My Celestial Store System/C7 Instant Sale
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My Celestial Store System/C7 Instant Sale
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C7 Instant Sale

After logging off Amazon, Chu Yang stood up and headed to the kitchen. He had been in such a rush today that he hadn't had time to stop by the cafeteria for a meal, leaving him no choice but to settle for instant noodles.

Chu Yang had his fair share of instant noodles growing up. Back then, his family was deep in debt to the bank, and his father worked tirelessly to pay it off, leaving little time to look after him. He was usually given some money to grab a bite outside. Aware of the hard work his father put into earning every dollar, Chu Yang would often save by eating instant noodles, stashing away the rest of the money for a rainy day.

Thankfully, despite his countless meals of instant noodles, Chu Yang's health hadn't suffered; all his physiological indicators were surprisingly normal.

You might wonder why there's no mention of his mother. That's a question Chu Yang would like answered himself. His father has always kept the truth from him, only mentioning that his mother had to leave them out of necessity.

As Chu Yang slurped his noodles, a striking ad popped up on the homepage banner of the Celestial Amazon Store: "Exciting news! After three years, the Fairy of Moon is back with another blockbuster release!" This announcement sent shockwaves through the Celestial Realm.


In the Jade Pool, within the Immortal Palace, the Queen Mother, ruler of the Celestial Realm, placed great importance on her reputation and status. She recognized the enormous potential and significance of the Celestial Amazon Store for enhancing her influence soon after its inception.

Capitalizing on her position, she swiftly opened a shop named 'Amazon in the Jade Pool.' Over millennia, this shop had evolved into a renowned brand specializing in women's products. However, the Queen Mother's Amazon store faced numerous insurmountable challenges during its growth, with Chang'e's Moon Palace being a notable hurdle.

The Queen Mother managed multiple brands, which dispersed her focus and resources, preventing her from achieving excellence in any single area. In the realm of fashion, Chang'e was not only a trendsetter but also held the title of chief clothing designer. The Moon Palace brand quickly gained recognition from the immortals of the Celestial Realm and became a trendsetter in its own right.

The Queen Mother of the Wang Family was not one to settle for second place; she was determined to outshine her competitors.

Despite pouring vast resources and energy into her efforts, she couldn't undermine the Moon Palace's dominant position.

Left with no other option, she reluctantly instructed her designers to imitate and copy Chang'e's creative ideas to sustain her brand's sales.

To her relief, Chang'e had been reclusive in recent years, not releasing any new designs for a long time, which caused the Moon Palace's influence to wane.

The Queen Mother saw this rare opportunity and seized it.

She began aggressively hiring designers and launching new clothing lines to capture the market.

Finally, the Jade Pool's clothing sales recently overtook those of the Moon Palace!

At the palace, the Queen Mother was resting.

"Your Majesty, disaster has struck!"

A maid burst in, her skirt bunched up in her haste, and cried out.

"Insolence! Why such panic? Have you forgotten your manners?" the Queen Mother snapped, her eyes flashing open.

Startled, the maid instinctively knelt, trembling as she reported, "Your Majesty, the Moon Palace has launched a new product."


A heavy feeling settled in the Queen Mother's heart.

Had Chang'e, after three years of inactivity, finally decided to make a comeback?

The Queen Mother's demeanor shifted as a transparent mirror materialized before her.

She was greeted by a prominent Moon Palace advertisement.

Clicking through, she was taken to an elegantly designed showcase page featuring a high-definition image of a dress—a 3D image that could be rotated a full 360 degrees.


Even the well-versed Queen Mother had to acknowledge the novelty of the dress's design upon seeing it.

None of her own designers could produce such a masterpiece!

With a sigh, the Queen Mother clicked the purchase link.

"The Moon Palace's 'Flowing Cloud' series unveils a new summer dress in the Fairy style, limited to 1000 pieces only!"

"Hmm, why a limited release?"

The Queen Mother was puzzled by the headline.

One would think that with such a breathtaking design, Chang'e would mass-produce to capitalize on the market gap. But a limited release? Was she not undermining her own success?

Struggling to make sense of it all, the Queen Mother didn't dwell on her confusion and carefully examined the price tag.

18888 soul stones!

This price was more than double that of the most expensive attire on the market.

Yet, within a mere minute of the item being listed, it was sold out!

This revelation brought back the Queen Mother's fear of being dominated by the Fairy of Moon.

After much contemplation, she finally issued an order.

"Proclaim my imperial edict. Command the wardrobe department to replicate the Celestial Silk Gown with all haste and stock the shelves immediately!"


In the dead of night, Chu Yang was roused by a persistent "ding, ding, ding!" from his phone.

Blearily, he rubbed his eyes and checked the screen.

To his astonishment, there were notifications for over ten items sold on his Amazon account.

"Holy cow, what's happening here?"

Staring at the items with depleted stock, Chu Yang was nearly bug-eyed.

How did this dress become such a hot seller all of a sudden?

"Ding dong!"

While he was still pondering, his Amazon account pinged again.

Little Fox Fairy: Pal, do you happen to have any more of these chiffon dresses in stock?

Chu Yang: Sorry, that's all there was, and they're all sold out now.

Little Fox Fairy: Oh, that's such a shame. I was too slow earlier, and they all got snatched up by others, waaah...

Chu Yang, thinking quickly, inquired, "May I ask where you came across this item?"

Little Fox Fairy: Haven't you heard? The Fairy of Moon just launched a new dress, but sadly, it sold out in a minute. Then, the site recommended the most similar item to me, and that's how I found you.

Ah, that explains it!

Anyone familiar with Amazon knows about the handy feature in the bottom right corner of the item page that allows you to search for similar items.

This feature lets you compare prices and find similar styles.

It never crossed my mind that the Celestial Amazon Store would have this feature too, but it certainly drove a wave of traffic to my shop.

All things considered, the total sales amounted to 2600 soul stones. I guess I can consider myself somewhat wealthy now!

After ending the chat, Chu Yang navigated to the Fairy of Moon's Amazon store.

Shop Name: Moon Palace

Owner: Chang'e

Store Age: 2900 years

Store Reputation: Double Crown Seller

In the Fairy of Moon's store, there was a limited selection of items, with only about a dozen different types of clothing available. However, the clothing was quite pricey. The least expensive item cost 3,000 soul stones, and the Celestial Silk Gown that the Fairy of Moon had given him was priced at a staggering 18,888 soul stones! Chu Yang felt a pang of regret when he saw the price; he had no idea the gown could fetch so many soul stones. Had he known, he would have never parted with it.

But it was just a fleeting thought. Su Yue had secured him an entire month's time, and that gesture alone was worth repaying. Setting aside his phone, Chu Yang rose from his bed and made his way to the living room. He rummaged through the heap of clothes until he found a dress with a style closely resembling that of the chiffon gown.

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