell across all realms.

Chu Yang had no patience for such fluff and skipped straight to the main content to learn the spell.

Some time later, Chu Yang rose from his bed and, as per Sun Wukong's guidance, he summoned the spiritual energy within his dantian, directing it slowly towards his eyes.

"Fiery Eyes of Truth!"

He whispered the incantation, and his eyes abruptly snapped open.

In a flash, a piercing gaze burst forth, reaching into the distance.

Directly across from the male dormitory was the female dormitory building.

The girls often drew their curtains during the day for privacy.

Chu Yang's gaze settled on one such curtain and, to his amazement, it effortlessly penetrated the barrier.

This revelation thrilled Chu Yang; the technique also possessed the ability to see through objects!

But before he could get a clear view of the scene beyond, a sudden, intense pain erupted in his dantian.


Chu Yang couldn't help but exclaim as he collapsed straight to the ground.

When the guys in the dorm heard the noise, they all came over to see what was happening.

Seeing Chu Yang clutching his stomach and groaning, Zhao Chen asked with concern, "Yang, what's wrong with you?"

It took a while, but Chu Yang finally caught his breath and managed a weak smile. "I think I ate something bad. I'll be okay."

Relieved by his response, everyone relaxed a bit.

After resting for a bit, Chu Yang got back up. He had forgotten that he had only recently reached the Foundation Building Stage when he used the Fiery Eyes of Truth, which led to an excessive drain of spiritual energy in his dantian, causing the intense pain.

"I need to increase my cultivation level to fully utilize the Fiery Eyes of Truth," he realized.

He had used the ability for barely five seconds, and it had completely depleted all the spiritual energy in his dantian!

After some more rest, Chu Yang noticed someone had mentioned him in the group chat and quickly checked it.

He saw that the message was from a few minutes earlier.

Sun Wukong: @Chu Yang, did you buy my Fiery Eyes of Truth?

Following his message, other deities chimed in.

Clairvoyant: Great Sage, did you really put the Fiery Eyes of Truth up for sale? How much?

Ao Guang: The price must be steep, surely no less than a hundred and eighty thousand soul stones.

Yang Jian: The Fiery Eyes of Truth from Sun Wukong are nothing special, several notches below my Heavenly Eyes. I reckon they'd have to be given away for free to find any takers.

After Yang Jian's comment, the deities erupted into laughter once more.

Reading these messages, Sun Wukong was seething with anger. He was already frustrated by his accidental sale, and now he had to endure their mockery.

At that moment, Chu Yang responded in the group chat: I'm the one who bought it. May I know why the Great Sage is asking?

Sun Wukong had intended to find an excuse to get the jade slip back, but it wasn't easy to ask in such a public setting.

If these guys found out that he had botched the pricing on his very first deal, they'd tease him for millennia.

After a moment's thought, Sun Wukong replied: "Have you mastered the Fiery Eyes of Truth I sold you?"

Chu Yang: I've learned it. Great Sage, your magical prowess is truly profound; this divine ability is exceptionally mysterious and has indeed broadened my horizons.

Upon hearing this, Sun Wukong realized that his hope of retrieving the jade slip was dashed. However, flattered by the compliments, he felt too sheepish to quibble with Chu Yang and decided to feign magnanimity, saying, "You've got good taste. I'll consider this a favor from me, Old Sun, to you. Make sure to support my business in the future."

Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief upon reading the message. He had anticipated Sun Wukong's motive, so he lavished praise on him to keep him appeased.

At that moment, the deities in the group began tagging Chu Yang, inquiring about the price he paid for the Fiery Golden Eyes. Chu Yang promptly replied, "The Great Sage's Shop has them for sale. Feel free to check it out."

In just a brief time, Sun Wukong had relisted a magical jade slip for sale. [Fiery Golden Eyes], with a price tag of 2,888,888 soul stones! This was an astronomical sum for Chu Yang, and the deities also found it quite exorbitant.

There were numerous spells in the Celestial with similar effects, and it was only Sun Wukong's unique creation that added a touch of rarity. Nevertheless, nearly three million soul stones was steep, prompting the deities to unanimously declare it out of their price range.

After some time observing, the chatter in the group died down. Chu Yang shut down Amazon, ready to take a break, when a knock at the door interrupted him.

Wang Lei answered the door to find Wu Guan from the neighboring room entering with an armful of flyers. "Hey, everyone's here? I'm handing out flyers for a part-time gig. Hope I'm not bothering you..."

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