Celestial Blade Lord/C12 Killing Through
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Celestial Blade Lord/C12 Killing Through
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C12 Killing Through

Upon spotting the newcomer, Bai Zhixin's face lit up with a radiant smile as she ran over and playfully exclaimed, "Senior Brother Mo, you've finally arrived. If you'd been any later, I might have been bullied by this guy."

Bullied? Bai Yeh couldn't help but chuckle inwardly. Could a newcomer to the sect really bully so many?

"Don't worry, Zhixin. With me here, this nobody won't dare to show off," Mo Qinghong said casually, his eyes brimming with amusement. "Bai Yeh, if you have any sense, you'll come over here and kneel. Otherwise, if I have to take action, people might accuse me of picking on the weak."

"Mo Qinghong? Are you the Mo Qinghong who's ranked tenth in the Tiger Dragon Ranking of the Soul Finishing Sect?" Bai Yeh inquired.

"You've got some insight. You seemed pretty confident earlier. So, what do you say? Care to test your mettle against me?" Mo Qinghong taunted.

To the sect's newcomers, someone like Mo Qinghong, a figure on the Tiger Dragon Ranking, was an intimidating force. They would naturally cower in his presence.

"Like a shrimp that's met its end upon encountering our Senior Brother Mo."

"You, a worthless fool, dare to cross Senior Sister Bai? Better come crawling over here fast."

"Do you actually want Senior Brother Mo to step in? You're in for some bad luck, kid!"

Bai Yeh remained silent amidst the jeers and insults from the crowd. His gaze turned icy as he fixed his stare on Mo Qinghong and the others, declaring, "If it's a fight you want, then let's fight! Otherwise, all of you can get out of my way!"

His command left everyone around him momentarily stunned.

Bai Zhixin watched Bai Yeh in disbelief, while Mo Qinghong's face turned a shade of livid green.

To speak such bold words in this situation? Bai Yeh truly dared.

"You! Well done!" Mo Qinghong seethed, ready to strike.

"Hold on!" Bai Yeh interjected.

"Pleading for mercy? You think I'd let you off the hook now?" Mo Qinghong responded coldly.

"Pleading for mercy? You've got the wrong idea! What I'm saying is, if you're so eager to take a swing at me, let's raise the stakes. A duel here will only determine a winner and a loser. That alone won't settle the score between us!" Bai Yeh retorted with a defiant snort.

Upon hearing the challenge, Mo Qinghong's heart skipped a beat. "And what do you propose?"

"In five days, at the Dragon Tiger Platform, we'll have a duel to the death," Bai Yeh declared with unsettling calm.

The crowd shuddered at his words.

Had this man lost his mind?

"You, a mere nobody, dare to challenge Senior Brother Mo, ranked on the Tiger Dragon Ranking? Don't overestimate yourself," someone jeered, stepping forward.

"Do you dare accept or not?" Bai Yeh asked, his face betraying no emotion.

Mo Qinghong was taken aback, not expecting such a thorn from this newcomer. In a hushed tone, he pressed, "What are you thinking? Why stir up trouble at the Dragon Tiger Platform? Do you grasp the gravity of what you're suggesting?"

"Didn't you inquire if I was up for a match? The more spectators, the better. I prefer an audience when I make my move," Bai Yeh replied, his expression stoic, showing no signs of backing down.


"Either accept the challenge or, if not, heed my words and get lost!" Bai Yeh bellowed, his voice echoing forcefully.

The crowd was so stunned their ears rang.

Furious and flabbergasted, Mo Qinghong bit back, "Fine! You're signing your own death warrant, kid. Don't blame me later! It's settled then—the Dragon Tiger Platform. We'll see!"

With those words, he spun on his heel and stormed off.

"Bai Yeh, I've heard about your recent awakening of the Heavenly Soul. It baffles me why you wouldn't treasure such a gift. Do you really think someone ranked tenth on the Tiger Dragon Ranking is to be taken lightly? Remember, even Ye Qian hasn't cracked the top ten! You're as good as dead," Bai Zhixin scoffed before departing.

Unfazed, Bai Yeh remained indifferent to the taunts.

Back at his quarters, settling into a meditative pose, the news of his bold challenge to Mo Qinghong was already spreading like wildfire.

A newcomer to the sect daring to confront Mo Qinghong, the tenth-ranked master on the Tiger Dragon Ranking, and on the Dragon Tiger Platform no less, was sensational news indeed.

With a resounding clang, the door to his quarters was flung open with brute force, and a handful of disciples sauntered in, deep in conversation. Their chatter ceased when they caught sight of Bai Yeh, seated on his bed in deep meditation, prompting snorts of derision from the group.

"Yiyaya, have you heard? Some foolhardy soul dares to challenge our Senior Brother Mo in five days!" The words dripped with sarcasm.

"He thinks beating Ye Qian means he can shoot straight to the top? He clearly doesn't know his place."

"Can't wait to see Senior Brother Mo take that idiot down."

Laughter erupted throughout the room.

Unbeknownst to them, Bai Yeh was oblivious to their mockery, his consciousness soaring in the Nine Heavens. Surrounded by the endless Heavenly Souls, twinkling like stars, he gazed upon the Taotie Heavenly Soul with a sense of awe. Now more robust and vigorous than when it first ascended to the sixth layer of heaven, the Soul Energy within it flowed into him like a tranquil stream.

He lingered in contemplation beside the Taotie Heavenly Soul, eyes closed, fully immersed. A Soul Cultivator's journey was to forge a bridge between the soul and the cosmos, achieving unity. When the Heavenly Soul and the Human Soul become one, the unleashed Soul Energy could reach unparalleled heights.

Soon, a soft blue glow enveloped him, silencing the room's earlier scoffers with its unexpected appearance. This aura was the resonance between the Human Soul and the Heavenly Soul, a sign of innate talent not easily dismissed.

Eventually, Bai Yeh emerged from his meditation, paying no heed to the onlookers as he strode out of the room. After purchasing a long sword at the mountain's base, he ventured into the Black Wood Forest adjacent to the Soul Finishing Sect.

The forest, a treasure trove of exotic flora, promised ingredients for Magic Soul Pills, exchangeable at the Sect's Pill Room to enhance one's Soul Energy. A trial ground for the Sect's disciples, it was fraught with peril, claiming the lives of many each year. Only those with true strength dared to tread its paths.

With heightened senses and sword in hand, Bai Yeh stepped into the forest, ready for whatever lay ahead.

The forest was a haven of tranquility, the grass a vibrant green, flowers blooming in profusion.

Bai Yeh counted himself fortunate. After about half an incense stick's worth of searching, he had not stumbled upon any Vicious Beasts. Instead, he had fortuitously come across a Qin Blue Grass. Luck was truly on his side.

"Fantastic! This can be traded for three Magic Soul Pills. What a windfall!" Bai Yeh couldn't contain his excitement as he made his way over to harvest it.

But just then, a sinister hissing noise pierced the silence.

He turned to see a large black python sliding down a tree trunk not far away. Its eyes glowed a menacing red, and a chilling aura radiated from its scales.

Bai Yeh's instincts kicked in. He gripped his iron sword tightly, his gaze icy and determined.

The python was pulsing with soul power, likely at the fifth level of the Soul Realm. It flicked its forked tongue menacingly, its eyes flashing coldly before it lunged with the speed of lightning.

"You're asking for it, beast!" Bai Yeh roared, channeling his soul power and striking with his sword.

But the python, cunning as it was, dodged at the last moment, revealing its earlier move as a mere feint. It spat a stream of venom in his direction.

Bai Yeh swiftly ducked, narrowly avoiding the toxic spray.

The python, seizing the moment, coiled its massive body around him as his defenses faltered. The crushing pressure threatened to splinter Bai Yeh's slender frame.

Then, in a flash, his sword sliced through the python's flesh.

Bai Yeh's hand maneuvered the blade in an incredible arc – the Flashing Sword Spell!

Blood sprayed in all directions as the python writhed in agony.

"The grueling training I've endured lately was not in vain," Bai Yeh sighed with relief.

As the python attempted to flee, Bai Yeh sprang into action, unleashing his soul power. His force bore down, leaving the python flailing helplessly. With a decisive swing, he severed its head.

The earth was stained with the crimson of snake blood.

Sword in hand, Bai Yeh extracted the snake's gall and core, and then carefully harvested the Qin Blue Grass, his mission accomplished.

These items were all potent tonics, with the snake's core being particularly valuable. It served as an excellent catalyst for top-tier medicinal herbs, easily worth at least ten Magic Soul Pills. This haul was a major windfall.

Suddenly, a series of soft rustling noises reached Bai Yeh's ears.

With a slight furrow of his brows, Bai Yeh spoke calmly, "No need to hide any longer. Show yourselves."

After a brief silence, figures emerged from behind the surrounding trees.

Four men appeared, each clad in the garb of the Soul Finishing Sect.

"Ah, fellow sect Senior Brothers, what brings you here?" Bai Yeh inquired, his demeanor remaining vigilant.

"Finders, keepers. You've just acquired the snake's core, gallbladder, and Qin Blue Grass. Keep the gallbladder for yourself, but hand over the core and grass to us," one man demanded bluntly, dispensing with pleasantries.

The gallbladder was the least valuable of the lot.

"If it's finders, keepers, why did none of you lend a hand when I was battling the giant snake?" Bai Yeh countered. "It seems to me you were hoping the python would finish me off. That way, you wouldn't have to compete for the loot, correct?"

At his words, the four men's expressions shifted.

They had indeed been lurking in the shadows, finding the snake manageable but Bai Yeh troublesome. They were reluctant to confront a fellow sect member openly, preferring to let a beast do the dirty work.

"What are you talking about? By the time we arrived, you had already slain the python," the man retorted, his anger flaring at being exposed.

"In that case, why should I share anything with you?" Bai Yeh challenged.

Losing patience, the man barked, "Don't push your luck, kid! Refuse our goodwill and you'll face the consequences. I see you're only at the fifth level of the Soul Strength Realm, just like us. It's four against one. Hand over the items quietly, and spare yourself the trouble."

"Aren't you scared I'll take this up with the sect?"

"Do you really think your single voice can outmatch the four of ours?"

With a wave of his hand, the man signaled the other two to advance.

Bai Yeh snorted dismissively and threw a punch at the nearest one.


The man staggered back, his action inciting the wrath of the others.

"Scoundrel, take him down!"

They rushed him en masse.

Bai Yeh's face was an icy mask as he unleashed the Swan Shocking Step Arts, weaving through the onslaught like a dragon, turning the barrage of punches into a deadly dance.

"Scum, you think you can dodge?" the man spat.

Bai Yeh's presence intensified, and he abruptly halted, coiling his fists and driving them hard into the oncoming punch.


Their fists met with a heavy thump.

Bai Yeh merely rocked on his heels, while the other man stumbled backward, lost his footing, and crashed to the ground.

The remaining three were astounded by the display of raw power.

"What fearsome strength..."

"Damn it, you're dead!" The other two aimed ferocious blows at Bai Yeh's head.

The overwhelming soul force of a Fifth Level Soul Cultivator could shatter stone; such a punch would surely be fatal!

Bai Yeh, seething with rage, stood his ground, unflinching as the fists bore down on him.


The hefty fists slammed into his forehead, but he met the force head-on, his body's power surging in defiance.


The trio reeled back, their bodies trembling, disbelief etched on their faces.

"Is this guy's head forged from iron? How can it... not break?"

"Not only is it unbreakable, but his head seems to generate force... How bizarre!"

In a flash of steel, a chill swept through the air. The three men felt a sharp pain in their arms, and blood sprayed. Looking down in horror, they saw their right hands had vanished...


Their screams pierced the air.

"You... You've severed their hands?" The earlier man stood, staring at Bai Yeh, his face drained of color.

A moment later, more blood flew as the other hands of the three men were cleanly sliced off.

Screams pierced the air once more.

So merciless!

So poisonous!

So resolute!

"The moment you harbored the intent to kill me, we were locked in a battle to the death. Severing your hands was merely the beginning—I haven't even started on your heads yet!" Bai Yeh brandished his sword, his gaze lethal, as he advanced towards the group.

The four could never have imagined that a Fifth Level Soul Cultivator could possess such fearsome power, particularly the resilience of his physical form—it was as if he was forged from indestructible diamond, impervious to their soul energy.

As Bai Yeh closed in, the four were consumed with regret. Had it not been for their greed, how could the situation have spiraled to this dire point?


At the critical moment when Bai Yeh was poised to strike, a commanding shout echoed from a distance. A contingent of disciples clad in the Soul Finishing Sect's garb charged towards them.

But the cry did nothing to deter Bai Yeh; if anything, it acted as a catalyst, spurring him on.

With a chilling look in his eyes, Bai Yeh's sword swept through the air.


A crimson line blossomed across the necks of the three, and they met their end in an instant.

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