My Celestial Store System/C5 Beauty That Could Topple Countries
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My Celestial Store System/C5 Beauty That Could Topple Countries
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C5 Beauty That Could Topple Countries

"Whoever insults me is asking for it."

Chu Yang was not one to back down and quickly shot back with a retort.

Zhao Qian hadn't expected him to be so forthright, and she was so infuriated that she was shaking all over.

However, upon seeing the bag in Chu Yang's hand, she suddenly sneered with contempt.

"Heh, what a jerk. You were pursuing me last semester, and now you've already moved on to someone else? And look at the junk you're buying. Lovesick Bean? I've never even heard of such a pathetic name. Using such cheap trinkets to woo a girl, I suggest you don't waste your time!"

Chu Yang regarded her coolly, thinking that she was being incredibly materialistic.

Back when he was giving her gifts, she didn't mind how inexpensive they were. Now that she had set her sights higher, her standards had apparently risen as well.

Inspired by Zhao Qian, Yang Wanli, who was standing nearby, waved the bags in his hand and seized the chance to taunt Chu Yang.

"When giving gifts, you should at least consider something of Tiffany or Chanel caliber. If any girl accepts your flea market finds, I'll eat my words on a live stream."

The bags Chu Yang held were promotional items he had received when ordering from 1688; indeed, they were from a lesser-known brand.

Truth be told, the snide remarks from these two were quite irritating.

Bystanders were gathering at the entrance of the women's dormitory, stopping to watch the confrontation unfold.

Chu Yang was seething, contemplating his next move, when he heard someone call out, "Chu Yang, what do you want with me?"

He turned to see Su Yue approaching gracefully.

She must have just taken a shower; her jet-black hair cascaded down her back, and she was dressed in a white polo shirt and black hot pants, showcasing her slender, shapely legs that were enough to make one's head spin.

Chu Yang managed only a fleeting glance before quickly looking away, worried that staring any longer might cause him to salivate.

"Um, I thought this dress would suit you perfectly, so I wanted to give it to you..."

With a hint of blush on his cheeks, Chu Yang stepped forward and offered her the bag.

Previously, giving gifts to girls had never made him feel so awkward.

But today was different. Surrounded by a crowd of onlookers, he felt the weight of their stares, and even his usually thick skin began to falter.

Su Yue's eyes landed on the bag he was holding.


It sounded like a brand he hadn't heard of before. Without a second thought, he knew it must be from his clothing line.

"Chu Yang, you're aware that I never accept gifts from anyone, so I'm sorry, but I have to decline," she said.

Su Yue was smiling, but her tone was resolute.

It wasn't that she disliked the dress; rather, she was aware of his outstanding debt and knew it wouldn't be easy for him to recoup the money, prompting her firm refusal.

Chu Yang felt a twinge of disappointment upon her refusal.

He understood that Su Yue came from a family that valued strict principles and disapproved of such exchanges of favors. Influenced by her father, she naturally disliked accepting gifts.

Yet, the dress was no ordinary item. Her outright rejection without even a glance stung Chu Yang with a sense of unwillingness.

"I told you before, no one would want your trashy products. See, I was right all along. Hahaha!" Yang Wanli gloated nearby.

Su Yue, who had arrived late, missed their earlier conversation. Hearing Yang Wanli's taunts, she quickly pieced together what had transpired.

No wonder Chu Yang looked so upset after her refusal; he had been ridiculed.

"Well, then. I have another class soon, so I should get going," Chu Yang said, feigning nonchalance.

He had intended to repay a favor, but since Su Yue wasn't interested, it could wait for another time.


Just then, Su Yue called out.

"What is it?"

"I wasn't finished speaking," she said, shooting Yang Wanli an annoyed look. "I've been needing a new dress and haven't had the time to shop. Since you've brought this one right to me, I might as well try it on. If it fits, you can sell it to me at cost. How does that sound?"


Chu Yang was taken aback, but catching her reassuring wink, he quickly grasped that she was offering him a way out.

Upon hearing Su Yue's words, Yang Wanli's smile stiffened on his face.

Judging by Su Yue's attire, her clothes weren't entirely designer labels, but they certainly weren't cheap. Her comment about wanting to buy Chu Yang's "shabby" clothes seemed like a deliberate jab to make him look bad.

Yang Wanli's face turned a shade of iron as he watched, while Chu Yang couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. Handing over the bag, he whispered, "Relax, once you try it on, you won't want to give it back."

"Big talk... I'm going upstairs to try it on. If it's actually nice, I'll spread the word for you."

Su Yue gave him a dismissive glance before walking away.

Yang Wanli watched their close interaction, grinding his teeth in frustration.

Back in his freshman year, he had pursued Su Yue too.

Sadly, she had shown no interest in a rich second-generation like him, returning all the gifts he had sent her. He couldn't believe she was now showing interest in such a bargain item!

Wasn't that just low?

After Su Yue departed, the crowd didn't scatter but grew, buzzing with curiosity and eager for the latest scoop.

As a freshman, Su Yue had been crowned the campus belle and was extremely popular at Northwich University. The line of boys chasing after her could have circled the track twice.

Moreover, her talents were remarkable. By her sophomore year, she was elected vice president of the student council. Coupled with her family's influence, anything she did at school was met with significant attention.

So, when word got out that she had accepted a gift from Chu Yang, the girls were abuzz with curiosity, dying to know what he had given her.

This time, Su Yue was gone longer than usual, and the crowd waiting downstairs was growing impatient.

"She's taking forever. Why hasn't she come out yet?"

At the corridor's entrance, a girl vented to her roommates.

No sooner had she spoken than her gaze fixed on the staircase, and she gasped in disbelief:

"This, this, it's so gorgeous!"

All eyes followed her gaze to see Su Yue at the top of the stairs.

She was now dressed in a white cloud-patterned long dress, with a ribbon cinching her waist, giving her a willowy figure. Her arms were lightly covered in white chiffon, her delicate skin peeking through, and she had slipped into a pair of silver-white high heels.

As she moved, the gentle sway of her skirt occasionally revealed her alabaster-like feet.

The outfit made Su Yue look even more ethereal and transcendent, elevating her entire aura. Merely descending the stairs, she gave off the impression of gliding through the clouds.

"What an enchanting dress!"

All the girls present were captivated, their eyes brimming with admiration and envy.

Yang Wanli, standing nearby, was visibly transfixed, swallowing hard as if he couldn't resist the urge to devour Su Yue whole.

Chu Yang, on the other hand, maintained his composure, not showing any sign of being overly impressed.

Still, he hadn't anticipated the dramatic transformation in Su Yue's demeanor once she donned the dress.

The sight evoked a poem in his mind:

"In the north resides a beauty, peerless and unrivaled. A single glance can conquer a city, another glance, a nation..."

Time seemed to stand still until a girl beside Chu Yang suddenly seized his arm, her voice trembling with excitement, "Classmate, where did you get this dress? I have to have one!"

The rest of the crowd snapped to attention and swarmed around.

"I want one too! I want one too!"

"Stop shoving, there's a line you know!"


The girls, previously lost in their reverie, now surged toward Chu Yang with an enthusiasm reminiscent of the fervor seen in middle-aged women during overseas shopping sprees.

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