My Celestial Store System/C8 Negative Comments like the Tide
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My Celestial Store System/C8 Negative Comments like the Tide
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C8 Negative Comments like the Tide

He had initially planned to wholesale more of these chiffon dresses.

But upon further reflection, he realized that the Celestial clothing market was highly competitive. By the time the dresses arrived in a few days, there might already be a flood of knock-offs, rendering this customer attraction method ineffective.

Moreover, he was broke and lacked the funds to purchase more inventory. Rather than taking a gamble, it seemed wiser to use this lull to clear out some of the backlogged stock.

Deciding on this course of action, Chu Yang promptly listed the slightly lesser quality dress on the Celestial Amazon Store.

"Huh, why does it show zero sales?"

After listing the dress, the sales counter unexpectedly dropped to zero. After some serious analysis, Chu Yang began to understand.

The Celestial Amazon Store's sales rules were based on the actual sales of each individual item, not the cumulative sales across all listings.

The dress he had just listed was treated as a new product, so naturally, its sales count started at zero.

Clearly, the Celestial Amazon Store had a robust system in place. The old bait-and-switch tactic to make a new product appear as a bestseller was no longer viable.


Upon waking the next day, a series of review notifications appeared on Amazon.

"You've received eight positive reviews!"

"You've received four neutral reviews!"

"You've received one negative review!"

Chu Yang's heart rate slowed at the sight of these notifications.

What was happening?

Why were there so many neutral and negative reviews from last night's orders?

It was well-known that a store's upgrade depended on its reputation score: positive reviews added one point, neutral reviews added none, and negative reviews subtracted one point.

Doing the math, his dozen or so orders would only net an increase of seven reputation points!

He had thought he'd be able to upgrade his shop to two hearts today, but this was an unexpected setback.

Chu Yang hurriedly reviewed the comments.

"The design is quite distinctive, but I can't say much for the quality. It falls short of the garments from the Moon Palace and is only worth the price I paid. I'll begrudgingly give a neutral review."

— Buyer: Yu Xiaoyi (Size M).

"I absolutely adore this style, but it only has two sleeve openings. With my four arms, I can't wear it. I'll leave a positive review to show support, hoping the shopkeeper will make improvements!"

Buyer: Four-armed Guanyin (Size L)

"Total letdown! What's with this dress? It ripped the first time I wore it. It's not durable at all. I've already tossed it. Let's just leave it at that!"

Buyer: Luo Zhenzhen (Size XXXL)


After reading through the reviews, Chu Yang felt so frustrated he could spit blood. His dresses were priced at a mere 200 soul stones, yet these customers were comparing them to those pricey luxury brands. How could they even be compared?

Moreover, the reasons for the average and poor reviews were bizarre: not enough sleeves, a neckline too low to be dignified, and a skirt length that dragged on the ground because of short legs... and so on. These critiques completely threw Chu Yang off. What kind of oddities inhabited the Celestial?

What irked him the most was the female immortal named Luo Zhenzhen. The product details clearly listed the corresponding sizes and measurements, but she didn't pay attention and bought the largest size, which her waist stretched to the point of tearing several seams...

Seeing the horrifying photo she posted in her review, Chu Yang gasped. It was enough to blind his titanium alloy dog eyes.

Luckily, his store wasn't doing too well, or that single review photo could have tanked his sales by at least 90%!

Chu Yang sighed and responded on the review page with a formal tone, explaining the situation and offering a return for dissatisfied customers, urging them to contact the store owner promptly.

After logging off, Chu Yang remembered the newly listed dresses and quickly checked the seller center. The backend showed only three dresses had been sold, and the orders were still unconfirmed.

"Here's hoping for no more negative reviews. Just a few more points and I can level up the store!" he thought.

Closing Amazon, Chu Yang got ready and headed to school.

"Yang, over here."

He had just entered the classroom when he saw Zhao Chen and a few others waving at him. Chu Yang nodded and made his way to the back.

"Cough, cough..."

As he passed the fourth row, a series of coughs halted his steps.

"Uh, good morning, class monitor. Have you caught a cold?"

Seeing Su Yue cover her mouth to cough, Chu Yang asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

"No, no," Su Yue replied, sneaking a quick glance at him and feigning calm. "There's no one here. Please, take a seat."

Chu Yang was puzzled. Su Yue had never before invited a boy to sit next to her. This sudden change left Chu Yang feeling quite honored.

He gave his friends a sheepish smile and took the seat beside Su Yue without a second thought. After all, sitting next to a handsome man was one thing, but sitting beside a beautiful woman was far more delightful!

Once seated, Su Yue leaned in and whispered, "Chu Yang, I think I should give the dress back to you."

"Why?" Chu Yang asked, surprised.

Su Yue had opted for plain clothes today, not the ethereal dress she'd worn before.

"When I got back to the dorm yesterday, my roommates grilled me about our relationship. Even the senior from the Student Union came asking. I didn't know what to tell them."

"Our relationship is just classmates, right? Just tell them that. If you're innocent, you have nothing to fear."

"They didn't believe me. You didn't sell that dress for fifty thousand, but you insisted on giving it to me. They're all saying... saying that you like me, that you're pursuing me!" Su Yue's cheeks flushed, and her voice dropped to a murmur.

"That's ridiculous!" Chu Yang exclaimed, standing up so abruptly that he knocked the table.

Every head in the room turned their way, eyes darting between the two.

"Would it kill you to keep it down?" Su Yue hissed, her voice laced with irritation.

Chu Yang's eagerness to clear the air had clearly struck a nerve. Normally, the boys were tripping over themselves to be associated with her, eager for everyone to know. But with Chu Yang, it was as if she were some kind of man-eating beast!

"Class president, I swear on the heavens, my feelings for you are purely respectful, nothing more. You must believe me," Chu Yang pleaded, raising his hand as if taking an oath.

"Fine, very well. If you respect me that much, then take the dress back. That's an order," Su Yue said, her tone edged with annoyance.

"No, please. The dress was a token of my gratitude. Keep it," Chu Yang implored.

"Hmph, as if I need your thanks!"

Su Yue wrinkled her nose upon hearing this and turned away, ignoring him.

During the break, Chu Yang swiftly made his way back to his group of friends.

"Yang, you really stole the show yesterday!"

Chu Yang had barely settled in when Wang Lei eagerly leaned in.

Realizing that everyone was eagerly awaiting the gossip, Chu Yang knew that word of yesterday's events had gotten out.

"Ah, let's drop it. I took a big hit yesterday. Thinking about it now still makes me wince."

Chu Yang clutched his chest, feigning distress.

Zhao Chen chuckled, "Serves you right for showing off. Feeling the regret now?"

"There's a bit of regret, but I didn't come away empty-handed."

Remembering something, Chu Yang quickly fished his phone out of his pocket.

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