Celestial Blade Lord/C4 Martial Field Lecture
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Celestial Blade Lord/C4 Martial Field Lecture
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C4 Martial Field Lecture

"Yeh! Wake up! Yeh..." Bai Chen's voice echoed in his ears.

Bai Yeh's eyes fluttered open, groggy, only to realize he had unknowingly dozed off, with his father, Bai Chen, standing right beside him.

With a look of concern etched on his face, Bai Chen asked, "Yeh, are you okay? Why are you sleeping on the ground? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Father, rest assured, I'm perfectly fine," Bai Yeh reassured, feeling a surge of warmth in his heart as he covertly assessed his Heavenly Soul, his eyes betraying a thrill he couldn't suppress.

Sixth Heaven!

"As long as you're alright," Bai Chen said, scanning the surroundings as his expression cleared of doubt. "Yeh, there's something I need to discuss with you, regarding yesterday's events."

"Please, go ahead, Father."

"Everyone in the family is aware of yesterday's incident. They may seem critical of you, but once they heard Ye Qian's proposal, they silently consented. No one will fault you for the trouble with Ye Qian."

"The truth is, it was Ye Qian who caused the trouble, not me," Bai Yeh responded with a hint of resignation.

"The head of our family sees this as an opportunity for the Bai family, but I see it as an opportunity for you as well."

Bai Yeh blinked in surprise. "How so?"

Bai Chen chuckled, "My child, you may not be aware, but marrying Ye Qian could be the key to unlocking your Heavenly Soul. I've decided to let you take the stage!"

Bai Yeh was utterly baffled.

Bai Chen continued calmly, "Ye Qian is extraordinary, possessing a pure spirit body. Winning her over could heal all ailments. You've struggled to activate your Heavenly Soul for eighteen years; there must be an underlying issue. Perhaps Ye Qian is the cure. I've considered it all. Without a Heavenly Soul, there's no disgrace in defeat, and crippling your cultivation won't matter anymore."

"Father, you've said it yourself—I can't cultivate the Dao of Soul. How could I possibly stand a chance?" Bai Yeh probed deliberately.

With a knowing smile, Bai Chen replied, "I will prepare a 'Soul Breaking Pill' for you, which will aid you in overcoming Ye Qian."

"Soul Breaking Pill?" Bai Yeh was taken aback.

The Soul Breaking Pill could temporarily boost a Heavenly Soul Cultivator's level. It worked on ordinary people too, lasting about the time it takes for half an incense stick to burn, granting a non-cultivator the strength of the third tier in the Power Soul Realm.

Yet, for the Bai family, such an item was exceedingly rare. Given Bai Chen's standing within the family, how could he possibly possess one?

"Dad, where did you manage to find a Soul Breaking Pill?" Bai Yeh probed cautiously, sensing that something was amiss.

"Don't worry about that, I have my ways," Bai Chen assured him.

Bai Yeh shook his head adamantly, his gaze resolute, "If Father won't confide in me, I refuse to enter the contest!"


"To my knowledge, Second Uncle Bai Hee is the only one in the Bai family with a Soul Breaking Pill. He earned it from grandfather as a reward for his service. You must be seeking help from him. But with Second Uncle vying for the position of patriarch against you all these years, he's bound to support his son, Bai Mo. If he won't give the pill to Bai Mo, why would he give it to you? Unless, of course, you offer him something he can't refuse," Bai Yeh reasoned with a calm that seemed to penetrate the heart of the matter.

Bai Chen was taken aback, not expecting his son to have such insight.

With a wry smile, he admitted, "Yeh, you're spot on... If I sacrifice my own cultivation, I'll no longer pose a threat to Bai Hee, making it easy for him to claim the patriarch's seat. Hence, if I trade my cultivation, I'm certain to succeed."

Upon hearing this, Bai Yeh felt a pang of distress. Clenching his teeth, he declared, "If Father intends to do this, it would be forcing me into dishonor. I cannot consent. Even with the cultivation of the Soul Path, it would breed demons in my heart. The Soul Path is not sustainable."

"Yeh, don't you aspire to be a Heavenly Soul Cultivator?" Bai Chen asked, taken aback by his son's stance.

"It's not about whether I want to or not. My incompetence has led to Father being marginalized within the Bai family, and I carry the weight of that guilt. My aspiration to become a Heavenly Soul Cultivator is to show the world that Bai Chen's son is not without merit!"

Bai Chen stared at Bai Yeh, momentarily stunned, then burst into hearty laughter, clapping his son on the shoulder.

"You've truly come into your own, my son. I have faith that you'll make your mark one day! But this time, allow me to assist you once more."

"Father, trust me. Even without the Soul-Crushing Pill, I won't disappoint you!"

Bai Yeh spoke with conviction, while also deciding to keep his Heavenly Soul awakening a secret. Bai Chen would surely forbid him from competing if he knew, but Bai Yeh was determined to enter the fray this time, not just to resolve his conflict with Ye Qian, but also to restore his father's pride.


Bai Chen's attempts to dissuade Bai Yeh were futile. He believed that while his son might not stand a chance of victory, he wouldn't be risking his life.

Once Bai Chen had departed, Bai Yeh headed to the courtyard to practice the Frost White Fist Technique against a wooden post.

He needed to grasp the control of soul power in the shortest time possible to up the ante against Ye Qian!

With the Soul Mansion shattered and the Heavenly Soul awakened, soul power surged forth like a spring, the force of his punches seeming to carry the chill to freeze the very earth, their potency magnitudes more fearsome than before.

To Bai Yeh's astonishment, the Heavenly Soul, dormant for years, had been steadily generating soul power. Over a decade, it had amassed a staggering amount, and when the Soul Mansion crumbled, this power was unleashed in full force. His body became searing hot, as if aflame, hinting at an imminent breakthrough.

He didn't resist this intense sensation but continued to throw punches. As the soul power dissipated, his very flesh and bones underwent a transformation.

With a whoosh, a powerful energy burst from every pore, his body making a snapping sound, as though something within had shattered.

"Second tier of the Power Soul Realm!"

Bai Yeh panted heavily, yet he didn't pause for a moment.

His surging soul power didn't cease with this minor breakthrough; it continued to relentlessly transform Bai Yeh's physique.

The peculiar Heavenly Soul was voraciously drawing in the pure and robust soul power from the sixth heaven, its formidable strength acting like a carpenter's chisel, expertly sculpting his flesh.


Third tier!

A surge of excitement filled Bai Yeh's heart.

But upon reaching the third tier, his soul power significantly weakened.

Nine days remained—ample time.

"Nobody knows I've unlocked the Soul Mansion yet. That's my ace in the hole."

Once he mastered the control of his soul power, he ventured beyond Lo City to a waterfall, letting its cascading waters pummel his body.

Strength! Blow after blow.

The waterfall's force wasn't overwhelming, but its relentless pounding was.

The 'Nine Orifices Unleashed' of the Indestructible Vajra, the foundational chapter for the Heavenly Soul, led to the subsequent section titled 'Using Strength to Control the Body'—a defensive cultivation method. True to its name, it was a technique that met force with force. When an adversary attacked with Barbarian Power, an explosive force from within would counter the external assault, not only withstanding it but also delivering a counterstrike!

For days on end, Bai Yeh dedicated himself to grueling cultivation, leaving at dawn and returning at dusk. Bai Chen grew suspicious, yet he didn't delve too deeply into it.

Within days, Bai Yeh had fully absorbed all the refined soul power from his shattered Soul Mansion, his rank soaring, breaking through to the fourth tier and stepping into the fifth tier of power.

Bai Yeh could scarcely believe that in just ten days, his cultivation had reached heights others might not achieve in years. Ultimately, it was all thanks to the dormant Heavenly Soul.



"Come on, pick up the pace! Master Gu's class is about to begin!"

At the crack of dawn, a cacophony of voices and footsteps echoed from outside the courtyard.

Bai Yeh, on the verge of stepping out, halted at the doorway. He saw numerous Bai family disciples and guards hastening towards the training field.

"What's going on?" Bai Yeh inquired, grabbing the arm of a passing guard.

"Are you... Young Master Bai Yeh? You're not aware? Master Gu of the Soul Finishing Sect graced the Bai family with his presence yesterday, and he's about to give a lecture at the martial field!" The guard, recognizing Bai Yeh, replied with a hint of indifference and quickly scampered off.

The Soul Finishing Sect? A lecture from Master Gu?

A wave of excitement washed over Bai Yeh. The Soul Finishing Sect was renowned throughout the region surrounding Lo City. Though its members were few, each one was dedicated to cultivating their spirit and upholding the Dao. They frequently descended from their mountain retreat to aid those in need, alleviate suffering, and perform acts of justice. The sect was held in high esteem.

This was an opportunity not to be missed.

After a moment's contemplation, Bai Yeh joined the throng of people heading towards the event.

The Bai family's martial field buzzed with activity and anticipation. The family's younger generation had gathered, along with a number of guards.

Bai Yeh surveyed the bustling scene. He was accustomed to training in the solitude of his own courtyard and seldom visited this expansive martial field.

At the heart of the field, an elderly man with a head of white hair and simple attire rested in a chair. Flanking him were a male and a female disciple of the Soul Finishing Sect, both striking in appearance.

The crowd sat in respectful silence, not daring to speak loudly. Bai Yeh found a quiet spot to settle down.

"Bai Yeh?"

The voice, tinged with surprise, floated over from nearby. It was Bai Mu, the son of Bai Hong.

"What brings you here?" Bai Mu eyed Bai Yeh with a sneer.

"I'm here to listen to the lecture," Bai Yeh responded, his tone even.

"Think you'll understand it?"

"Is understanding a prerequisite for listening?" Bai Yeh retorted.

Bai Mu's irritation flared, but he held back from causing a scene. In a low growl, he warned, "I've heard about your run-in with Ye Qian. You're playing with fire! Let me remind you, you'd better stay in line. It's not often that a master from the Soul Finishing Sect visits the Bai family. If you mess this up, I swear I'll make you regret it!"

Bai Yeh simply shifted his gaze, feigning deafness to Bai Mu's threats.

Bai Mu's anger deepened.

As the crowd grew, whispers and pointed fingers directed at Bai Yeh rippled through the onlookers, but he remained unfazed, ignoring their murmurs.

The martial field fell into a hush as the appointed hour arrived.

The elder known as Valley Grass opened his weary eyes and rose to his feet.

"I'm deeply honored that you've all gathered to hear an old man ramble on. With time being of the essence, let's not delay any further and dive straight into the heart of the matter!"

He paced back and forth, lost in thought, and began to speak. His words were slow but resounded powerfully, reaching every corner of the field.

Valley Grass spoke of concepts easy to grasp yet invaluable, distilling the rich experience he'd gained from his daily cultivation practices.

Bai Yeh was captivated, completely engrossed in the lesson.

From a distance, the Bai family patriarch, Bai Qingshan, watched on with Bai Chen, Bai Hong, and Bai Hee at his side.

"The Soul Finishing Sect may not be a major sect, but it carries itself like one. They generously send disciples to teach and aid the common folk annually. A sect with such virtues is bound to thrive. I intend to send another group of our Bai family disciples to train with them," Bai Qingshan stated thoughtfully.

Bai Hee cast a glance at Valley Grass and murmured, "Father, this is an excellent chance to strengthen our ties with the Soul Finishing Sect. I fully support your decision."

"However, the Soul Finishing Sect might not be so receptive," Bai Chen interjected calmly. "Their primary criterion for accepting disciples is integrity. Given that many of our Bai family members are pampered and haughty, I fear they might just be sent packing."

Bai Qingshan remained silent.

Bai Hee scoffed, "Come now, younger brother, our family certainly doesn't lack for pride and arrogance. Isn't your son a prime example? Despite lacking soul power, he had the audacity to offend Miss Ye of the Ye family. It seems to me that your son's arrogance knows no bounds."

"The situation has been thoroughly investigated. The fault does not lie with Yeh. The Ye family initiated the provocation. Should my son have cowered, it would have been a stain on the Bai family's honor," Bai Chen replied, his tone still even.

Annoyed, Bai Hee was about to retort when suddenly, a burst of noise erupted from nearby.

A few onlookers turned their gaze and noticed a disciple from the Bai family, who had been seated at the corner, abruptly rise to his feet. It seemed as though he was speaking to the grass. A wave of astonishment washed over the faces of those surrounding him as they watched.

Bai Chen's eyes followed the commotion, and to his surprise, he recognized the figure... it was none other than Bai Yeh...

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