Celestial Blade Lord/C20 Nangong Mei
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Celestial Blade Lord/C20 Nangong Mei
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C20 Nangong Mei

This area seemed secure for the moment.

Alone on the winding mountain path, Bai Yeh scanned his surroundings in search of the Soul Stone.

Despite the reconstruction of his Soul Mansion, his sensitivity to soul power remained undiminished. The mountain was saturated with it, making it a simple task to conceal a Soul Cultivator, and even simpler to hide a mere stone.

But scarcely had he taken a few steps when the acrid scent of blood wafted through the air.

Bai Yeh's nerves tightened, his hand instinctively going to his waist as he cautiously edged forward.

Ahead, the road was a grim tableau of bodies strewn haphazardly, the ground slick with blood. Each corpse bore the telltale sword scars of a brutal end.

A wave of discomfort washed over Bai Yeh as he surveyed the scene. These were disciples from other sects, newly arrived on the mountain, now met with a tragic fate.

Yet, the swift annihilation of over thirty Soul Cultivators hinted at a significant force, possibly even a formidable Soul Cultivator. Despite the inter-sect rule forbidding anyone above the Qi Soul Stage from entering, there was no guarantee against the presence of hidden masters.

There was no alternative route up the mountain.

Steadying his resolve, Bai Yeh pressed on, every sense alert.

But he had advanced less than a hundred meters when the clamor of battle cries and clashing weapons filled the air.

Bai Yeh, pressed against the mountain wall, peered toward the commotion.

In that moment, an anomaly caught his attention. A Soul Cultivator burst from a side path, brandishing a large blade and viciously striking at Bai Yeh.

With an icy demeanor, Bai Yeh unleashed the Swan Shocking Step Arts, sidestepping the blade. His palm swept through the air, unleashing a flash of Snow Light. His Soft Sword struck with the precision of a viper, targeting the assailant's neck.

A gurgling sound followed as the man's grip on his blade faltered, and he collapsed backward, blood gushing from his neck.

Felled by a single blow.

"Who's there?"

The others quickly became aware of Bai Yeh's presence.

"You scoundrel, give me back my brother's life!" A man clad in black charged at Bai Yeh, consumed by rage.

Bai Yeh seethed with rage. There he was, simply walking along the mountain path when someone ambushed him with a drawn blade.

He stood his ground, sheathing his sword before advancing once more.

"You dare to sheathe your weapon? How presumptuous! Prepare to die!"

The man in black gripped his large blade with both hands and leaped forward. His imposing blade descended like a tiger pouncing on its prey.

Bai Yeh sidestepped, and the blade struck the earth, splitting the ground with its force.

He grunted, his arm flicking as the Soft Sword reappeared. In a flash, a burst of icy light shot out, striking towards the man's heart like lightning.

But then...


The Soft Sword struck his heart, yet it rang out sharply, as though the blade had hit solid iron.


Bai Yeh realized instantly and sprang backward.

"Think you can escape?"

The man sneered and lunged forward with his blade once more.

Bai Yeh's face twisted into a fierce snarl as he met the large blade with his own.


The Soft Sword clashed with the Tyrant Blade, but Bai Yeh's formidable Barbarian Power stopped it dead in its tracks.

The man uttered a surprised "Huh?" and Bai Yeh seized the moment to deliver a punch.

Deprived of his soul force, the might of his Divine Frost Fist was diminished, but his raw strength remained undiminished.


The man staggered back.

Just then, the cry of a hawk pierced the air, followed by a clear, bell-like voice from the cliff behind Bai Yeh.

"Friend! Hurry, climb aboard!"

The voice was melodious and sweet. Bai Yeh glanced back to see a girl in purple, her garments stained with blood from her wounds. She sat astride a massive hawk, extending her delicate, pale hand towards him.

Without hesitation, Bai Yeh leapt onto the hawk's back.

The hawk soared swiftly into the sky.

"Heh, running away? I'd like to see where you can hide!"

The man in black let out a mocking laugh. His accomplice stepped forward, bow in hand, and unleashed a barrage of arrows at the hawk.

The arrows, infused with soul power, found their mark. The great bird, pierced by several shafts, let out a mournful cry and began to plummet.


The girl let out a piercing scream.

Bai Yeh's face was a mask of icy composure as he swiftly grasped the girl's slender waist and seized the eagle's wings to keep them balanced. Clinging to the bird's body, they plummeted into the ravine below.


The eagle hit the ground, barely clinging to life. The two were cushioned by its massive frame and were, for the moment, unharmed.

Bai Yeh rose to his feet, shaking his head to clear it. They were alone, momentarily safe.

A faint groan came from nearby, and the girl struggled to her feet as well.

Clearly, the fall had been rough on her, and her injuries only added to her disorientation. It took her some time to regain her bearings.

"Miss, I owe you my thanks for your timely rescue," Bai Yeh said, bowing with his hands clasped in front of him.

"No thanks are necessary. After all, we're square now. Had you not diverted those bandits' leader when you did, I wouldn't have had the chance to call the eagle and make my escape," the girl replied with a weak but graceful smile. Her voice was soft and melodious, yet it was clear she was struggling, gasping for breath after just a few words.

"Miss, your wounds are serious. You should leave the mountain and seek treatment sooner rather than later," Bai Yeh advised, nodding as he prepared to depart.

Just then, several figures appeared, sprinting down the mountain path in the distance. It was those same men in black.

"Which member of the Beast Taming Sect are you?" Bai Yeh asked, sensing that something was amiss. The pursuit seemed too persistent for it to be just about the Soul Stone.

The girl paused, then shook her head. "I'm not with the Beast Taming Sect. We're just allies."

"You're not with them, yet you can command the eagle?" Bai Yeh was taken aback.

But this was no time for astonishment. Their pursuers were drawing near. He stood up, pulling the girl with him as they dashed into the deeper woods.

"Friend, go on without me. I'm injured and will only slow you down. Better one of us dies than both," the girl said between labored breaths, her steps faltering. She tried to pull away, but found his grip unyieldingly firm.

"I may not be a gentleman," Bai Yeh stated without a trace of emotion, "but I am someone who never forgets a grudge or a favor. If I were to abandon you now, I wouldn't be worthy of the name Bai Yeh."

In the heart of the mountains, the cliff faces stretched into the distance, peppered with numerous caves—over a hundred, by a quick count. Bai Yeh's face lit up with hope as he led the girl into one of the caves.

"You're cutting off our only escape route!" the girl exclaimed, dismayed.

"That's not necessarily true," Bai Yeh replied.

The caves weren't particularly deep, extending only about a hundred meters or so. If their pursuers checked each cave, they could scour the entire area in less than half a day. But to find the specific cave where Bai Yeh and the girl were hiding wouldn't even take that long.

The girl was riddled with doubt, unsure of Bai Yeh's intentions, but in such a dire situation, she had no other option.

Bai Yeh sat cross-legged, closing his eyes in meditation to center himself.

The girl grew frantic. "Shouldn't we be doing something? They could find us at any moment."

"Just stay put. There's nothing more to do. Someone will come to our rescue," Bai Yeh assured her.

Confusion clouded the girl's face. In such a desolate place, who would come? Who could possibly rescue them?

She settled down quietly, her back against the cool rock, her complexion still ghostly.

"Are you okay?" Bai Yeh asked, opening his eyes.

"I'm fine," the girl replied, shaking her head. She retrieved a small vial from the ring on her finger, tipped out a medicinal pill, and placed it delicately on her tongue.

A Storage Ring? And it seemed to be of a much higher quality than my own.

Bai Yeh observed that it wasn't just the ring; the pill and even the vial it came from were of exceptional quality.

"You mentioned you're not from the Beast Taming Sect, so who are you? How can you command the eagle?" Bai Yeh inquired.

"Isn't it polite to introduce yourself before asking questions?" the girl responded with a gentle smile, reminiscent of a blooming white orchid.

Bai Yeh nodded in agreement and introduced himself, "I'm Bai Yeh, a disciple of the Soul Finishing Sect."

"I see, a disciple of the Soul Finishing Sect," the girl said with a nod. "I'm Nangong Mei, from the Royal Capital."

"Nangong Mei? From the Royal Capital?" Bai Yeh furrowed his brow. "What brings someone from the Royal Capital all the way out here?"

"I'm here for training."

"Training?" Bai Yeh was momentarily at a loss for words, then pressed on, "You claim you're not affiliated with the Beast Taming Sect, yet you can command eagles. What exactly is your connection to them?"

"Well... didn't I mention it earlier? It's merely an acquaintance..." Nangong Mei seemed embarrassed.

"If it's inconvenient to talk about, let's drop it. I was just making conversation," Bai Yeh reassured her. Though she remained silent, he could infer that the girl came from wealth. Her poise, her actions, and even her accessories spoke volumes.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, feeling a twinge of guilt.

Bai Yeh shook his head dismissively. Suddenly, he began scanning the surroundings, his senses alert. He ventured deeper into the cave, not stopping until he reached the summit.

"What's the matter?" Nangong Mei inquired, puzzled.

With a swift motion, Bai Yeh drew his Soft Sword and thrust it into the cave wall twice, the metallic clangs reverberating throughout the cavern.

Nangong Mei's complexion grew even paler. "Be careful, they might hear us," she warned.

"It's fine," Bai Yeh assured her, and with that, he pried out two large stones. He worked the sword against them, scraping away the outer layer of debris. Soon, two fist-sized black stones emerged into their view.

Realization dawned on Nangong Mei. "Are these... Soul Stones?"

"These large Soul Stones can't be found just anywhere. Take one and absorb it quickly; it should aid in healing your wounds," Bai Yeh offered, handing her one of the stones.

Nangong Mei hesitated, then accepted it with a delicate hand. Her pale, refined face was downcast as she whispered her thanks.

"Don't mention it," Bai Yeh replied nonchalantly, already focusing on absorbing the energy from his own Soul Stone.

The Soul Stone's energy was fully consumed by the Soul Mansion, but to no avail; there was no reaction, no sign of the stone cracking.

It was commonly believed that the Heavenly Soul Mutation could occur as quickly as three days or take up to a month. Yet, here I am, several months in—could this be like the awakening of the Heavenly Soul all over again, requiring a decade or more of waiting? Bai Yeh pondered.

This time, however, he struck gold. A distinctive Soul Energy was seeping from the mountain wall. Having absorbed the Soul Stone, Bai Yeh resumed his excavation with renewed vigor.

Before long, he unearthed over a dozen fist-sized Soul Stones—a haul more than fivefold the yield of a hundred-man squad in five days.

Nangong Mei, who had just finished absorbing some Soul Stones, was taken aback by Bai Yeh's latest find.

"Here, let's split them evenly," Bai Yeh offered.

"No... there's no need. You should absorb them yourself; there's no reason to share with me. You're the one who found them," Nangong Mei demurred, shaking her head.

"Oh? Someone's actually turning down Soul Stones? How curious," Bai Yeh mused, not one for affectation. Seeing she wasn't interested, he simply grabbed a Soul Stone and began to absorb its energy.

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