My Celestial Store System/C9 Azure Silk Skirt
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My Celestial Store System/C9 Azure Silk Skirt
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C9 Azure Silk Skirt

As he spoke, he pulled up his WhatsApp contact list and gave it a quick twirl for everyone to see.

"Media Studies sophomore Wang Shanshan, Communications junior Wu Rong, Digital Media freshman Sun Lu..."

Liu Wenyu pushed his glasses up his nose and repeated the first few names.

"Is this, by any chance, a list of girls' WhatsApp numbers from our school?"

Wang Lei was quick on the uptake, immediately figuring out the truth.

"What do you think? Pretty impressive, huh?"

Chu Yang boasted, "This list has over a hundred girls on it. Got any plans?"

"Maybe sneak a peek at their WhatsApp Statuses?" Wang Lei asked with a mischievous grin.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Chu Yang started coughing, nearly choking, "Have you lost your mind to online dating? With all these girls' WhatsApp numbers, don't you want to add one and have a chat?"

"Chat about what? Do I look like the kind of guy who plays the field? My Lanlan and I are about to meet up in real life."

Wang Lei pulled out his phone with a look of disgust and flaunted it for all to see.

His phone's wallpaper was a photo of a pretty girl, the kind who would score a solid seven out of ten!

"Is this your Lanlan?"

Chu Yang and the others gaped in astonishment.

Wang Lei smugly pocketed his phone: "That's right. We've already planned to meet up the night before the National Day holiday!"

"I've got to admit, I'm envious."

Chu Yang's face was etched with envy. It was quite rare for an online romance to progress to an in-person meeting.

"Move it, move it, move it. Those with significant others, step aside and give us singles some space!"

Zhao Chen was genuinely intrigued. He sidled up to Chu Yang and they began scrolling through the girls' WhatsApp Statuses.

"Hey, hey, take it easy. I think I just saw Liu Fei'er. Scroll back, let's have a look..."

After a short while, Zhao Chen called out excitedly.

"Liu Fei'er?" Chu Yang asked while scrolling, "Isn't she the manager of your basketball team? I can't even remember how she ended up here."

"Stop, stop, stop, that's her!"

Zhao Chen exclaimed with a burst of excitement, snatching the phone from Chu Yang's hands.

Liu Fei'er's WhatsApp Status only had one visible update, and it was from this morning.

"I'm offering a high price for this dress."

The image on the WhatsApp Moments was the very picture of the dress he had given to Su Yue!

"Yang, are you really out of stock for that dress?"

Suddenly, Zhao Chen turned to him with a grave look and asked.

"You're not thinking of buying a dress for her, are you?"

Chu Yang was taken aback. He knew Zhao Chen greatly admired Liu Fei'er, but they were merely acquaintances.

To give her such an extravagant gift would drive Zhao Chen to the point of selling his kidney!

"No, it's not like that. Liu Fei'er comes from a well-off family; she definitely wouldn't accept it if I offered. But if you still have one, maybe I could just mention it to her, you know, curry a little favor?" Zhao Chen said eagerly, rubbing his hands together.

Chu Yang genuinely wanted to help him out, but regrettably, the dress was far too pricey for him to afford.

"It's really gone. That dress was one of a kind in the entire world." Chu Yang said, spreading his hands in disappointment.

"Yang, you're the classic case of putting ladies before buddies."

Liu Wenyu teased.

"Cut it out. Do I look like that kind of guy?"

Chu Yang retorted with a laugh and a playful jab. Turning to Zhao Chen, he added, "There really isn't another one, but there might be other styles available, though they're not quite up to par with Su Yue's dress."

Zhao Chen's face lit up with excitement: "That'll do. If you find one, send me a picture. I'll see if she's interested."

"Sure thing."

After agreeing, Chu Yang discreetly logged into Amazon.

"Congratulations, your shop has been upgraded to 2 Hearts. You've gained an additional slot in your Treasure Bar. Keep up the good work!"

The backend showed that all three of yesterday's orders received positive reviews, and his account balance had surged past the three thousand soul stone mark!

But since then, there had been no new orders, and customer traffic had taken a nosedive.

"The market must be saturated with knock-offs by now."

Chu Yang did a quick search and, sure enough, the clothing section was filled with dresses strikingly similar to the original.

It appeared that Jade Rabbit was right; whenever Moon Palace launched a new product, imitators would quickly follow suit.

In the midst of such fierce market competition, product prices were bound to plummet. The smaller the seller, the more aggressive their price cuts, quickly leading to a scenario where bad money drives out good.

However, this played right into Chu Yang's hands. He scoured the offerings for a bit and soon came across a cyan silk dress.

1888 soul stones!

Compared to the merchandise at Moon Palace, Bexvons Pond's prices were quite reasonable. The "Azure Silk Skirt" appeared to be of decent quality, sharing several similarities with the Celestial Silk Gown.

Chu Yang snapped a screenshot of the dress and sent it to Zhao Chen.

"Chen, what do you think of this one? If you approve, I'll go pick it up."

Zhao Chen glanced at it and was quite pleased, exclaiming, "It looks great. It's not cheap, right?"

"18,880 yuan."


The three bystanders inhaled sharply.

"Don't give me that look. This is already a friend's price. Let me be clear, the dress is handcrafted with very fine materials, and it's a limited edition—truly one of a kind in the whole world. It'd be surprising if it were cheap!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Chen and the others instantly got it.

In this world, anything tagged as "limited edition" was never going to be inexpensive!

"Okay, I'll inquire. Liu Fei'er should be interested; she's not short on cash, after all."

Zhao Chen hurried off as soon as his class ended.

During lunch break, Chu Yang headed back to his rental.

The shop upgrade had added a new section for special items, and it seemed wasteful not to fill it.

"Yang, Liu Fei'er will take it."

Shortly after, Zhao Chen messaged him, adding, "She also asked me to check with the seller for other styles. She's looking to buy an extra one as a gift."

"Damn, Liu Fei'er really doesn't hold back with her spending!"

Chu Yang had priced the dress based on a conversion rate of 1 soul stone to 10 yuan, totaling exactly 18,880 yuan.

Unexpectedly, Liu Fei'er was interested in purchasing two more.

It's true what they say, women really are the driving force behind consumerism, whether it's on earth or in the heavens!

Regrettably, my account is low on soul stones, so I can't afford another dress right now, or else I'd stand to make a tidy profit.

After some thought, I had no choice but to reply, "I'm out of stock for the moment. I'll deliver what I have by noon, but you need to keep this under wraps for me. If word gets out, my WhatsApp will be inundated."

"Absolutely! We can catch up later. Liu Fei'er has invited me out for a meal. We'll talk afterward."

With that, Zhao Chen went silent.

"Damn, I've unintentionally become a matchmaker."

Closing WhatsApp, Chu Yang was awash with mixed feelings. It's a good thing Liu Wenyu is also single; otherwise, I'd feel quite alone.

The stock I previously acquired was limited in variety, mostly autumn and winter wear.

Jeans and hoodies just don't match the Celestial aesthetic and are sure to be a tough sell.

After a lengthy search, I managed to find a single white pleated miniskirt, the last of its kind in my inventory.

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