Celestial Cultivation Academy/C12 I'll Treat You
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Celestial Cultivation Academy/C12 I'll Treat You
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C12 I'll Treat You

When the two children from impoverished families saw the caliber of the meal, they were genuinely moved to tears.

"Don't worry about it, I'll take you out to eat. My treat," Lee Xuan assured, patting his chest confidently. Loong Ling, still feeling somewhat shy, ordered one dish before passing the menu back to Lee Xuan.

Lee Xuan felt the money in his pocket; it wasn't much, but it would suffice for the meal. However, he knew that after this feast, he'd be left with nothing. He ordered three or four dishes, plenty for the two of them.

The waiter had indeed managed to calm Xu Yuanyuan down. She didn't want to make a scene at the entrance, especially since her loud behavior had already drawn attention.

"Xu Yuanyuan and I work at the same company. I apologize for constantly causing you trouble," Loong Ling expressed with remorse.

From the start, Lee Xuan had treated her with great kindness.

She hadn't yet had the chance to give back to the sect since joining.

She had caused Lee Xuan trouble on several occasions. Anyone else might have lost their patience by now.

"What are you talking about? You're the Eldest Disciple of our sect. Remember, in the future, you should stand tall and face anything and anyone without fear. I am your most faithful support. You will represent our sect's honor," Lee Xuan said, squinting his eyes. Loong Ling nodded, not fully grasping the meaning, but she began to see the bigger picture.

"If you really want to make it up to me, there's a way you can repay me. Recruit more talent for the Azure Cloud Academy," Lee Xuan suggested. Loong Ling couldn't help but laugh.

She thought Lee Xuan was merely joking.

"Our academy is so prestigious, how could we possibly be lacking people?" Loong Ling responded with a chuckle.

Lee Xuan could only shake his head in resignation. The youth was still so naive. He had been serious, yet no one took him at his word.

Xu Yuanyuan ate in silence, growing increasingly irritated with each bite. She glared at Lee Xuan and Loong Ling, looking for an excuse to cause trouble even after they finished their meal. But to Loong Ling and Lee Xuan, Xu Yuanyuan was no more bothersome than a fly, and they paid her no mind.

Xu Yuanyuan gazed at Loong Ling's face with a pang of jealousy. How could a country girl like Loong Ling receive such favorable treatment? She herself hadn't enjoyed anything of the sort.

She must have done something underhanded.

Some people are adept at projecting their own qualities onto others, assuming everyone else is just like them.

Lee Xuan had encountered plenty of people like Xu Yuanyuan before, so it didn't surprise him.

"Let's go. We need to recruit at least five students to take back with us."

Lee Xuan set a modest goal for himself and declared it.

Loong Ling nodded, indicating she understood.

Lee Xuan's headache grew. His Azure Cloud Academy needed not just a certain number of disciples but also those willing to do the groundwork.

As the numbers grew, his academy would still need many hands for various tasks.

He had to charm these people into joining, a task he found utterly exhausting.

Lee Xuan exhaled deeply, feeling as if his soul might just escape him, when the clicking of a camera shutter echoed from the doorway. With a sharp glance, he thwarted any attempt at photography. Xu Yuanyuan, oblivious to his actions, was still plotting to sell a story to the press to spite Loong Ling.

Lee Xuan found the entertainment industry's dirty tricks tedious. Loong Ling was his student, and he had no intention of squandering energy on such nonsense.

A luxury car abruptly pulled up in front of Lee Xuan and Loong Ling.

Xu Yuanyuan, intent on stirring up trouble, trailed behind them but halted in her tracks upon seeing the license plate number.

She stealthily took cover, observing the scene unfold.

Loong Ling initially looked puzzled, but her expression changed upon recognizing the person stepping out of the car.

Lee Xuan also noticed the newcomer: a woman with glamorous Korean-style waves in her hair, dressed in a figure-hugging skirt, and walking confidently in high heels. Her gaze briefly lingered on Loong Ling before settling on Lee Xuan with a look full of implication.

"Lee Xuan, my name is Nangong Yue."

Nangong Yue? That surname was the same as Nangong Kun's. Oh no, she couldn't possibly be here to stir up trouble, could she?

Lee Xuan couldn't help but wonder anxiously.

Nangong Yue let out a giggle, her face alight with a radiant smile.

"Don't be afraid. Although I'm from the same family as my uncle, we're not on good terms. His feuds and disputes are his own. I'm here to see you for an entirely different reason."

Her gaze swept over Loong Ling, who initially had the instinct to hide behind Lee Xuan for a sense of security. But recalling Lee Xuan's words during their meal, she stood her ground and took a deep breath. As the sect's only eldest senior sister, she needed to be brave. If she always thought of hiding behind Lee Xuan whenever trouble arose, she'd never truly be of any help to him.

With this resolve in her heart, Loong Ling met Nangong Yue's eyes, who was observing their every subtle move with a squint.

"I am here. What do you need from me?"

"You exceed my expectations," Nangong Yue remarked. "I'm here for the long-term benefits of our company. A high-quality asset like you deserves better treatment. I went to some lengths to obtain your contract from my uncle. I have no issues with the contract itself, but from now on, you'll take orders from me—I'm your boss."

Though Nangong Yue said this, her attention was unwaveringly fixed on Lee Xuan the entire time.

Lee Xuan was aware that Nangong Yue claimed to be there for Loong Ling.

But in reality, she was there for him.

He believed her when she said she didn't get along with Nangong Kun. A man like Nangong Kun would certainly resent someone like Nangong Yue—a woman younger than him and more capable, leading to numerous clashes between them.

Nangong Yue's face was all smiles, yet Lee Xuan wasn't fooled; he could clearly see the air of superiority in her eyes.

Nangong Yue had the talent and capability to look down on others, and with her charisma, she could easily shine as a major celebrity.

Lee Xuan could guess why Nangong Yue was so intrigued by him—it was undoubtedly because he was a cultivator, which had piqued her interest and prompted her to probe into his background.

"Who might you be?"

Lee Xuan, having questions of his own, let a smile spread across his face and extended his hand to shake Nangong Yue's.

"Congratulations, host, on discovering a Heaven Grade Thunder Spirit Root!"

The voice of the system left Lee Xuan utterly astonished.

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