Celestial Blade Lord/C3 Nine Heavens' Soul!
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Celestial Blade Lord/C3 Nine Heavens' Soul!
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C3 Nine Heavens' Soul!

Upon returning to the Bai Mansion, Bai Yeh was met with stirring news. Ye Qian had thrown down the gauntlet, announcing she would hold a challenge in ten days. Any member of the Bai family who could defeat her would win her hand in marriage. Conversely, if she emerged victorious, the defeated would have to cripple their own cultivation.

Securing Ye Qian's hand was tantamount to claiming the Ye family's patriarchal seat, given her esteemed status within the clan. This revelation sent ripples of excitement through the Bai family's youth. It was a chance to soar to the heavens in a single bound, and despite the dire risks of failure, the lure of such a reward often blinds reason.

Clearly, Ye Qian's motives were twofold: to exact revenge on Bai Yeh and to bait the Bai family into a confrontation that could potentially weaken them. Her Twin Heavenly Souls made her an unparalleled force among her contemporaries.

Bai Yeh's quarters were tucked away in a neglected corner of the Bai estate—a simple house with a courtyard, its few wooden stakes serving as his sparring partners. The spartan setup was far from impressive.

"Today just keeps getting worse," Bai Yeh grumbled as he dusted himself off and began to brew his medicine.

Insect Devouring Flower, Five Leaf Green, Netherwater Grass... each ingredient was methodically added to the cauldron.

Once the concoction was ready, he downed the bitter, fiery liquid, which scorched his throat like molten lava.

Setting the bowl aside, he gasped for air, his face beaded with sweat as the medicine coursed through him.

"Time to get ready," Bai Yeh whispered to himself, pulling a parchment from his robe.

The parchment detailed a cultivation technique known as Indestructible Vajra, a treasure he had bartered from an old beggar amidst the aftermath of a deadly skirmish outside Lo City.

While most awakened their Heavenly Soul by twelve, and those who hadn't by fourteen were deemed incompatible with the soul's path, Bai Yeh, at eighteen, had faced his share of disdain. But the Indestructible Vajra held an ancient secret to unlocking the Heavenly Soul, reigniting his hope.

The nine stones glowed a fiery red within the furnace. Bai Yeh grasped the tongs and positioned the stones before his chest. With gritted teeth, he pressed them firmly against his skin.


The stones seared the Spiritual Martial Acupoint on his chest, sending tremors through his arms as the scent of charred flesh filled the air.

His years of diligent fist training paid off. Despite his slender frame, his body was resilient enough to endure the scorching agony.

Each stone corresponded to one of the nine acupoints. Once all were in place, a sweltering heat arose. The medicinal effects of the potion he had consumed earlier mingled with the heat, igniting a fiery energy that surged violently towards the Soul Mansion beneath his heart.



Blood sprayed from his mouth as the overwhelming energy nearly ripped him apart.

But it wasn't over.



Another jolt.




It was as if his very organs were being pummeled by an invisible force, his blood nearly drained from him...

Then, a crisp snap echoed deep within.

Bai Yeh's spirit shook, and he quickly turned his focus inward to the Soul Mansion.

The scene transformed dramatically!

His abnormally large Soul Mansion burst open, releasing a dark mass that leapt forth with a muffled roar. It charged at the assaulting energy, its gaping maw like a black hole, devouring it whole in an instant! Simultaneously, a beam of light erupted from Bai Yeh's crown, within which a sinister Soul Pattern flickered.

As the soul emerged, a piercing and furious roar resonated in Bai Yeh's mind, rocking him to his core.

His heart pounded furiously.

What was this entity? A Heavenly Soul?

Bearing the pain, he examined the Soul Mansion within him, only to find it completely shattered, with a massive Soul Pattern floating amidst the calm. The violent energy had vanished, leaving serenity in its wake.

"It truly is my Heavenly Soul!" It took Bai Yeh a moment to regain his composure, a rush of exhilaration swelling within him.

After eighteen long years, he had finally awakened!

He eagerly examined his discovery.

Before him was a Heavenly Soul shaped like a mighty lion, covered in scales with two enormous horns atop its head. Its fierce appearance was striking, but the most eye-catching feature was its massive mouth, stretching from the corners to its armpits. How large it would be when opened was anyone's guess.

"Hmm?" Bai Yeh's brow furrowed.

The Soul Mansion had just been breached; this Heavenly Soul should be newly born. So why... did it lack the halo typical of a newborn Heavenly Soul?

Could there be something unique about this Heavenly Soul? He recalled a method for testing Heavenly Souls mentioned in the ancient texts of his family.

Bai Yeh lifted his hand and pressed several acupoints. The Heavenly Soul sprang to life, arching its back as it supplied a continuous stream of soul power. The overwhelming force flooded his body, invigorating his frail form with strength.

Is this what soul power feels like? Exhilarating!

Bai Yeh groaned with pleasure, not wanting to squander a moment. He redirected some of the soul power back into the Heavenly Soul, infusing it to gauge its capacity.

Moments later, he was astounded.

"This Heavenly Soul isn't newly born! It's been awakened for eighteen years? That means it's as old as I am... Could it be that my Heavenly Soul awoke at my birth? What's happening?"

Bai Yeh stood there, dumbfounded, before springing into action, searching through his belongings. He quickly found a tome detailing the Heavenly Souls of the continent.

Yet, despite his thorough search, he found no mention of this particular Heavenly Soul.

Just as Bai Yeh was about to give up, a vague image on the last page of the tome caught his eye.

The figure bore an uncanny resemblance to the Heavenly Soul within him, and beside it, two bold characters stood out:


"This Heavenly Soul requires ten years of nourishment from Blood Essence."

The simple inscription offered no further details.

Bai Yeh's mind cleared.

"It seems my Heavenly Soul is the Taotie Heavenly Soul, which requires a decade of sustenance from Blood Essence... But how could there have been any Blood Essence at my birth? It wouldn't have been enough to satisfy it, yet somehow, it's managed to sustain itself up to this point."

Bai Yeh couldn't help but laugh bitterly. It was hard to believe that the trials of the past decade were all due to this Heavenly Soul. It had been concealed and slumbering within the Soul Mansion for so long that its delayed awakening was no surprise.

He set aside the book, resumed his cross-legged posture, and closed his eyes to meditate.

Regardless of the type of Heavenly Soul, now that it was awake, I could practice the Dao of the Soul just like any regular Soul Cultivator.

First, I needed to determine the grade of this Heavenly Soul.

He steadied his divine consciousness, calmed his mind, and directed his attention to the Heavenly Soul.

Suddenly, his consciousness stirred, and darkness enveloped him. Slowly, amidst the blackness, pinpoints of starlight emerged—each a Heavenly Soul.

This was the Ninth Heaven! It existed both above and within.

Among the stars, the Taotie Heavenly Soul shone with a brilliance that was hard to ignore.

Bai Yeh's gaze swept the expanse, and he was left speechless.

"A Fourth Layer Heavenly Soul? My Heavenly Soul... it's actually at the Fourth Layer of Heaven!"

Most Heavenly Soul Cultivators had souls from the Level One Heaven, with the more gifted reaching Level Two Heaven. Only the prodigies of Lo City might awaken a Level Three Heaven soul. Activating such a soul would cause a sensation, drawing eyes from all corners. Ye Qian was a prime example; her initial awakening of the Snow Fox, a Level Three Heaven soul, made her the talk of Lo City. And just yesterday, she unlocked her second Heavenly Soul, the Butterfly, ascending to the status of a Twin Heavenly Soul Cultivator, unmatched in her splendor.

Now, with Bai Yeh in possession of a Fourth Layer Heavenly Soul, the revelation would surely create waves of astonishment.

"My Heavenly Soul was awake from birth, making it eighteen years old. It must be different from the souls of ordinary cultivators."

After a moment of contemplation, Bai Yeh's face set with determination. He harnessed the formidable power of the Taotie Heavenly Soul and surged upward.

The fifth level!

It was worth a shot!

Having consumed Blood Essence for eighteen years, it ought to have some prowess.

Like a shooting star, the Heavenly Soul blazed a trail through the Fourth Layer of Heaven.


The colossal form of the Taotie Heavenly Soul crashed with a heavy thud against the seal of the fifth heaven, sending vibrations that made the entire realm buzz. The Heavenly Soul shook with such ferocity that Bai Yeh's body quivered in unison.

A fearsome pressure descended from the fifth heaven, bearing down on the Taotie Heavenly Soul.

The Heavenly Soul let out a wild roar, struggling and thrashing as its soul power surged forward like a piercing sword.

With each push from the Heavenly Soul, Bai Yeh felt as though he was right there with it, fearing that a single exhale would see him crushed into a pulp by the seal of the fifth heaven.


His roar echoed as his soul felt nearly shattered, yet the sensation of an imminent breakthrough spurred him on. In that moment, the Taotie Heavenly Soul unleashed an astonishing surge of soul power.

The seal of the fifth heaven buckled, forming a large indentation as the soul power of the Taotie Heavenly Soul grew more potent, deepening the dent.

Almost there!

Bai Yeh was laser-focused.

At last!


The seal gave way, tearing open a breach. The Taotie Heavenly Soul barreled through in an instant, and the seal rapidly mended itself. The soul power of the fifth heaven swiftly cocooned the Taotie Heavenly Soul, transforming it!


Bai Yeh stood in stunned delight.

Opening his eyes, he gasped for air, only to notice his fingers had pierced through his palm.

As the Heavenly Soul ascended into the fifth heaven, a miraculous event unfolded. A beam of light burst forth, radiating in all directions.

The reclusive masters of Lo City looked up, their gazes piercing the heavens, expressions shifting with the tides of their thoughts.

The fifth heaven!

A realm beyond the wildest dreams of many Soul Cultivators.

The emergence of a new Soul Cultivator at the fifth heaven would send shockwaves through Lo City like never before.

Bai Yeh resumed his deep meditation, stepping into the fifth heaven. The Taotie Heavenly Soul gained strength, and the gifts of the fifth heaven flowed ceaselessly, enhancing his physical form with soul power that was now several times more refined.

Yet Bai Yeh did not pause. After a brief respite, he took command of the Heavenly Soul and set his sights on the sixth heaven, charging forth with renewed determination.

If anyone else were present, they would surely be struck dumb with astonishment.

This was the kind of act only a lunatic would undertake. Normally, when controlling the Heavenly Soul to ascend, one would be thoroughly prepared and proceed with utmost caution. Who would dare to be as haphazard as Bai Yeh? A failed ascension of the Heavenly Soul could result in injury and weaken one's own strength, with potentially grave consequences!

Yet Bai Yeh seemed oblivious to the danger. The recent surge had left him feeling that his potential had not been fully tapped. That sensation was rising within him again, compelling him not to halt his efforts.

Could this be a surge of confidence from the Heavenly Soul?


The once subdued Taotie Heavenly Soul launched another assault on the seal of the sixth heaven!

Bai Yeh's gaunt face contorted fiercely, his eyes squeezed shut, his heart taut as the Taotie Heavenly Soul hammered away at the seal with wild abandon.

The robust seal was immeasurably stronger than that of the fifth heaven, and the sheer pressure was so intense that it bore down directly on the flesh.


Bai Yeh's clothing shredded, his breathing turned labored, and veins bulged on his face and arms.


A ring of air, like ripples on water, emanated from his body, followed by a transparent beam of light that burst forth from his crown. The beam, though not intensely bright and imperceptible to the average person, contained within it the intricate patterns of the Myriad Heavenly Soul for those who looked closely.

The soul power erupting from Bai Yeh had already battered the house to the brink of collapse, accompanied by a symphony of crackling noises from his form.

As daylight waned and night descended, a faint column of light pierced the clouds, unfurling a colossal Lotus Seal over the skies of Lo City.

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