Celestial Blade Lord/C22 Mutated Heavenly Soul Human Dragon Spell
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Celestial Blade Lord/C22 Mutated Heavenly Soul Human Dragon Spell
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C22 Mutated Heavenly Soul Human Dragon Spell

The silhouette's smile was one of pure satisfaction.

This was precisely the effect he had been aiming for.

But in that very moment!

Bai Yeh bit down on the tip of his tongue, a trickle of blood seeping from the corner of his mouth. His once hazy eyes snapped into clarity, and his previously limp hand shot up to violently grasp the blue figure.

The figure writhed in his grip.

"What are you doing? Stay still during the inheritance!" he bellowed, his voice tinged with panic.

"Inheritance? You think I'd buy into such a fairy tale as a pie in the sky?" Bai Yeh tightened his hold on the blue figure and rose to his feet.

"What... What are you saying? You... You don't believe me?" the figure stammered, struggling.

"Believe you? Not a chance." Bai Yeh's smile was icy. "Why would someone who has gone to such lengths to preserve their spiritual body with a treasure simply hand it over to someone else? You've put so much effort into shaping this place just for a 'chosen one'? Don't treat me like a toddler. If I'm not mistaken, you're planning to hijack my body to resurrect yourself, aren't you?"

"How could I be such a person..." the spiritual body protested loudly.

"If that's the case, then explain why this grand formation carries the mark of soul theft?" Bai Yeh's voice was a low, chilling murmur.

Upon entering the formation, he had felt an eerie sensation of his soul departing his body, and his Heavenly Soul grew agitated. Had it not been for the rebirth of his Soul Mansion, his soul might have been compromised.

The spiritual body believed Bai Yeh was oblivious, but in truth, Bai Yeh had remained vigilant all along.

"Curse it!" Realizing his cover was blown, the spiritual body thrashed desperately, seeking escape. But against Bai Yeh's immense Barbarian Power, escape was futile.

"They say the potent spirit body of a Soul Cultivator is prime material for crafting, but since I'm no artisan, I'll just harness your spirit energy to help me reopen my Soul Mansion," Bai Yeh declared frostily. With a forceful punch, he dispersed the soul force enveloping the figure, then, summoning his Barbarian Power, he molded the spirit body into a sphere and shoved it into his mouth.

"Stop! Please, stop! Have mercy! I'm begging you, spare me!"

The spirit body's wails were unceasing.

Yet Bai Yeh paid it no mind, consuming the energy whole.

As the spirit body merged with him, the Soul Mansion detected its presence. The vast Soul Mansion generated a powerful suction, pulling the spirit body into its depths.

Suddenly, the Soul Mansion expanded, its surface radiating a luminescent white glow. An inexplicable wave of impact flooded Bai Yeh's heart.

Without hesitation, he sat down cross-legged and began to meditate.

This century-old spirit body was on par with the rarest of divine elixirs!

A spirit body is not a soul, but rather an energy emitted by the powerful, distinct from ordinary energy as it carries the consciousness of its creator.

The impact from the spirit body was intense. Having absorbed it, the Soul Mansion seemed to teeter on the brink of a breakthrough, needing only a slight nudge.

Bai Yeh focused intently on connecting with the Soul Mansion, relaxing his body and attuning to every subtle change within.


In time, the Soul Mansion fractured. Inside, the Taotie Heavenly Soul thrashed and battered against its confines, the spherical Soul Mansion acting as its prison, yet it refused to be subdued.

The fissures widened. Bai Yeh exhaled deeply, straining to coax it forth.

And then, in that moment—


An explosive burst resonated from within.

Bai Yeh's body shook violently, his strength vanishing momentarily, only to be swiftly replaced by a formidable surge of soul force that coursed through him. Simultaneously, his consciousness ascended to the Ninth Heaven.

Scorching heat!

Blistering, searing heat that could cook a man alive!

When he reopened his eyes, he was surrounded by innumerable Heavenly Souls, and among them, the imposing Taotie Heavenly Soul!

He was in the Ninth Heaven!

The Taotie Heavenly Soul before him had transformed, maintaining its appearance but now magnified manifold, resembling a small mountain. Its form was enveloped in fierce flames, radiating intense heat like that of the sun.

"Is this my evolved Heavenly Soul?" Bai Yeh whispered to himself.

Unable to withstand the Taotie Heavenly Soul's scorching aura, the surrounding Heavenly Souls dispersed, leaving the area dominated by its presence, voraciously drawing in soul force.

Bai Yeh snapped his awareness back into focus, summoning his soul force with fervor. He could sense it gushing through him like a spring, each tendril of power radiating an inexplicable, searing intensity.

The mutation was a success!

Joy surged through Bai Yeh.

He could hardly believe his luck at Stone Mountain, where the spirit of a formidable being had catalyzed the mutation of his Heavenly Soul!

"Is this the boon of a mutated Heavenly Soul?"

He clenched his fist and struck the mountain wall.

Enveloped in soul force, his fist unleashed a fearsome heat. The wall crumbled upon impact, leaving a smoldering hole in its wake—an awe-inspiring display of power.

With the birth of the mutated Heavenly Soul, Bai Yeh was now eligible to master the Nine-soul Sword Spell.

But there was another task at hand before he could delve into that.

His eyes shifted to the grand formation left by the spiritual body and the Heavenly Soul itself.

Typically, a Soul Cultivator's Heavenly Soul originated from the Ninth Heaven, merging with the Soul Mansion within. Yet, to manifest a Heavenly Soul as an entity like the Heaven Suppressing Dragon Soul was beyond the capabilities of those at the Strength Soul or Qi Soul Stages. This 'Heaven Suppressing Dragon Soul' was more than a mere illusion; it had transcended into reality, capable of autonomously defending its master.

As Bai Yeh drew near the Heaven Suppressing Dragon Soul, his Soul Mansion flared open, and the surge of Heavenly Soul power seemed to provoke the dragon soul. It roared furiously, its formidable soul force warping the very fabric of space as it lunged at Bai Yeh.

His heart clenched, prompting him to retreat hastily.

Only when he had put some distance between them did the Heaven Suppressing Dragon Soul settle down.

"Such a formidable Heavenly Soul. Could it belong to that individual? It seems even the Taotie of the Sixth Heaven might pale in comparison! To which heaven does it belong?"

Bai Yeh was inwardly astounded.

The Heaven Suppressing Dragon Soul was tasked with guarding the formation, which is why it hadn't attacked him as he absorbed the spirit body. But now, with his Soul Mansion shattered and the Heavenly Soul transformed, the dynamics had shifted dramatically.

He reined in his Taotie Heavenly Soul and edged closer to the formation.

He hadn't forgotten that this formation was deliberately laid by a spirit body to hijack the souls of others.

Meaning, he could potentially harness this formation to seize the Heaven Suppressing Dragon Soul.

The likelihood of this was substantial!

"The problem is... I didn't set up the formation. Figuring out how to use it is the issue. I need to understand its underlying principle first."

As Bai Yeh neared, the previously subdued Heaven Suppressing Dragon Soul stirred once more, though its reaction was muted.

He kept his distance, convinced that stepping in would provoke an attack. He opted instead to stand aside and observe.

His knowledge of formations was limited.

"What would that spirit body do in my place?"

Bai Yeh's gaze drifted and noticed numerous shards strewn across the formation. These were remnants of the massive Soul Stone that had once shielded the spirit body.

"Hmm?" Upon seeing the stones, something clicked for Bai Yeh. His eyes traced over each fragment, then to the Pattern Seals at the heart of the formation, and he was struck by a revelation—the majority of the Pattern Seals matched the shape of the broken stones.

The fractured form of the Soul Stone couldn't be a coincidence, could it?

Layering the shards atop the Pattern Seals might trigger an unforeseen effect.

After a moment's contemplation and a deep breath, he fixed his gaze on the restless Heaven Suppressing Dragon Soul and, with a bold stride, charged forward.


The Heaven Suppressing Dragon Soul reacted as if stung, the Soul Stone quivering as it lunged at Bai Yeh. Its colossal dragon head seemed intent on crushing him.

Bai Yeh executed the Swan Shocking Step Arts in rapid succession, but the vast dragon soul was hard to evade.

With a battle cry, the soul power of the Taotie Heavenly Soul erupted. His fist, enveloped in a heatwave-like soul force, collided with the dragon head.


Fist met dragon head in a thunderous clash!

Bai Yeh stumbled back, his arm feeling as though it could snap at any moment.

The dragon soul continued its relentless roars.

"You've lost your master, your strength is waning. Without a new master, you'll fade away. Why not join with me, be at my command, and once more soar through the heavens? Wouldn't that be grand?"

Bai Yeh unleashed a roar and lashed out with his right foot, sending the shattered stones skittering across the Pattern Seal.

While desperately maintaining the Taotie Heavenly Soul, he continued to kick the stones with relentless determination.

Yet the power of the dragon soul was formidable beyond measure. After only a few kicks, Bai Yeh found himself pushed to the very brink of the formation.

This tactic was futile; he needed a new approach.

Gazing into the dragon soul's eyes, he saw nothing but scorn and arrogance.

Dragons! They were beings of the highest order, their innate nobility and pride undiminished even in the absence of divinity.

Bai Yeh's resolve ignited at the sight, his battle spirit surging wildly.

"Dragon or not, today you will bow to me!"

With a thunderous bellow, his veins stood out like cords, and he channeled his barbaric strength and soul power straight at the dragon soul.

Fighting spirit!

It was the fighting spirit of the Heavenly Soul, the spirit of the Taotie, and the indomitable spirit from within himself!

The more formidable the adversary, the more fearless Bai Yeh became!

The Taotie Heavenly Soul blazed with an intensity rivaling the sun in the ninth heaven.

His soul power roared like a deluge of untamed beasts, bursting forth in a wild torrent.

Bai Yeh's skin split open, yet he didn't flinch.

He advanced, one determined step after another, his clothes smoldering, the heat around him so intense he seemed to be ablaze.

Man and dragon clashed in the expansive heart of the mountain.

This was the ultimate showdown between human and dragon!

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