Celestial Blade Lord/C18 Stone Mountain Trip
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Celestial Blade Lord/C18 Stone Mountain Trip
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C18 Stone Mountain Trip

Stone Mountain is perpetually shrouded in a miasma that outsiders can't penetrate. But every three years, the miasma is carried by the south wind over to North Mountain, creating the perfect opportunity to enter Stone Mountain and gather Soul Stones. It's a veritable treasure trove, with Soul Stones scattered everywhere. If we manage to find even a few high-quality ones, they could sustain our cultivation for several months!"

Zhang Dazhuang, still plastered with medicinal patches, excitedly addressed Bai Yeh, who was meditating on his bed.

"There's this tale about a fellow who struck it rich by finding ten top-grade Soul Stones. After absorbing them, he leaped an incredible four levels, advancing straight from the sixth level of the Strength Soul Stage to the first level of the Qi Soul Stage, stunning the entire sect!"

"And that's not all..."

Dazhuang was on a roll, his words tumbling out nonstop.

Bai Yeh opened his eyes, giving Dazhuang a sidelong glance, and remarked coolly, "You think you're up for Stone Mountain in your current shape? Seems to me you're more likely to be hunting for trouble than Soul Stones."

"Aw, come on, Senior Brother Bai, it's not that dire. We'll stick to the outskirts, steer clear of the mountain proper, and avoid any Vicious Beasts. What could possibly go wrong?" Dazhuang, buoyed by Bai Yeh's response, grew even more excited.

"The Vicious Beasts on Stone Mountain aren't particularly formidable. With your fourth-level Strength Soul Stage abilities, you should be able to handle them. But in a place like that, teeming with treasures and far from the oversight of our sect, do you really think beasts are all you have to worry about? It's people who pose the greatest threat." Bai Yeh shook his head, continuing, "I'm familiar with Stone Mountain. Every three years, when the miasma lifts, the sects dispatch disciples to harvest Soul Stones. They're entitled to keep any they collect beyond their assigned quota. That's why many see a trip to Stone Mountain as a golden ticket to rapid ascension. But my advice? If you can avoid going, do so. It's not worth risking your life."

"Why?" Zhang Dazhuang asked urgently.

"People are fickle when interests are at stake," Bai Yeh responded succinctly.

Hearing this, Zhang Dazhuang's spirits visibly sank.

Indeed, with each opening of Stone Mountain, many disciples failed to return, and not all were lost to Vicious Beasts.

"Senior Brother Bai, I simply want to broaden my horizons, not entangle myself in conflicts."

"There will be time to go once you've gained more strength."

"But waiting another three years is too long for me. Please, Senior Brother, let me join this time!" Zhang Dazhuang persisted, pleading.

Bai Yeh gave him a look but remained silent.

Leaning in, Zhang Dazhuang whispered, "Forget that for now, Senior Brother. I've heard rumors that Lin Zhengshu might target you during this trip to Stone Mountain. Please, be on your guard!"

"Really?" Bai Yeh's eyebrows raised slightly as he appraised Zhang Dazhuang, then shifted the conversation. "By the way, Dazhuang, where did Lin Zhengshu injure you? I have some medical expertise; let me take a look."

"No need, they're just minor surface wounds. He got in a couple of hits, then made it look like I fell on my own. Just my bad luck," Zhang Dazhuang grumbled, his face clouded with frustration.

Bai Yeh gave him a thoughtful look and after a brief pause, advised, "Don't worry, it'll heal in time. It's getting late; you should head back. Since you're set on going, start preparing for Stone Mountain early."

"Heh, sure thing, Senior Brother. I'll head out now."

"Alright, off you go."

Bai Yeh waved him off.

With a bounce in his step, Zhang Dazhuang excitedly turned and departed.


Days later, the Soul Finishing Sect held a magnificent assembly in their martial arena, where thousands converged.

With the sect's interests at stake, the turnout was impressive, including many from the Inner Sect. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation.

The Inner Sect disciples formed their own group, while those on the Tiger Dragon Ranking clustered together. Bai Yeh had intended to stand alone, but as the newer disciples arrived and spotted him, they instinctively lined up behind him, much to his chagrin.

Before long, the crowd had mostly gathered.

Streaks of light sliced through the sky, casting a mystical Qi over the training ground. The light settled on the imposing statue at the forefront of the arena, and upon recognizing the arrivals, the disciples bowed with fists clasped, calling out in unison.

"We greet the Sect Master and the Elders!"


Sect Master Wei Qinghou, depicted in the statue, nodded subtly. Standing behind him were Gu Cao and the Great Elder Yu Chang Song, among others.

Eyes by the dozens were fixed on Sect Master Wei Qinghou. Clad in a pale green robe, his presence was understated, almost ordinary. To the naked eye, his level of cultivation was inscrutable. Yet, whispers abounded of his fearsome power, of his ability to soar through the heavens and cleave through earth and stone. It was said that with a mere punch, he could reduce the entire Soul Finishing Sect to rubble. The sect's current flourishing state was attributed to him, and he was held in high esteem by many within the sect.

Bai Yeh sensed the palpable excitement in the murmurs around him, stirring a reflective sentiment within.

The Sect Master then began to address the crowd with measured words.

"Our sect boasts a history spanning several centuries. Its members have dedicated themselves to upholding the Dao and to their cultivation. The path of cultivation is fraught with hardship; it requires your unwavering commitment and resolve to never abandon it mid-journey."

"In seven days, the miasma of Stone Mountain will dissipate. As representatives of the Soul Finishing Sect, you will journey there to harvest Soul Stones. Remember, gather what you can without engaging in disputes or conflicts. Unity and cooperation are paramount. However, should anyone dare to provoke you, do not hesitate to defend yourselves. The Soul Finishing Sect will stand firmly behind you."

"Over thirty sects will partake in the Stone Mountain expedition. Some are allies of our Soul Finishing Sect and will undoubtedly assist you in claiming the mountain's riches. Yet, beware of those sects driven by dark motives and greed. Be vigilant around such individuals!"

"Every coin has two sides, and the treasures of Stone Mountain have attracted countless covetous eyes. You must tread carefully and be on guard. Instructor Gu Cao will brief you on the specifics for this mission. The Great Elder will lead this expedition! Have I made myself clear?"


The call echoed.

The Sect Master gave a nod, and Valley Grass stepped forward to begin the briefing.

It was revealed that the upcoming expedition to Stone Mountain was limited to disciples below the Qi Soul Stage. Many from the Inner Sect were ineligible to participate. Stone Mountain's climate was peculiar, having been the final resting place of a legendary warrior. The warrior's remains, interred within the mountain, had released soul power that merged with the mountain's unique atmosphere. This caused certain stones to absorb significant soul power, transforming them into valuable Soul Stones. While the stones were abundant, so too were the covetous eyes of many. With dozens of sects entering the fray, a fierce battle was inevitable, and bloodshed was expected to be extensive.

To mitigate the carnage, an agreement was struck among the sects to only allow those under the Qi Soul Stage to venture into Stone Mountain. Higher-level experts were to remain at the mountain's base, ensuring the conflicts among the weaker disciples wouldn't escalate too severely. This strategy was designed to maximize the survival rate of the sect's disciples. Should the more powerful experts engage, the outcome would be a field of corpses.

With the briefing concluded, the crowd buzzed with excitement. Wei Qinghou issued a final warning before declaring it time to set out.

Led by the Great Elder, Yu Chang Song, the group made their way out of the sect one by one.

"Why are we setting off now when it's only a three-day journey to the top of Stone Mountain?"

"You're not in the know, are you? The elders need to get to Stone Mountain ahead of us to establish a healing Magic Array. Given the anticipated combat, if we're well-prepared, we could save many disciples' lives."

"It sounds perilous. I'm having second thoughts about going."

"Are you out of your mind? This opportunity is coveted by many. Look at our Senior Brothers and Sisters from the Inner Sect who've reached the Qi Soul Stage. They're envious of us. They'd jump at the chance to join our ranks and seek fortunes on Stone Mountain. With a bit of luck, the rewards from this trip could rival a year's worth of grueling training."

"I see."

As Bai Yeh walked, he overheard the murmurs and debates among the disciples.

He nodded to himself, realizing that caution was necessary for this journey to Stone Mountain.

But he hadn't gone far when a sudden discomfort washed over him. Turning around, he caught sight of several onlookers. Among them was Lin Zhengshu, flanked by a few Inner Sect disciples exuding powerful auras, all at the ninth level of the Qi Soul Stage.

Bai Yeh kept his composure and continued on his way.

A lone traveler could reach Stone Mountain in two days on foot, but this time the Soul Finishing Sect had mobilized over a thousand members, a formidable number.

The trip proceeded without incident until the third day when the Soul Finishing Sect's procession finally reached the base of Stone Mountain.

The area was bustling with activity, crowded with Soul Cultivators from various sects mingling in small groups. The arrival of the Soul Finishing Sect people went largely unnoticed, save for a few friendly sects that came over to exchange greetings.

The Great Elder, Yu Chang Song, directed everyone to a clearing and signaled for the Inner Sect disciples to step forward. They pulled materials from their packs and began constructing the magic array.

Not everyone was as fortunate as Bai Yeh to possess a Storage Ring. Ever since he had taken Mo Qinghong's ring, a steady stream of Inner Sect disciples had sought him out daily, hoping to purchase their own.

"Look over there!"

Suddenly, a chorus of gasps rose from the crowd.

Bai Yeh looked up to see a multitude of silhouettes against the sky. Upon closer inspection, they were massive eagles, nearly a hundred in number, each carrying several riders on its back.

"It's the Beast Taming Sect!"

"What are they doing here?"

"This is trouble. The Beast Taming Sect is rumored to communicate with all manner of spirits! If they venture into Stone Mountain, they could easily win the allegiance of the savage beasts within. An encounter with them would spell disaster for us."

Resentment was brewing among many.

The Beast Taming Sect? Bai Yeh was familiar with the name. It was an illustrious sect situated near the Royal Capital, known to be more powerful than the Soul Finishing Sect. But they were so far from the Royal Capital—what brought them here?

As the Beast Taming Sect members made their entrance, the crowd parted like the sea, eyes fixating on the disciples mounted on majestic eagles. Each disciple from the Beast Taming Sect carried themselves with an air of arrogance, radiating confidence.

"It's a pleasant surprise to have the esteemed daoists from the Beast Taming Sect join us! What an honor!"

Representatives from various sects stepped forward to exchange pleasantries with the Beast Taming Sect's leaders, outshining the Soul Finishing Sect in grandeur.

"Keep your distance from the Beast Taming Sect if you can," Yu Chang Song advised his disciples with a stern tone, "If you encounter them, withdraw immediately. Sacrifice the Soul Stone if you must, but preserve your lives. Understood?"

The Stone Mountain loomed large, and any misfortune there would go unnoticed.

"Yes, Elder!" the disciples chorused in response.

The toxic miasma at Stone Mountain's entrance had dissipated significantly.

Yu Chang Song, seeing the other sects preparing to embark, signaled for his disciples to rally. "Enter in groups. Inner Sect disciples will lead. Groups of a hundred. Once inside Stone Mountain, you're on your own. Regroup here in five days, and return safely. Keep your greed in check!"

With that, Yu Chang Song seated himself on the prepared magic array, a man of few words, focusing only on what mattered.

Nods of agreement rippled through the disciples as the Inner Sect's senior brothers and sisters began organizing the teams.

The assembly was systematic and efficient.

"Hey, you there—come out. Join that team."

In the midst of the organization, an Inner Sect disciple singled out Bai Yeh, directing him to join Lin Zhengshu's team. Bai Yeh turned to see that it was the same disciple who had been in Lin Zhengshu's company earlier.

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