My Celestial Store System/C6 This Was Not for Sale
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My Celestial Store System/C6 This Was Not for Sale
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C6 This Was Not for Sale

After about fifteen minutes, the girls finally released Chu Yang.

The noise had been so loud that the dormitory supervisors thought a brawl had broken out and summoned the security team.

Chu Yang, shielded by the guards, was on the verge of tears from the ordeal.

His clothes were ripped to shreds. It was like an attack by a horde of female bandits!

"Ladies, this dress is currently sold out. If you're still interested, you can add me on WhatsApp, and I'll notify you once it's back in stock."

With the girls still eyeing him like prey, Chu Yang had to think of a compromise.

At his suggestion, the girls stirred with renewed excitement.

"Junior, add me first. My WhatsApp is XXXXXXX."

"Chu Yang, we're classmates. Can't you give me a little insider help?"

"Senior, I really want to buy it too, could you scan mine first..."

Faced with the situation, Chu Yang reluctantly pulled out his WhatsApp QR code for them to scan one by one.

A short distance away, Yang Wanli watched the spectacle with a look of utter distaste.

He hadn't attracted such a crowd of girls even when he'd driven his sports car to campus a few days earlier.

Yet Chu Yang, with just a simple trick, had a throng of girls eager to add him on WhatsApp.

Had they all lost their minds?

Meanwhile, Zhao Qian was feeling even more discontented. She eyed Su Yue's ethereal dress with a mix of envy and jealousy.

Her recent purchases—a Gucci bag, Chanel perfume, and a Tiffany bracelet—suddenly seemed trivial in comparison.

"Darling! I want a dress like that too!"

Out of the blue, Zhao Qian wrapped her arms around Yang Wanli's arm and pouted charmingly.

"Quit it, didn't you hear Chu Yang say the dress is out of stock?" Yang Wanli said, glaring at her with impatience.

"Then I want the one Su Yue is wearing!"

Zhao Qian persisted, shaking Yang Wanli's arm.

"Do you really expect me to strip it off her for you?" Yang Wanli said, feeling defeated as he looked at the composed Su Yue, knowing full well he couldn't provoke her influential family.

"We could just buy it, couldn't we? Chu Yang still owes you money, doesn't he? If you want to buy it, he wouldn't dare refuse to sell it to you, right?"

Zhao Qian, seeing that he remained unfazed, came up with another plan.

"Exactly! Money talks. Chu Yang owes me a hefty sum. If I ask him to sell, he has no reason to refuse."

Yang Wanli's eyes sparkled at the idea. He confidently addressed Chu Yang, "I'll take that dress. How much do you want for it?"

Chu Yang, with a frosty demeanor, replied while looking at Su Yue, "Sorry, it's not for sale."

"You're just trying to play hardball to jack up the price. Let's cut to the chase: ten thousand, I'll take it off your hands!" Yang Wanli said with a scoff.


The girls around them gasped in astonishment. They couldn't believe this guy was offering ten thousand right out of the gate. Did his family own a gold mine or something?

But Chu Yang simply shook his head, "I said it's not for sale. Look elsewhere."

"Chu Yang, don't get greedy. I'm already giving you a lot of respect... Twenty thousand, take it or leave it!" Yang Wanli said, his face turning a shade of iron, his teeth clenched.

Yet, Chu Yang remained impassive, not even sparing him a glance.

"For crying out loud, I'll offer fifty thousand! This is your last chance. Miss it, and you might as well wait for another lifetime!" Yang Wanli blurted out in frustration.

The dormitory fell into a hush at his words. The girls all turned to Chu Yang, eager to hear his response.

This time, Chu Yang finally took action. He pocketed his WhatsApp and strode over to Su Yue.

"Looks like he's reconsidering. Does he want to take the dress back now?"

The girls murmured among themselves, wondering if any guy could resist such an offer.

After all, fifty thousand was a significant sum for a college student used to living on around two thousand a month.

Su Yue watched him approach, a tinge of disappointment in her heart.

Truth be told, she had offered to buy the dress initially to spare Chu Yang any embarrassment.

But once she tried it on, she instantly adored it.

Now, the thought of Chu Yang selling it to Yang Wanli made her quite reluctant to part with it.

While Su Yue wrestled with her feelings, Chu Yang had already reached her side.

"Class monitor, you look stunning in that dress. It's yours now, just don't forget to spread the word," Chu Yang said with a smile before turning to Yang Wanli. "Oh, and let's not forget someone promised a live broadcast of a rather unsavory eating challenge. I'll be waiting to see that."

With a wave, Chu Yang bid Su Yue farewell and left. It wasn't until he was well out of sight that Yang Wanli snapped out of his daze, noticing the girls were all snickering. In a panic, he grabbed Zhao Qian and they made a hasty retreat.


As Chu Yang strolled down the tree-lined path, he felt completely at ease.

His poised exit must have infuriated Yang Wanli to the point where he might lose his appetite for days. And his nonchalant departure, as if leaving no trace behind, surely left an impression on Su Yue and the other girls.

The thought of Yang Wanli trying to dismiss him with a mere 50,000 yuan was laughable!

After classes that afternoon, Chu Yang couldn't leave Northwich University fast enough. Ever since those girls had added him, his WhatsApp had been buzzing nonstop. He was practically getting hand cramps from replying, and friend requests kept pouring in.

It wasn't an overstatement to say that Chu Yang now had the most female contacts on WhatsApp at Northwich University.

Back at his rental, he immediately logged onto Amazon. His storefront had been empty since the dress sold last night, and he needed to restock quickly.

"Congratulations! You've received a five-star review!"

A notification popped up, and Chu Yang saw that Jade Rabbit had left feedback.

"Fantastic skirt, I absolutely love it. Please let me know when new styles are available. Thanks!"

Jade Rabbit had even posted a buyer's show photo, featuring an elegant young girl in a chiffon dress with a rabbit motif.

"That must be Jade Rabbit. She seems like a teenager, pretty adorable," Chu Yang mused as he closed the page. He got up and went over to the corner of the living room, where he dug out all the chiffon dresses of the same design.

He had been persuaded by a supplier to buy a bulk lot of the same style, but none had sold, and they were now just gathering dust.

"Detected different sizes for the same product, would you like to list it?"

Chu Yang glanced over the clothing, and the interface prompted him once more.


This time, Chu Yang set the price at 200 soul stones.

Considering even Chang'e had taken an interest in this skirt, it stood to reason that other fairies might want to purchase it as well.

Once the listing was successful, all the chiffon skirts vanished.

Beneath the product title, options for five different sizes appeared, and the inventory number changed to 13.

"I can stack listings? Had I known this last night, I might have sold a few extra pieces."

Chu Yang felt a pang of regret. Having sold nothing for most of the day, it felt like he had lost a fortune!

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