Celestial Blade Lord/C14 Wooden Man Room
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Celestial Blade Lord/C14 Wooden Man Room
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C14 Wooden Man Room

After slaying Guan Chengfei at the Dragon Tiger Platform, Bai Yeh's fame spread like wildfire. Guan Chengfei's disciples were so terrified that they no longer dared to cross Bai Yeh. Even those who shared his quarters treated him with the utmost respect, not daring to utter a word against him.

After all, he had just joined the Soul Finishing Sect and had already dispatched an Inner Sect disciple!

Upon returning to his quarters, Bai Yeh settled into meditation once more.

Despite the apparent ease of his victory over Guan Chengfei, his body had absorbed considerable stress.

"This body can just about handle attacks up to the Seventh Rank, but facing an Eighth Rank assailant, relying on brute strength alone for a counter might not be so straightforward."

Bai Yeh rose and made his way to the sect's martial field, specifically to the Wooden Man Room.

The human body may have its limits, yet the potential for soul power to expand is far greater.

Cultivating the soul is equally crucial.

The Wooden Man Room was an excellent training ground for the Soul Finishing Sect's disciples. The vast space took up half of the martial field, filled with intricate traps and numerous wooden puppets crafted by the sect's masters, the weakest of which possessed Fourth Rank power.

Defeating a wooden puppet in the Wooden Man Room earned one a mark, and collecting thirty marks could be traded for a Magic Soul Pill. The room had no restrictions; disciples could challenge each other for marks, and as long as no one was killed or maimed, the sect would not intervene.

After picking up the pendant that symbolized his marks at the entrance, Bai Yeh proceeded inside. If the pendant were to be broken, the marks it contained would transfer to the assailant's pendant.

With his wooden sword in hand, Bai Yeh entered the room. Yet before he could even spot a wooden puppet, a voice called out from behind.

"Bai Yeh?"

He recognized the crisp voice and turned to see several people at the entrance, led by Bai Zhixin.

Bai Yeh gave them a brief look and continued on his way, but Bai Zhixin and the others quickly approached and blocked his path.

"Did I say you could leave?" Bai Zhixin's voice was icy. "Besides, are you ignorant of the Wooden Man Room's rules? It's not a place just anyone can waltz into. Out of the month, three days belong to Senior Brother Mo Qinghong, and the other nine from the Tiger Dragon Ranking claim the remaining twenty-seven days. You're not in league with anyone from the Tiger Dragon Ranking, which means you've got no business here. Now get out!"

Hearing this, Bai Yeh had an epiphany.

So the Wooden Man Room was already under the control of the Tiger Dragon Ranking's elite. They sent their juniors to spar with the wooden figures in exchange for 'Magic Soul Pills' for their cultivation. Occupying the room for three days straight allowed them to amass hundreds of these coveted pills.

The Tiger Dragon Ranking's experts were a force to be reckoned with, a deterrent that kept others at bay from the Wooden Man Room.

Bai Yeh inhaled deeply, his grasp of this dog-eat-dog world tightening. The weak had two choices: align with the strong or be trampled under their feet.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Looks like we'll have to show you the door ourselves!" Bai Zhixin's impatience was palpable, and her disciple charged forward, thrusting three wooden swords at the pendant on Bai Yeh's chest.

Their assault was cunning, sealing off any escape for Bai Yeh.

His gaze darting, Bai Yeh turned to face one of the swords, absorbing the blow. He then arched his body, face skyward, as the other two swords whizzed past his chest.

Bai Yeh was dodging like that? His defense was now severely compromised!

"Laughable!" sneered Bai Zhixin, lunging at Bai Yeh with her wooden sword.

"Once your pendant breaks, the overseer will kick you out. Face it, Bai Yeh, you're done for!"

The wooden sword neared his pendant!

But in that lightning-fast moment, Bai Yeh's own sword twisted in a bizarre arc, striking out at the trio surrounding him.

Flashing Sword Spell!




The trio shuddered, and upon glancing down, they were shocked to find their chest pendants in pieces.

Such a dodging stance left them wide open, with no chance for further defense. Unknown to all, Bai Yeh's inability to defend was counterbalanced by his lethal offense. His mastery of the Flashing Sword Spell was for this very moment—to strike when least expected, ready to attack in any situation!

"Disciples Zhang Wei, Zhao Guang, and Liu Peng Song! Exit the room!"

The command echoed through the Wooden Man Room as the imprint was tossed.

The three disciples stiffened, and Bai Zhixin was caught off guard.

In that moment of hesitation, Bai Yeh, employing the Swan Shocking Step Arts, darted towards Bai Zhixin. She reacted with alarm, sword rising to parry, but it was already too late.


"Disciple Bai Zhixin, exit the stage!" the voice boomed again.

"Damn it! How low can you get!"

Enraged, Bai Zhixin was far from conceding. She brandished her sword, aiming for Bai Yeh, when suddenly, a dark silhouette burst forth, sending a palm strike her way.


Bai Zhixin was sent flying, crashing outside the door, blood trickling from her mouth.

Bai Yeh paused, taken aback. Focusing, he realized the dark figure was none other than a wooden puppet—a pitch-black one at that.

"Leave now, or face the sect's punishment—your powers will be stripped, and you'll be expelled!" The voice thundered with fury.

"You'll regret this!"

With heavy hearts and bruised egos, the four made their sullen departure.

The wooden puppet retreated.

Bai Yeh watched the puppet's fading silhouette, his mind awash with thoughts.

"Was that really just a puppet? How could it possess such formidable strength?"

Determined to press on with his training, Bai Yeh, wooden sword in hand, ventured deeper into the Wooden Man Room. He hadn't secured the puppet's imprint, but he had claimed those of Bai Zhixin and her companions. As per the rules, with only one permitted entry per day, they would have to wait until tomorrow for another chance.

Today was Mo Qinghong's private booking of the Wooden Man Room, leaving no other disciples present except for the wooden dummies. But it wasn't long before a flurry of footsteps approached the entrance. Bai Yeh glanced up to see Bai Zhixin storming toward him with a throng of disciples in tow.

Each one's soul power was wildly fluctuating, their aura of murderous intent palpable and their arrogance unmistakable.

"Everyone, into the Wooden Man Room and drag Bai Yeh out! Now!" Bai Zhixin commanded, her voice echoing through the space.

"Yes, Senior Sister!"

Dozens of disciples, each brandishing a pendant and wooden sword, charged into the room.

Bai Yeh couldn't help but smirk to himself. The wooden dummies weren't particularly strong, and he had been concerned they wouldn't provide enough of a challenge for his soul refining.

He spurred his soul power into action and retreated further into the depths of the Wooden Man Room.

Despite the numbers against him, the wooden dummies proved to be a significant hindrance to the disciples. As they drew near, the dummies launched their attacks. Bai Yeh, on his own and utilizing the Swan Shocking Step Arts, weaved through the wooden adversaries with ease.

He targeted a disciple entangled by a dummy, approaching stealthily. Seizing the right moment, he thrust his sword forward.


He secured the imprint.

"Scram!" Another disciple swung his sword at Bai Yeh, the blade humming with soul power.

But Bai Yeh leaned back, deftly avoiding the strike while counterattacking with the Flashing Sword Spell.

Another imprint claimed.

"Disciple Wang He, leave the field!"

"Disciple Zhang Bin, leave the field!"

These stern, authoritative announcements continued to resonate within the Wooden Man Room.



Mo Qinghong trudged along a serene path, a bundle of medicinal herbs in hand – his reward for fulfilling a sect mission.

"Hmm? Little Lin, where are you headed?"

Mo Qinghong spotted two junior brothers who had been in his company for years, their faces etched with urgency. He called out to them.

"Senior Brother Mo!"

"Senior Brother Mo, you've arrived just in time. Please, make haste to the Wooden Man Room!" they implored with distressed looks.

"The Wooden Man Room? What's the issue?" Mo Qinghong was taken aback. He was aware that today he was in charge of the Wooden Man Room, but that was something Bai Zhixin and the others could handle. There shouldn't have been any problems.

"Senior Brother Mo, there's trouble at the Wooden Man Room. Our people have been ousted, and Senior Sister Bai is rallying reinforcements!"

Mo Qinghong's expression turned grim. "Who has the audacity to stir up trouble when I'm overseeing the Wooden Man Room? Even Senior Brothers from the Inner Sect should show me some respect! Let's go, I want to see this for myself!"

"With Senior Brother Mo on the way, everything will surely be resolved!" The pair exclaimed with relief.

Upon their frantic arrival at the Wooden Man Room, they were greeted by the sight of dozens of their own people standing outside.

"What happened here? Why is everyone outside?"

Mo Qinghong strode forward, calling out in a loud voice.

"Senior Brother Mo, that rascal Bai Yeh... he's taken over the Wooden Man Room!" A disciple reported, his face etched with frustration.

"Who did he take it over with?" Mo Qinghong pressed.

"No one, it's just... just him by himself..." the disciple's voice shook with trepidation.

At that revelation, Mo Qinghong was momentarily stunned before his hand flew out, striking the disciple's face with a resounding slap.


The crowd watched in shock, their faces filled with indignation.

"Useless, the lot of you! How can so many fail to handle a single individual?"

Mo Qinghong bellowed in fury.

"Bai Yeh is too sly. He's been using the wooden figures inside the Wooden Man Room to guerrilla fight us. Our numbers don't give us the upper hand," Bai Zhixin explained, her face ashen as she approached.

Mo Qinghong was beside himself with rage. If word of this got out, how would he ever maintain his standing within the Soul Finishing Sect?


The door to the Wooden Man Room swung open, and out strolled Bai Yeh, the picture of ease, clutching a bulging bag in his hand—the 'Magic Soul Pill' he had exchanged for.

"All these people for me?" Bai Yeh cast a glance over the crowd.

"Curse it!"

The disciples closed in, surrounding him.

"The Wooden Man Room is off-limits for disturbances!"

A sharp rebuke echoed through the Wooden Man Room, sending shivers down everyone's spine as they quickly lowered their heads and scattered.

Mo Qinghong strode forward, his face ashen with fury.

"You've got nerve!"

"Are you blind? What kind of man would I be if I didn't?" Bai Yeh retorted dismissively.

"Excellent!" Mo Qinghong nodded vigorously. "On the Dragon Tiger Platform, two days from now, I'll dismantle you myself! Your life will be the foundation of my power!"

Mo Qinghong's words came through clenched teeth.

"We'll see if you're up to the challenge."

Unperturbed, Bai Yeh continued on his way to the back mountain, the Magic Soul Pill securely in his grasp.

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