Celestial Blade Lord/C5 Shocking with a Single Feat!
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Celestial Blade Lord/C5 Shocking with a Single Feat!
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C5 Shocking with a Single Feat!

"Why? Your good-for-nothing son came to attend the lecture too? Can he even grasp it?" Bai Hee sneered, seizing the chance to mock.

"Let's have a look."

Bai Qingshan uttered coolly, making his way over.

"Young friend, please proceed," Gu Cao gestured with a raised hand, quieting the restless crowd, signaling Bai Yeh to go on.

Unperturbed by the onlookers, Bai Yeh nodded and continued, "Human soul power originates from the Heavenly Soul. Yet, soul power is merely a form of energy that enhances various aspects of a person. If someone's physical body has reached an extraordinary level, their combat strength remains formidable, even with scant soul power. Wouldn't you agree, Master Gu?"

"Nonsense! You, a worthless wretch without a trace of soul power, what could you possibly know? Sit down this instant!" Bai Mu bellowed in anger.

"Scram! You have no business being here!" A number of Bai family disciples rose to their feet, hurling insults at Bai Yeh, with some itching to give him a piece of their mind.

These soul cultivators hadn't posed a question, yet this fellow, whose Heavenly Soul hadn't even awakened, had the audacity to speak up, leaving them feeling disgraced.


In that instant, Bai Yeh spun around, his low shout directed at the Bai family disciples.

The voice wasn't loud, but it resonated with a deep, muffled authority that was overwhelmingly oppressive, causing their ears to nearly split and their heads to throb.

The crowd stared at Bai Yeh, incredulous.

Such command in that voice! Was this the same reticent Bai Yeh they knew?

With fiery eyes, Bai Yeh glared at them and challenged, "Have you no respect for your teacher? Is Master Gu invisible to you? Master Gu's lessons are open to questions, but does that give you the right to create chaos and hurl insults? You're bringing shame upon the Bai family!"

The crowd was taken aback. They had been berating Bai Yeh for his lack of decorum and random questioning, but now he was the one admonishing them. And he did so from a position of defending the master, leaving them without a leg to stand on.

Gu Cao, observing the impassioned Bai Yeh, couldn't help but wonder if he had been unwittingly made a pawn by this young upstart.

Bai Mu's frustration boiled over, prompting him to rise and offer a respectful fist-and-palm salute to Gu Cao. "Master Gu, we meant no disrespect. Please accept our apologies!"

"It's fine, it's fine," Gu Cao responded with a dismissive wave of his hand, clearly unbothered.

Yet Bai Mu persisted, turning a frosty glare on Bai Yeh. "Master Gu, you might not be aware, but this individual is not a Soul Cultivator. Our request for his silence was not without reason. How can someone who hasn't even awakened their Heavenly Soul dare to lecture us, a group of seasoned Soul Cultivators? Isn't that a veiled insult to all of us?"

"Not a Soul Cultivator?" Gu Cao raised his eyebrows in mild surprise, turning to appraise Bai Yeh.

"Is being a Soul Cultivator a prerequisite for attending this lecture?" Bai Yeh challenged.

"The essence of being a Soul Cultivator isn't the issue here. If you find value in my teachings, that's all that matters," Gu Cao declared. "Now, everyone, please take your seats. Time is short, and we should proceed with the lesson."

But Bai Mu's determination did not waver.

"Master Gu, your generosity is vast, and I know you wouldn't take issue with Bai Yeh. However, to prevent any disruption to the class, I must ask Bai Yeh to leave. Otherwise, I fear the rest of us will struggle to focus on the lesson."

He strode toward Bai Yeh, his face dark with intent.

"This seems rather excessive," Gu Cao murmured, frowning.

Bai Yeh remained the picture of tranquility, unflustered by Bai Mu's approach. "You want me to leave? Fine, if you can make me, I'll skip the lesson."


Interest sparked in Gu Cao's eyes, and the crowd buzzed with anticipation.

Bai Chen moved to intervene but was held back by Bai Qingshan. Confused, Bai Chen saw Bai Qingshan give a subtle shake of his head, signaling to wait and see.

Bai Chen's gaze returned to Bai Yeh, whose eyes were a pool of eerie calm, and he was subtly shifting into a ready stance.

Did Bai Yeh truly believe he could stand up to Bai Mu?

Bai Mu charged with a surge of energy, striding swiftly toward Bai Yeh. His hand shot out, aiming for Bai Yeh's throat.

"Scram!" Bai Mu bellowed, his hand poised like an eagle's talon.

Bai Yeh could sense the lethal sharpness in his opponent's grip, akin to a knife's edge, but it was too slow.

With a deft pivot, Bai Yeh's agile form pressed close to Bai Mu, sidestepping the claw. His elbow then struck Bai Mu's chest.


Bai Mu toppled backward, landing on the ground, legs upturned.

Bai Yeh's reflexes... were lightning-fast!

Stunned, Bai Mu lay on the ground.

Regaining his composure, he was incensed. Leaping up, he unleashed his soul power and lunged at Bai Yeh with frenzied aggression.

Bai Yeh let out a cold huff. He pinpointed Bai Mu's vulnerability, ducking smoothly to evade the assault. His palm then struck Bai Mu's chest, sending him tumbling into the mud with the force of Barbarian Power, utterly disheveled.

Bai Yeh stood nonchalantly, hands clasped behind his back, as if he had barely exerted himself.

Silence enveloped the area. The Bai family members stared at Bai Mu, frozen in shock.

If Bai Mu's earlier fall could be chalked up to underestimating Bai Yeh, what excuse could he have now?

"I heard rumors that Bai Yeh took on four second-tier Soul Cultivators by himself! I dismissed it as hearsay, but it appears to be true..."

"When did Bai Yeh become so formidable?"

The Bai family members murmured among themselves.

Gu Cao nodded repeatedly, his eyes brimming with admiration.

From a distance, Bai Qingshan, Bai Hee, and others wore varied expressions.

Bai Mu, eyes blazing with a feral glow, clawed his way out of the mud, ready to dive back into the fray with Bai Yeh, but Gu Cao called out to him.

"Young friend, enough."


"Had he possessed soul power, you would be gravely wounded," Gu Cao said, shaking his head.

"Forget soul power. If I had been holding a dagger just now, you'd be dead!" Bai Yeh stated coolly. "I may lack soul power, but I've mastered body refinement. My discussion with Master Gu was about the human physique. Why shouldn't I be allowed to sit and attend the lecture?"

Bai Mu's complexion fluctuated between flushed red and pale white, the embarrassment was palpable.

Bai Yeh, seemingly relentless, stepped forward from the crowd, his gaze fixed on the Bai family members present. His voice was icy as he declared, "I'm well aware that all of you here have little regard for me, Bai Yeh, believing I'm incapable of cultivating the Dao of Soul and considering me worthless. However, let me make one thing clear: true powerhouses don't waste their attention on those weaker than themselves. If you truly believe you're something special, then go ahead and crush Ye Qian beneath your feet instead of flexing your muscles at me! But if you prefer to boost your ego at my expense, I'm not opposed. I welcome a challenge from anyone here, anytime, anywhere!"

With those words, Bai Yeh gave a respectful fist salute to Gu Cao before returning to his seat and assuming a meditative posture.

The Bai family members stared at him, their eyes wide with astonishment.

Today, Bai Yeh was the epitome of audacity!

Inside, Bai Yeh, feigning composure, breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

Perhaps this would elevate his standing within the family, even if just slightly.


A robust voice echoed from a distance.

Bai Yeh turned to see Bai Qingshan and others approaching, his father Bai Chen being the one who had called out.

"Father!" Bai Yeh rose to greet him.

Bai Chen's laughter boomed, "That's my boy! Lacking soul power doesn't mean you can be pushed around by anyone!"

A mix of shame and indignation swept through the crowd.

"Greetings, Patriarch!" The Bai family members and guards rose to pay their respects to the approaching Bai Qingshan.

Gu Cao moved forward to bow as well, but Bai Qingshan gestured for him to refrain.

"Having Master Gu teach in our Bai family is a great honor. But why has the lesson been interrupted?" Bai Qingshan inquired with a smile. "Could it be that our Bai family disciples are too mischievous? Master Gu, speak freely. Rest assured, should anyone dare to offend you, I shall deal with them severely."

"The Patriarch flatters me. The Bai family truly is the premier family of Lo City, a cradle of talent. I thought Zhixin was impressive, but I see now that all these young ones are exceptionally gifted," Gu Cao responded with a smile.

Bai Qingshan beamed with joy, "Master, I've arranged a splendid banquet in your honor. Today, let's share a few drinks together. Please, join me at the table!"

"Your hospitality is much appreciated, Master Bai, but I have other disciples to visit shortly and cannot linger too long. My apologies."

With a respectful bow, Gu Cao turned on his heel and made his way toward Bai Yeh.

Stopping before Bai Yeh, Gu Cao offered a slight smile. "You may not be a Soul Cultivator, but your presence is commanding and your insight, exceptional. Your grasp of the physical form is particularly intriguing. Would you be interested in joining my Soul Finishing Sect?"

"What? Master Gu... inviting that nobody to join the Soul Finishing Sect...?"

"We had to go through the standard procedures when we requested to join under Master Gu, and he's never personally invited anyone before..."

"Exactly, not even Bai Mu received such an offer..."

The Bai family's youth, upon hearing this, were a mix of envy and frustration.

"Thank you for your generous offer, Master. As you know, I have not yet awakened my Heavenly Soul, and I fear I might not be of much use to the sect," Bai Yeh said with a feigned sigh, testing the waters.

Gu Cao's expression softened with sympathy. After a moment's contemplation, he remained hopeful. "My young friend, failing to awaken your Heavenly Soul by eighteen suggests a possible ailment. While I'm no healer, our sect is home to many gifted individuals. If you're willing, you could seek treatment at the Soul Finishing Sect. There might be a solution to be found. And even if a cure is elusive, it's no matter. Our sect has also delved deeply into the study of physical techniques, which you could certainly pursue within our ranks."

Bai Yeh silently acknowledged the sincerity of the Soul Finishing Sect People. They didn't judge one's worth by the presence of a Heavenly Soul. Joining them was a possibility, but he still had Ye Qian's situation to resolve and couldn't depart just yet.

"May I take a few days to consider your offer?"

"If you're willing, you're welcome to visit me at the Soul Finishing Sect anytime. Of course, I'll be in Lo City for the next few days," Gu Cao said with a chuckle before turning to leave.

Surprised glances were cast in Bai Yeh's direction from all around.

This guy... was he actually hesitating?

Bai Qingshan gave Bai Yeh a look that was heavy with meaning.

Bai Chen stood frozen, only to hear Bai Hee's soft laughter. "Third brother, it seems your son is not only incapable of cultivating the Soul Dao, but he might also have a few screws loose upstairs!"

With that, the crowd dispersed.

Following the lecture at the martial field, no one in the Bai family dared to underestimate the young master who couldn't practice the Soul Dao—especially since he had effortlessly defeated Bai Mu, a third-tier Power Soul Realm cultivator.

Gu Cao's teachings had been incredibly beneficial to Bai Yeh, resolving many of his soul cultivation issues. A true master's words, sparse yet precious like gold, had deepened Bai Yeh's comprehension of the Soul Dao.

The day of reckoning, ten days in the making, had arrived.

The Ye family had set up a stage at the crack of dawn in front of Bai Mansion. The duel had captured the attention of all Lo City, drawing in heroes from every corner upon hearing the news.

Under the blazing sun, the heat seemed intent on scorching the city to its core.

A bustling crowd surrounded the gates of Bai Mansion as an arena rose steadily into view.

Luxuriously dressed figures sat behind the stage, shaded by servants wielding large leaves, with tables before them laden with tea and pastries—a picture of indulgence.

The Ye family!

They were the hosts of today's duel!

All eyes were on the Ye family, particularly on the young lady seated at the center, her beauty unrivaled.

Ye Qian!

Lo City's jewel, the object of everyone's admiration!

Today, her name was destined to become legendary.

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