Celestial Blade Lord/C19 Fighting Against Each Other
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Celestial Blade Lord/C19 Fighting Against Each Other
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C19 Fighting Against Each Other

"Planning to make your move against me at Stone Mountain?"

Bai Yeh paused briefly, then without rejecting, he stepped forward.

"This kid's got guts," muttered an Inner Sect disciple standing next to Lin Zhengshu, a cold smirk on his face.

"He's a real troublemaker. Fellow Senior Brothers and Sisters, be cautious," chuckled Lin Zhengshu.

"No need to fret. What can a novice disciple who's just joined the sect possibly do?" Faang Shi, another Inner Sect disciple, said with a teasing smile.

"Senior Brother surely isn't intimidated by him. But there's talk that he's lost all his soul power recently. Rumor has it he's ascended to the eighth level of the Soul Force Stage. His strength shouldn't be taken lightly, especially since he bested Mo Qinghong, the tenth-ranked on the Tiger Dragon Ranking. He's clearly no average Joe."

"Eighth level? Big deal. The Inner Sect is teeming with ninth-level talents. Why should we fear him? Besides, this kid's just putting on an act. Does he think I can't see through it? He lacks the aura of the Heavenly Soul, not because he's reached the eighth level, but more likely because he's using some trick to intimidate us," Faang Shi said dismissively.

As a ninth-level Inner Sect member, how could one not discern the truth?

Qin Ru, standing nearby, nodded in agreement: "Senior Brother Faang's analysis makes sense. He may appear composed, but inside, he's probably quaking with fear."

"It has to be the case."

Laughter erupted from the group.

Their laughter wasn't quiet, and many of the surrounding disciples, including Bai Yeh, overheard. He raised an eyebrow but remained silent, continuing his approach.

"Hey, kid, over here. Your Senior Brother wants a word with you," Faang Shi called out, gesturing to Bai Yeh.

Bai Yeh remained still, standing at the back of the line, feigning deafness.

Annoyed, Faang Shi barked, "Are you deaf, you waste? I told you to come here!"

"Silence!" Bai Yeh's sharp retort left Faang Shi momentarily stunned.

"What did you say?" Faang Shi bristled with irritation.

"What did I say? I said enough with the noise! Look at the time! We're still bickering when today's journey to Stone Mountain is at stake, a matter of our sect's honor. Instead of strategizing on how to secure the greatest advantage for the sect, you Inner Sect disciples are using your status to bully your peers? To me, you don't deserve to be called a member of the Soul Finishing Sect. Scum like you should hurry up and leave!" Bai Yeh's voice was icy as he deliberately raised his volume, ensuring that everyone around could hear.

The disciples had already overheard the exchanges between Faang Shi, Qin Ru, and Lin Zhengshu. Now, Bai Yeh's words struck a chord with them. On an expedition like Stone Mountain, unity was essential to face the challenges from other sects. Infighting was out of the question.

The looks the disciples gave Faang Shi were now tinged with disapproval.

With a sour expression, Faang Shi found himself the target of collective disdain, thanks to Bai Yeh's pointed remarks. He shot Bai Yeh a frosty glare and fell silent.

The guy knew how to read the room.

"You've got nerve, kid," said the Inner Sect disciple who had assigned Bai Yeh to this team, clapping him on the shoulder with a smirk. "But don't worry, we'll see how things go once we're inside Stone Mountain."

Unmoved, Bai Yeh shrugged off the disciple's hand. His expression remained unchanged.

A glint of malice flickered in the disciple's eyes before he turned and left without another word.

The teams quickly dispersed. Other sects had already begun their ascent, and the Soul Finishing Sect couldn't lag behind. The two leading teams set off first, with Bai Yeh's hundred-man squad following suit.

The miasma had mostly cleared, posing no threat to the group. It was impractical for the hundred-man team to stick together; a large group would be an easy target and less efficient at gathering Soul Stones.

Some Inner Sect disciples had been on a previous Stone Mountain expedition and knew the ropes. The Outer Sect disciples had the option to tag along or venture off independently.

Bai Yeh had no intention of trailing behind the larger group, where he might end up with nothing. Once he entered the mountain, he immediately decided to strike out on his own.

As he made his move, Lin Zhengshu, Faang Shi, and their companions quickly closed in.

Bai Yeh's brow furrowed.

Using his Barbarian Power to handle Lin Zhengshu alone wouldn't be an issue, but facing off against several Inner Sect disciples was a different story—far less promising.

He wasn't one to act without thinking. In this situation, his strategy was to delay and evade.

Yet, he didn't flee. Instead, he turned and strode toward Faang Shi and Lin Zhengshu.

Seeing Bai Yeh not only refuse to run but actually approach them, they were all taken aback.

"Senior Brother, what's he up to?" Qin Ru whispered.

"I have no idea. Is this kid looking to grovel for mercy?"

"Knowing him, that's highly unlikely," Lin Zhengshu admitted, unable to decipher Bai Yeh's intentions. He furrowed his brow and cautioned, "Senior Brother, Senior Sister, we should remain vigilant."

Bai Yeh, halfway to them, noticed the confusion in their eyes and felt a sinking feeling. Without warning, he sped up, his hand sweeping toward his waist.


A flash of silver sword light burst forth. With a swing of his Barbarian Power, it sliced through the air like a silver leopard lunging at Lin Zhengshu and Faang Shi.

"The nerve!"

Enraged, Faang Shi summoned his soul power, unleashing it like a surging river toward Bai Yeh, slowing his advance.

"You dare to strike at us before we've even come after you!" Qin Ru's slender palm thrust forward with a force that seemed to tear through anything in its path.

A cold smirk played on Bai Yeh's lips as he abruptly halted his hand.

Qin Ru paused, puzzled, but as her palm made contact with Bai Yeh, she was repelled with a resounding thud.

The force wasn't great, and it felt less like soul power and more like raw, Barbarian Power.

Could this guy really channel such strength through his forehead?

Qin Ru was astounded.

All eyes had been on Bai Yeh's sword, unaware that his true strength lay in his physical prowess!

In that lightning-fast moment, Bai Yeh leaped forward, seizing the opportunity as Qin Ru faltered, and charged with his sword drawn.

The onlookers' faces turned pale at the sight.

"Watch out, Junior Sister!"


Qin Ru froze, caught off guard as Bai Yeh's sword was suddenly at her throat.

The onlookers halted in their tracks at the sight.

"Bai Yeh, release Senior Sister Qin Ru at once!"

"If you harm even a hair on her head, I swear I'll tear you to pieces!"

Lin Zhengshu and Faang Shi bellowed.

This guy was too much; he'd managed to overpower Qin Ru in no time!

"Even if I don't lay a finger on her, you'd still rip me apart," Bai Yeh retorted coldly. "Besides, dying alongside a beauty like Senior Sister Qin Ru isn't the worst way to go."

Qin Ru's complexion turned ashen, the Soft Sword at her neck threatening to slice her throat any second. She was paralyzed with fear, unable to move.

"Don't be reckless, Bai Yeh!" Faang Shi, noticing the Soft Sword pressing closer, urged.

"I could refrain from being reckless, but today, someone's fate is sealed. Now, you have a choice. Either watch Senior Sister Qin Ru die before your eyes, or let her return unscathed. What's it going to be?" Bai Yeh asked, his tone detached.

"Is that even a question? Of course, I want Junior Sister Qin Ru to return safely!" Faang Shi exclaimed urgently.

"Fine," Bai Yeh nodded. "Then act now. Cripple Lin Zhengshu right here beside you. Destroy his Heavenly Soul, and I assure you, Qin Ru goes free."


Lin Zhengshu was dumbfounded.

He hadn't expected Bai Yeh to turn Faang Shi against him...

The crowd was equally stunned, their eyes fixed on Faang Shi.

"That's impossible," Faang Shi clenched his teeth. "To save Junior Sister Qin by crippling Junior Brother Lin? I can't do it!"

"I see," Bai Yeh whispered into Qin Ru's ear. "Senior Sister Qin, take a good look at these people before you. They're watching you die, abandoning you, throwing your life away! And when you're dead, become a vengeful spirit and make them pay."

Qin Ru shivered uncontrollably as the words hit her, tears spilling from her eyes in an instant.

Bai Yeh was dead serious, his hand clenching the sword with increasing strength.

Faang Shi's eyes burned red with urgency.

"Senior... Senior Brother..." Lin Zhengshu sensed trouble brewing.


With a sudden roar, Faang Shi whirled around, sending a palm strike thundering towards Lin Zhengshu's chest.

In that lightning-fast moment, Lin Zhengshu scattered a cloud of gray dust from seemingly nowhere. Everyone inhaled the dust, coughing uncontrollably.

"Poisonous Moth Powder?"

Bai Yeh's gaze intensified.

Those affected by the dust felt their bodies weaken, their soul power crawling at a snail's pace.

This was a toxin designed to inhibit Soul Cultivators. Non-lethal, yes, but its effects were rapid and particularly potent against ordinary Soul Cultivators.

"This was meant for others, but you forced my hand by trying to destroy my cultivation. You've only yourself to blame!" Lin Zhengshu landed a punch squarely on Faang Shi's chest, sending him stumbling back, then spun on his heel and fled.

"Damn you!" Faang Shi cursed relentlessly, though he too was in dire straits.

Chaos erupted. Lin Zhengshu and Faang Shi, once allies against Bai Yeh, were now at each other's throats thanks to a simple manipulation.

Despite her fear, Qin Ru witnessed it all, her heart pounding. She realized the man behind her was not only formidable in strength but also in cunning—a man not to be trifled with.

"What's going on?"

"Isn't that Senior Faang Shi and the others?"

At that moment, several figures from the Soul Finishing Sect approached rapidly.

Seeing this, Bai Yeh released his Soft Sword and delivered a palm strike to Qin Ru's back. She collapsed, unconscious. He retreated and dashed into the depths of the mountains.

Killing these people in front of the disciples would make Bai Yeh an outcast from the Soul Finishing Sect, a wanted man, and bring disaster upon the Bai family. The scene was chaotic, but it was no Dragon Tiger Platform.

However, Lin Zhengshu and Faang Shi had already become adversaries, which was a far more favorable turn of events than he had anticipated.

Having been afflicted with the moth powder, Faang Shi and his group were unable to give chase.

Before long, Bai Yeh had vanished into the depths of the mountains.

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