Celestial Cultivation Academy/C4 Bluff
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Celestial Cultivation Academy/C4 Bluff
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C4 Bluff

At that moment, the three of them had a very poor opinion of Lee Xuan. They had initially taken his word at face value, but now, anything Lee Xuan said seemed like nothing more than an excuse.

"Just keep spinning your tales," they said dismissively.

"Even though I have no idea what you're trying to pull, we're not falling for your lies anymore."

With that, they walked away without a backward glance.

Loong Ling watched them leave, feeling a pang of sympathy for Lee Xuan. Yet, she was reminded of her own aspirations to be a singer and the little fame she had recently acquired. She knew she had to capitalize on her momentum or risk being quickly forgotten.

With a heavy heart, she quickened her pace to catch up with the others.

Lee Xuan watched them go, an enigmatic smile playing on his lips. "The academy isn't somewhere you can just come and go as you please," he said, his voice tinged with amusement.

As the group moved on, they reached the long corridor, which now seemed even longer than before, almost endless.

They walked for what felt like an eternity but couldn't find the exit.

Exhausted, they leaned on the red wooden railings of the corridor to rest. It was then that Zhuh Feng spoke up, his voice barely above a whisper, "Has anyone else noticed that this corridor seems much longer than when we first came through?"

The others quickly agreed.

"There's been no fork in the road, so getting lost isn't an option," Loong Ling observed.

Zhang Yi, with a hint of frustration, added, "It's nothing. We just didn't walk as fast as we did on the way here. Remember, Lee Xuan knows some martial arts. We had to pick up the pace to keep up with him."

Convinced by this logic, they pressed on.

Suddenly, Zhuh Feng's eyes bulged, his pupils expanding in shock as if he had seen something horrifying.

With a shaky hand, he pointed at the railing and stammered, "This 'X' is one I scratched into the wood earlier."

The group's unease grew palpable. Zhang Yi stepped forward, trying to keep everyone calm. "Perhaps it's just a coincidence?" he suggested. He then pulled a banknote from his pocket and said, "I'll scatter bits of this bill along our path. If we're walking in circles, we're bound to come across these scraps again."

Everyone nodded and followed Zhang Yi step by step. Before long, Zhang Yi had sprinkled all the paper money he was holding. Turning back to the group, he remarked, "It's all gone. You see, we didn't even notice the scraps of paper I was spreading."

He then turned and took a few more steps.

Suddenly, the group's eyes widened in astonishment. There, before them, were the scraps of paper that Zhang Yi had scattered!

The four swallowed hard, trying to quell the unease rising within them.

Could it be that they had been walking in circles the whole time?

They pressed on, moving forward.



Each time, they found themselves back at the starting point, surrounded by the same scattered paper scraps!

Zhang Yi stuttered, "I remember reading in a novel that Cultivators can use the spiritual energy within their bodies to create formations, which serve as a means of defense!"

The mention of Lee Xuan made them realize that he was the only one capable of setting up such a formation.

Loong Ling spoke in a hushed tone, "It seems Lee Xuan truly is a master recluse. No wonder he let us leave so effortlessly. It looks like he never intended to let us descend the mountain."

The group sighed, recalling Lee Xuan's youthful appearance, which hardly matched that of a secluded master.

With no other option, they turned back to find Lee Xuan.

After a short walk, they emerged from the long corridor and saw Lee Xuan standing in front of the Tranquil Heart Hall, sipping tea with an air of nonchalance.

The four were taken aback. They had felt as though they had been wandering the corridor for an eternity, but in reality, the clock on the wall behind Lee Xuan showed that less than ten minutes had passed.

With a gentle smile, Lee Xuan asked, "Back so soon?"

Realizing Lee Xuan was feigning ignorance, the four no longer felt any irritation. Instead, they admired him silently.

They bowed their heads in a gesture of acquiescence.

Together, they declared, "We agree to enroll."

With a grand wave of his hand, Lee Xuan announced cheerfully, "Let's go. We're officially ready to begin!"

Instantly, the four felt as if a current of air had lifted them, and in the blink of an eye, they found themselves in a vast martial arts field spanning several hundred square meters. Lee Xuan stood there, hands clasped behind his back, watching the four with a serene expression.

The four were awestruck, witnessing firsthand the power of an immortal's technique. With a mere blink, they had been transported—a feat that left them feeling minuscule in the vastness of the training field.

Lee Xuan pondered in silence, wondering when he would see the field teeming with disciples, their collective cheers thundering through the heavens. Shaking off the thought, he acknowledged the beginning of a new journey.

He gazed at the quartet before him, a smile gracing his lips as he announced with clarity, "Azure Cloud Academy officially opens its doors today!"

Applause erupted across the training field, with Zhang Yi and his companions particularly exuberant. The long-held dream of pursuing immortality was finally within their grasp!

Lee Xuan, with a smile, gestured for silence before imparting his words, "As your principal, I'd like to share a few thoughts. While you may harbor doubts about me, on behalf of all the faculty at Azure Cloud Academy, I extend our gratitude for your commitment. In time, you'll come to see that today's decision was the most rewarding of your lives."

"You've discovered the most hidden gateway in this world and accessed knowledge beyond the reach of ordinary lives. Not only will you pursue the path to eternal life, but you'll also gain the power to rise above this world."

"Our world is inherently a survival of the fittest. You are destined to stand at the apex of this food chain!"

"However, I must stress one crucial rule. Whether you're just starting out or have gained strength, you must not commit senseless violence, oppress others, or tarnish the name of Azure Cloud Academy with vile acts. As cultivators, it is essential to maintain a compassionate heart, lest the laws of heaven exact their retribution."

"Students, let this be your guiding principle: shun the smallest of evils and embrace even the smallest of good deeds."

In that moment, the four absorbed Lee Xuan's message, their spirits lifted as if by an elixir. Deep within, they each vowed to uphold their own moral compass.

Do not dismiss a good deed as too small to do, nor commit a small wrongdoing!

Lee Xuan took note of the four individuals' expressions, pleased to see they had taken his words to heart. His careful preparation had not been in vain.

"Of course, there will be rewards and consequences. In due time, we'll establish a dedicated hall for such matters. Based on your performance, I'll grant you suitable rewards, such as advanced cultivation techniques, Heavenly Spiritual Treasures, and pills to expedite your cultivation."

With renewed determination, the four Cultivators silently rallied themselves, their inner voices exclaiming with fervor — Let's do this!

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