Celestial Blade Lord/C21 Stone Mountain Ancient Array
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Celestial Blade Lord/C21 Stone Mountain Ancient Array
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C21 Stone Mountain Ancient Array

Nangong Mei sat silently to one side, watching without interrupting him with a sound.

It wasn't until four hours later, after Bai Yeh had absorbed every last Soul Stone, that he finally rose to his feet.

"Why can't I sense any soul power in you, despite you absorbing so many Soul Stones?" Nangong Mei eyed Bai Yeh with curiosity.

The soul power within the Soul Stones was potent, yet once Bai Yeh had absorbed it, it vanished without a trace, undetectable.

Bai Yeh remained silent, at a loss for words.

Just then, a faint noise came from the entrance of the cave.

Both of them tensed up.

"Judging by the time, they should be lurking around one of the nearby caves. Stay alert," Bai Yeh whispered.

"Who? The ones hunting us down? Didn't you say someone was coming to rescue us? Why... haven't they shown up yet?" Nangong Mei's voice trembled with nervousness.

"They'll be here any minute now."

Nangong Mei couldn't fathom what Bai Yeh was up to, her heart racing with both urgency and fear.

"Here, take this for self-defense!" She opened her Storage Ring and retrieved two peculiar talismans, handing one to Bai Yeh, who looked at it oddly but gripped it in his hand.

At that moment, the figures at the cave's entrance quickened their pace, having noticed something. They strode in to find the group of men in black.

"So you were hiding here. You're quite adept at concealment," the leader of the men in black said, his gaze menacing as he glared at Nangong Mei, his cold eyes shimmering with a bizarre glow.

"Curse it!"

Nangong Mei stood up defiantly, her face set with resolve.

"Oh? Still thinking of resisting? You're merely wasting your energy," the man scoffed.

"Even in death, I'll take down a few of you scoundrels! I won't make this easy for you," Nangong Mei declared, her teeth clenched in unwavering resolve.

"Hehe, I do enjoy a woman with spirit! A holy body! A holy body indeed!" The man in black exclaimed with excitement. With a wave of his hand, he commanded coldly, "Kill the boy, then guard the entrance. This woman possesses a holy body, and today, I shall claim it! Haha!"


The others acknowledged the command and charged forward without hesitation.

"Watch out!" Nangong Mei cried out, swiftly positioning herself in front of Bai Yeh.

Bai Yeh paused, taken aback. Why was this girl fighting with such ferocity?

Yet, he remained still, for the one he was waiting for had made their entrance.


A thunderous voice echoed from the mouth of the cave, followed by a cascade of footsteps as a throng of people surged toward them.

The man in black's face contorted with fear. He glanced back to see a crowd, dozens strong, filling the entrance.

They were from the Beast Taming Sect!


One of the Inner Sect disciples bellowed the command.

To Bai Yeh's astonishment, this disciple's power was at the Qi Soul Stage!

Hadn't it been said that Qi Soul Stage Cultivators weren't allowed free entry? What was happening here?

With Qi Soul Stage masters reinforcing them, the men in black stood no chance and were swiftly subdued.

The Inner Sect disciple, leading the group, approached briskly and knelt on one knee before Nangong Mei, his voice low with respect, "My apologies for the delay, Miss. You were frightened because of my tardiness. Please accept my apologies."

Miss? But hadn't this young woman claimed she wasn't part of the Beast Taming Sect? Why then did they address her as Miss? Bai Yeh's mind swirled with questions.

"I'm unharmed, please rise," Nangong Mei said with a reassuring smile.

The disciple seemed momentarily captivated by her smile, but the sight of Bai Yeh quickly soured his expression.

"Miss, who is this man? Could he be harboring ill intentions? We must eliminate him!" The disciple exclaimed, ready to strike.

"Stop! This man is my savior! Without him, I would have fallen victim to those scoundrels long ago!" Nangong Mei interjected, shielding Bai Yeh with urgency in her voice.

"Miss, in these treacherous times, deceitful hearts abound. His unclear origins are cause for concern. It's better to err on the side of caution!" The disciple retorted icily.

"How dare you!" Nangong Mei snapped, her anger flaring.

Bai Yeh's brow was deeply furrowed as he recognized the pointed hostility directed at him. Now that he was out of danger, lingering here served no purpose. With a dismissive tone, he announced, "In that case, I bid you farewell." Without further ado, he strode toward the cave's exit.

"Bai Yeh... Bai Yeh, wait up!" Nangong Mei called out, hurrying after him, only to be blocked by the others.

"Miss, let him be. His origins are a mystery, and who's to say he doesn't harbor ulterior motives toward you?"

"You all... Well done!!" Nangong Mei's face blanched with fury, but with Bai Yeh already gone, her anger was futile. All she could do was stamp her foot in frustration.


After parting ways with Nangong Mei, Bai Yeh didn't venture far. He followed the massive mountain wall to a cave at the forefront. Stone Mountain was known for its Soul Stones, the entire mountain enveloped in Soul Energy. These stones were not readily found, and Bai Yeh had only stumbled upon them when he sensed a richer concentration of Soul Energy inside a previous cave. He had excavated a dozen or so Soul Stones but wondered if other caves might hold similar treasures.

With this thought, he dashed into the cave, inspecting as he went. His hunch was correct; the caverns were indeed peppered with numerous Soul Stones, mostly embedded within the mountain wall, awaiting discovery.

Bai Yeh gathered the Soul Stones swiftly, opting not to absorb them immediately. Instead, he stashed them in his Storage Ring, moving from one cavern to the next.

He was driven by the knowledge that more soul cultivators were flocking to this valley. Bai Yeh was certain of rescue, especially given the colossal eagle carcass. The Beast Taming Sect's affinity for sensing creatures surpassed that of ordinary folk. The death of such a formidable eagle would not go unnoticed by them. Once the Beast Taming Sect took notice, Bai Yeh's worries would dissipate. He was convinced they would arrive within half a day.

However, the Beast Taming Sect's arrival would draw widespread attention, and the area would soon buzz with activity.

Time was of the essence, and Bai Yeh quickened his pace.

Sweat cascaded down his face relentlessly.

He was now in the thirty-first cave. Some caves yielded as many as ten to fifteen Soul Stones, while others held a modest five or six. Yet, these Soul Stones were only found deep within the caves; the journey's mountain walls bore none, making them challenging to detect.

As Bai Yeh continued to dig, a wave of doubt washed over him.

The Soul Stones' placement seemed to follow a pattern.

And what about the abundance of caves here? What was the explanation for that?

He attempted to dig further, but after clearing out the Soul Stones, there was nothing more to be found.


Just then, a faint sound echoed from the excavation site.

Bai Yeh sharpened his gaze and noticed the mountain wall before him crumble away. A stone tumbled out, revealing a hole from which a thick blue light spilled.

"Could there be a hidden realm inside?"

Startled, Bai Yeh hastened his efforts, digging with his Soft Sword.

But the sword, worn from the intense labor, finally gave way and snapped.

It wasn't a high-quality blade, after all.

Left with no other option, he resorted to digging with his hands.

Soon, the cave opened up, the light growing more brilliant. Peering inside, Bai Yeh discovered an active, colossal Magic Array.

"Is this the legacy of a formidable Soul Cultivator?"

He pondered, dusting off his hands. He slipped inside, then quickly covered the entrance with mud to conceal the light, preventing it from drawing unwanted attention.

Inside the cave's vast expanse, he surveyed his surroundings. It appeared to be the interior of Stone Mountain, an immense space reaching nearly a hundred meters high, endless in every direction. At the center stood the massive Magic Array, circular in shape, with a dragon soul wrapped in blue flames rotating around it, brimming with vitality and lifelike animation.

Above the center of the array floated a colossal stone, its soul power so intense that Bai Yeh found himself immobilized by the overwhelming force.

"This stone exudes such formidable soul power. It's no surprise that Stone Mountain yields so many Soul Stones—it all starts with this one." Bai Yeh gazed at the stone, lost in thought.

Suddenly, the massive stone began to speak.

"Every three years, innumerable Soul Cultivators flock to this mountain, yet you are the first to uncover this place!"

"Who's there?" Bai Yeh's nerves tightened as he called out cautiously.

"Fear not, I am merely a deceased soul. I can communicate with you because my spirit lingers, anchored within this stone."

The stone's voice resonated once more.

Realizing the origin of the voice, Bai Yeh steadied himself and respectfully bowed, "My apologies for the intrusion, elder. I seek your forgiveness."

"Hmm, you have manners. I'm impressed, young one," the voice chuckled with satisfaction. "Your arrival here signifies destiny. Tell me, would you like to possess unparalleled soul power?"

"What are you suggesting, elder?" Bai Yeh remained inwardly vigilant.

The stone erupted into hearty laughter. "Hahaha, relax, my boy. I perished long ago. Three centuries past, my foes pursued me, and our final confrontation took place here. Though I managed to vanquish them, I sustained mortal wounds and met my end on this ground. In my final moments, I activated my Heavenly Soul to empower the Spirit Protecting Treasure, preserving a fragment of my spirit. The Magic Array below is my Spirit Protecting Array, and the dragon is my Heavenly Soul, the Heaven Suppressing Dragon Soul. I've endured all this time, waiting for a destined one. Your discovery of this place confirms our connection. I am prepared to bestow upon you all my soul techniques, magical treasures, and my Heavenly Soul, to aid in your ascent to unparalleled strength. How does that sound?"

"Truly?" Hope shone in Bai Yeh's eyes.

"Indeed," affirmed the voice from within the stone.

With feigned excitement and a guarded heart, Bai Yeh bowed again, "Then, elder, what would you ask of me?"

"It's quite straightforward. See the Magic Array beneath me? Just step inside, lie at its center, and I'll shatter the stone imprisoning my spirit. Through my spiritual form, I'll transfer all my power and memories to you, catapulting you to celestial heights in a single bound!" The stone spoke with a measured pace.

"Is it really that simple?" Bai Yeh asked, dubious.

"For a grand sorcerer, simplicity is the essence of their craft," came the self-assured reply from the stone.

Bai Yeh mulled it over, then nodded decisively and approached. The dragon, previously circling the array, came to a halt.

He positioned himself on the array, gazing up at the imposing stone overhead.

The stone stirred in response, a fissure forming at its heart. From within emerged a figure bathed in deep blue, descending slowly towards Bai Yeh, all the while murmuring under his breath.

"Rest easy. Soon, you'll dominate the world, reigning supreme."

"With this power, you'll ascend to heights untouchable by mere mortals."

"Now, I shall bestow upon you this ultimate gift."

His whispers continued, his hand inching closer to Bai Yeh.

The voice, insidious as a siren's call, seduced Bai Yeh, eroding his senses and will.

Bai Yeh's gaze grew increasingly vacant.

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