Celestial Blade Lord/C11 Bai Zhixin
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Celestial Blade Lord/C11 Bai Zhixin
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C11 Bai Zhixin

After Ye Qian's departure, the bloody feud between the Ye and Bai families was halted by the intervention of the Soul Finishing Sect Master. The two families, now bitter enemies, laid down their arms in Lo City, though peace was tenuous at best.

"Thank you, Sect Master, for your timely assistance. Without you, the Bai family would have faced a dire catastrophe today," Bai Qingshan said, leading his family in a gesture of deep gratitude.

"No need for such formality. Shanglong violated our principles, and we of the Soul Finishing Sect do not turn a blind eye to such transgressions," the Sect Master replied coolly, before turning his attention to Gu Cao. "How are your injuries?"

"Thank you for your concern, Sect Master. I'm managing," Gu Cao responded, bowing with a fist in palm.

"Good to hear. We should be on our way."

"Yes," Gu Cao agreed with a nod.

It was then that Bai Yeh's voice rang out, "Sect Master, I wish to join the Soul Finishing Sect!"

The Sect Master paused mid-step, turning to regard him, a moment of silence passing between them.

"With your abilities, you could join a more prestigious sect like Ye Qian, or even enroll in the Royal Capital Academy. Why set your sights on my Soul Finishing Sect?" he inquired.

"Sect Master, your willingness to cripple Shanglong's powers shows that the Soul Finishing Sect fears no one, not even the Holy Academy. Its strength must rival that of the Royal Capital Academy. Plus, if I'm a member, the Ye family wouldn't dare harm my father," Bai Yeh declared openly.

"Your honesty is refreshing," the Sect Master acknowledged with a nod. "I'll accept you, but don't expect any special treatment because of your six-heaven soul. You'll start just like every other new disciple. Remember, the journey of soul cultivation is one of perseverance, not leaps and bounds."

With those words, the Sect Master soared into the sky, vanishing into the distance like a shooting star.

Bai Yeh watched the fading figure, his heart brimming with aspiration. Having resolved to join the sect, he knew there was no time to waste—he set out immediately.

Bai Yeh approached Bai Chen and bowed deeply, his voice raspy as he spoke, "Father, take good care of yourself once I'm gone."

"Go, my child! And remember, you can always return if the world wearies you." Bai Chen's smile was strained, his eyes betraying the sorrow he couldn't hide.

For the first time in many years, Bai Yeh was leaving Lo City.

His eyes reddened slightly as he gave Bai Qingshan and the others a nod, then departed with Gu Cao.

Following the battle, no one in Lo City dared claim the title of genius.

As Gu Cao walked away, the crowd lingered in silence until Bai Qingshan's voice, heavy with concern, broke the quiet. "Where has Bai Hee gone?"

"He's taken refuge with the Ye family," someone replied.

"That traitor!" Bai Qingshan seethed with anger.

With the Ye and Bai families now at war, the Ye family gained an edge with Bai Hee, who knew many of the Bai family's secrets, leaving the Bai family at a disadvantage.



Perched atop Python Mountain, the Soul Finishing Sect's towering structures stood grand and imposing, with the winding mountain path resembling a colossal serpent.

The Soul Finishing Sect, with its centuries-old history, was once an obscure minor faction until its dramatic rise to power a few decades ago under the leadership of the current Sect Master.

Despite Bai Yeh's victory over Ye Qian, which secured his status as Lo City's foremost warrior, the Soul Finishing Sect Master showed him little favor. After formalizing his entry into the sect and donning the sect's garb, he became just another face among the disciples.

Bai Yeh was tasked with sweeping the courtyard outside the 'Scripture Pavilion'. He would complete his chores swiftly before dawn and then immerse himself in the study of martial arts within the pavilion.

The Scripture Pavilion housed all of the Soul Finishing Sect's martial arts and soul techniques, attracting throngs of disciples daily for study and practice.

"Bai Yeh?"

A melodious female voice called out from a distance. Turning, Bai Yeh saw a striking woman accompanied by several senior disciples approaching briskly.

"Who are you?" Bai Yeh inquired.

"So you're really Bai Yeh?" The woman looked him over with disdain and scoffed, "I can't believe someone as worthless as you managed to join the Soul Finishing Sect! Fortune truly is blind!"

"I was granted entry into the Soul Finishing Sect by the Sect Master himself. Are you implying that the Sect Master lacks discernment?" Bai Yeh retorted.

The woman, at a loss for words, glanced around before cautioning, "Watch your back. We'll settle our differences later!" With that, she and her entourage headed into the Library.

Bai Yeh was puzzled by the encounter, but after overhearing the whispers of nearby disciples, he realized the woman was Bai Hee's eldest daughter, Bai Zhixin.

Bai Zhixin was the Bai family's top prodigy. Having awakened her Heavenly Soul years earlier, she joined the Soul Finishing Sect and received their nurturing. Rumor had it her strength rivaled that of Ye Qian. Bai Yeh had crossed paths with her a couple of times in his youth, so their lack of familiarity was to be expected.

Bai Yeh wasn't concerned about Bai Zhixin. With her merely at the fourth tier of the Heavenly Soul Realm and the sixth stage of the Power Soul Realm, he didn't anticipate much difficulty in handling her.

At the library's center stood a reclining chair, where an elderly man with snowy hair lay peacefully, seemingly in repose. Each disciple entering the library would first pay their respects to the old man before proceeding to browse. Bai Yeh followed suit.

The library's first floor was brimming with heart techniques and soul skills. Rather than seeking the finest, the key was to find the most fitting.

As he wandered, Bai Yeh noticed a book on a stand by the entrance that disciples would pick up only to promptly set down, either departing with a shake of the head or a dismissive snort.

Driven by curiosity, Bai Yeh approached.

"The Flashing Sword Spell?"

He skimmed the book briefly. The technique prioritized the element of surprise, seizing any chance in combat to draw one's sword with lightning speed, striking the enemy unexpectedly to gain the upper hand.

The Flashing Sword Spell demanded not just swift and powerful execution but also the ability to adapt to various scenarios. Such a demanding sword art was naturally challenging to master. To Bai Yeh's surprise, this technique was not a soul skill but purely a physical swordsmanship skill.

"It's no surprise that this technique has fallen out of favor. Mastering the Flashing Sword Spell requires a significant investment of time. With that kind of dedication, one might as well cultivate other soul skills, especially since the power of this sword technique leaves much to be desired."

Bai Yeh pondered this, yet he couldn't bring himself to discard the book. Though it wasn't a soul technique, he had a particular affinity for texts on physical skills. The content was brief; once he committed it to memory, he moved on to the next shelves.

"The 'Flashing Sword Spell,' a technique that emphasizes agility and versatility in movement? Impressive." Bai Yeh eagerly absorbed the information, and before he knew it, half the day had passed.

As he closed the book, a thought struck him.

What if he combined the Flashing Sword Spell with the Flashing Sword Spell? Could it unlock a unique power?

Seized by this idea, he grabbed both books and headed outside.

"Look at that idiot, still thinking about practicing the Flashing Sword Spell?"

"Ha, who would bother with such a worthless technique?"

Mocking voices trailed behind him, but Bai Yeh ignored them, grabbed a few pounds of peaches, and made for the back mountain.

He had considered the martial arts field, but it was too crowded and noisy.

The back mountain boasted a vast forest, home to numerous spiritual monkeys.

As soon as Bai Yeh entered the woods, the scent of peaches drew the monkeys to him.

He picked up a stick and eyed the monkeys in the trees. Reaching into his bag, he tossed a handful of peaches skyward.

In a flash, hundreds of monkeys leaped into action, soaring through the air to snatch the fruit. The peaches were scarce, and the craftier monkeys quietly approached, eyeing Bai Yeh's bag and making a dash to steal the fruit.

Bai Yeh, recalling the Flashing Sword Spell's techniques, swung his stick with precision.

The monkeys' chatter grew, as did their numbers.

Some of the braver ones even started pelting him with stones.

Initially, Bai Yeh managed to cope, but as the chaos escalated, he found himself overwhelmed.

The essence of the Flashing Sword Spell hinges on two principles: speed and certainty. Regardless of one's current predicament—be it a fall, an attack, or even facing imminent death—the moment an adversary's vulnerability is spotted, the sword must be unsheathed without hesitation.

Such a feat demands composure and exceptional perceptiveness.

Bai Yeh, pushing through his pain, deftly maneuvered to avoid the monkeys' lunges while brandishing his wooden stick. They swarmed around him, threatening to overwhelm him.

He paused to catch his breath, responding with a cool head.

Mastery of the sword doesn't come overnight. The path to supreme, eternal martial arts is likely carved through the trials of time. The weak are ruthlessly trampled, and to avoid such a fate, one must grow stronger.

By the end of the half-day, his large bag of peaches had been pilfered, and the monkeys scattered. Bai Yeh, covered in scratches and weary to the bone, trudged out of the woods, enduring the inevitable ridicule along the way.

Undeterred, Bai Yeh returned the following day.

Over a grueling half-month of relentless practice, he began to see progress. The constant unrest of the monkeys in the forest had drawn the curiosity of some disciples.

After a morning's practice, Bai Yeh glanced at the bulging bag and the bruised faces of the four monkeys. A wry smile crossed his face; initially, the monkeys had managed to snatch some peaches, but as time went on, they ended up on the receiving end of his stick.

"You've been my sparring partners for many days, and it's been tough. This is for you."

He scattered the peaches on the ground, bowed with a fist salute to the monkeys, and walked away.

The monkeys swarmed the fallen fruit, and the forest erupted into chaos once more.

Yet, as he stepped out of the woods, Bai Yeh's pace slowed. A group of people awaited him, strangers all but for their leader, Bai Zhixin.

Bai Yeh's brow furrowed as he gripped his wooden stick more firmly.

"Bai Yeh, do you recall the words I spoke to you half a month ago?" Bai Zhixin asked with an icy tone.

"Bai Zhixin, we are both of the Bai family, cousins no less. We should be supporting one another, yet here you stand in opposition. What's the reason? Could it be because of your father, Bai Hee?" Bai Yeh responded calmly.

"Hmph, just so you're aware. Your actions led to my father's expulsion from the Bai family and his utter humiliation. I can't settle this score with your father, but who says I can't settle it with you?" Bai Zhixin stated icily.

"Your father's own misdeeds are to blame. He schemed against my father and me to seize the role of Patriarch. His expulsion from the Bai family was his own doing."

"Scoundrel!" Bai Zhixin, seething with rage at the retort, was ready to strike.

Bai Yeh's gaze hardened as he lifted his wooden staff, his tone sharp, "If you're so sure of yourself, then bring it on!"

Bai Zhixin's stride halted at his challenge.

Word of Bai Yeh's victory over Lo City's top prodigy, Ye Qian, had quickly spread among the Soul Finishing Sect. No one underestimated this newcomer.

Despite her confidence, Bai Zhixin knew she fell short of Ye Qian's prowess.

"Kid, don't get cocky! Take a good look at the predicament you're in!"

"Trying to intimidate us?"

The crowd behind him bristled, standing united in their discontent.

Unruffled, Bai Yeh let out a cold chuckle, "Do you really need numbers on your side? In a fair one-on-one fight, the sect could easily justify any mishaps. But if you all gang up on me and things escalate, you'll find yourselves at a loss for words."

The crowd fell silent, unable to respond.

With a snort, Bai Yeh turned to leave.

Just then, a taunting voice floated through the air.

"After defeating the worthless Ye Qian, you've become too conceited. If we let you carry on like this, you'll soon be dismissing everyone in the sect."

Bai Yeh paused and looked back to see an older man approaching from behind Bai Zhixin. The man sported a buzz cut and a smile, but his eyes twinkled with malice.

"Senior Brother Mo!"

"Senior Brother Mo!"

The onlookers quickly called out their greetings.

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