Celestial Cultivation Academy/C13 A Sincere Conversation
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Celestial Cultivation Academy/C13 A Sincere Conversation
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C13 A Sincere Conversation

Wow, a Heaven Grade Spirit Root!

If I could recruit someone with a Heaven Grade Spirit Root as a disciple, the system would surely shower me with rewards.

Lee Xuan found himself tempted, his smile brimming with genuine warmth.


Nangong Yue's smile receded, and her opinion of Lee Xuan dropped a notch.

Nangong Yue was stunning, and she had been around men all her life. She had encountered all sorts of people.

The only reason many didn't dare to approach her was due to her background.

This was the first time Nangong Yue had come across someone so blatantly eager.

"You've been holding on for too long."

Nangong Yue pointed out with a cold huff, prompting Lee Xuan to quickly release his hand.

That wasn't his intention at all, but he figured that even if he tried to explain, Nangong Yue wouldn't listen.

"Hello there. Are you by any chance interested in the path of cultivation?"

Nangong Yue wasn't like her uncle; she thought Lee Xuan was nothing but a con artist.


In this day and age, who would believe such nonsense?

Her uncle might be gullible, but she certainly was not.

"Lee Xuan, is it?"

Nangong Yue gave Lee Xuan a thorough once-over before turning her attention to Loong Ling.

The trust Loong Ling had in Lee Xuan was evident on her face.

Their relationship must be special.

What was going on with Loong Ling's eyes? How could she be so blind?

"Let's make a deal. I can see you're not flush with cash. I'll make you an offer, and from then on, Loong Ling will come with me. She'll reach her full potential with me."

Lee Xuan was taken aback and glanced at Loong Ling.

"Come with you? You're in the entertainment business, right? That's not out of the question. Loong Ling's dream is to become a singer, but she also has to attend school."

As long as Loong Ling returned to school, Lee Xuan didn't mind what she did with the rest of her time.

"Did you not grasp my point? I don't care about your relationship with Loong Ling. Just stay away from her from now on."

Nangong Yue's impatience grew as she frowned deeply, feeling like she was just wasting her time.

"Did you notice the swarm of paparazzi? Bringing a celebrity to a place like this without any regard for privacy – and just look at you, you don't look like you have more than a hundred bucks to your name."

Lee Xuan perked up at this.

"Spot on with your observation. Take a wild guess, how much do you think my pants cost? A whopping nine dollars and ninety-nine cents, including shipping!"

He was immensely proud of this steal of a deal.

Nine dollars and ninety-nine cents?

Nangong Yue couldn't help but roll her eyes.

She had seen her fair share of down-and-outs, but this was a new level of destitution.

"Enough, enough. Out of pity, I'll give you 100,000 yuan. Just keep your distance from Loong Ling from now on."


Loong Ling looked at Nangong Yue, biting back her words.

"You're just a con artist. I should've called the cops on you," Nangong Yue added.

"No... Boss, he really didn't..."

Loong Ling tried to interject, but Nangong Yue wasn't having any of it.

"Send me your payment code. I'll transfer the money right now," Nangong Yue insisted.

Worriedly, Loong Ling glanced at Lee Xuan, fearing he'd be insulted, but to her surprise, he produced his payment code and let Nangong Yue scan it to transfer the 100,000 yuan.

Fuming, Nangong Yue completed the transaction on the spot.

The notification of the successful payment was music to Lee Xuan's ears.

"Come on, Loong Ling, we're heading back," Lee Xuan announced, prompting a scowl from Nangong Yue.

"Didn't you understand what I just said? Stay away from Loong Ling in the future!"

"And who might you be?"

"You just accepted 100,000 yuan from me!"

"Oh, that was your choice to transfer it, wasn't it? Do we have a contract?"

Lee Xuan replied with feigned innocence, leaving Nangong Yue speechless and seething with anger.


"And what gives you the right to nag so incessantly?"

"You clearly took my money..."

"Sure, I took it, but I never agreed to do anything for it," Lee Xuan declared unabashedly.

He then faced Nangong Yue with an air of boldness, "Miss, I'm not sure your IQ is up to par. Are you sure you're cut out to be a boss? Look at Loong Ling, a star student from Azure Cloud Academy. Wouldn't you want to be just like her? If so, you should join Azure Cloud Academy right away!"

"Hehe, Azure Cloud Academy? I've never even heard of it. It's probably just some sham school out to swindle money."

"No, no, no, you're just uninformed."

Lee Xuan wagged his finger, beginning his spiel with mock seriousness.

"Our Azure Cloud Academy boasts a history of over a thousand years. It's an authentic Immortal Cultivation Sect. You're fortunate to have crossed paths with me. It's fate that you're naturally destined to be a student at our academy."

I couldn't believe the audacity of such a brazen individual.

It was bad enough that he was scamming money, but to insult my intelligence as well?

And he had the nerve to try and abduct me!

Wherever Nangong Yue went, she was met with nothing but flattery.

Yet, encountering Lee Xuan was like facing a mudslide—utter defeat.

He was the only one capable of such shameless behavior.

Seeing Nangong Yue's demeanor, Loong Ling genuinely feared that Lee Xuan's antics would drive her to her wit's end.

Lee Xuan, now proficient in the art of Qi Gazing, could see that Nangong Yue's luck had been running thin.

Her misfortune was as clear as day, even from a hundred meters away—though she remained oblivious.

"You only get one chance. I'm only bothering with you because you have potential," Lee Xuan said, feigning depth. "Be careful. You're headed for a violent misfortune in the coming days."

"Scram! You fraud! If you don't leave now, I'll call someone over to beat you senseless!"

Nangong Yue spat out furiously, her high heel striking out at Lee Xuan.

Naturally, she missed.

Lee Xuan just shrugged, his gaze making Nangong Yue feel as if she were being preyed upon.

Shaking her head and biting her lip, she wondered if she had gone mad to have come here to investigate this man personally.

After Lee Xuan had gone, Nangong Yue grabbed her phone and vented to her brother.

"Brother, I'm telling you, Lee Xuan is nothing but a con artist. How could he possibly be from a hidden family as Uncle claimed? He's just a charlatan. If we take his word for it, we're doomed! He even claimed I'm headed for a bloody disaster? Hahaha, how cliché!"

As Nangong Yue spoke, she kept moving forward, intent on finding her brother. However, as she reached the road, an unexpected black shadow emerged before her.

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