Celestial Cultivation Academy/C6 Myriad Spirit Bell
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Celestial Cultivation Academy/C6 Myriad Spirit Bell
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C6 Myriad Spirit Bell

Initially, they had been dubious about Lee Xuan's claims, but witnessing the flight of the flying swords left them with nothing but excitement.

"I wonder when I'll be able to fly with swords!" Qiao Yun exclaimed with envy.

Zhang Yi's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Their sentiments had completely transformed from earlier.

"Should I address you as eldest senior sister now?" Zhang Yi asked Loong Ling, who blushed and appeared quite bashful.

She was on the verge of declining when she noticed Qiao Yun and the others nodding in agreement.

"The first to achieve mastery leads the way. Our sect may be small now, but Lee Xuan is no ordinary individual. He might bring greatness to our cause in the future. Therefore, we must adhere to tradition: the first to attune to the energy shall lead," they concurred.

By this logic, Loong Ling was undeniably the eldest senior sister.

Despite her initial embarrassment, Loong Ling accepted the role, believing it to be in the best interest of the sect and Lee Xuan.

"Eldest senior sister, where do we head to now?" they inquired.

Loong Ling guided them to the site. The sight of the ancient architectural complex stirred deep emotions within them, and they were grateful they hadn't hastily departed.

"These buildings are incredible, far surpassing the sets of any TV drama," Zhuh Feng remarked as he caressed the walls, awed by their intricate detail. It was as if a magnificent and historic sect had truly existed there.

The group was profoundly moved, and their perception of Lee Xuan shifted.

"Maybe Lee Xuan is indeed a hidden master," they pondered aloud.

"Do you think Lee Xuan could be one of those ageless beings who's lived for centuries?" Qiao Yun speculated, only to be swiftly interrupted.

"Have you lost your mind? Someone who's lived for centuries? He looks like a high school student!"

"Let's not dismiss the idea so quickly," another chimed in. "It's said that the more advanced a practitioner is, the younger they appear. It's entirely possible he's an ancient sage!"

The more they contemplated, the more plausible it seemed. Far from wanting to descend the mountain, they now aspired to remain there for a lifetime.

Lee Xuan was meditating cross-legged in his room when he received a notification. "Congratulations, you have successfully recruited two disciples. Your popularity value has increased by 20,000, reaching a total of 62,000. You are rewarded with Cold Ice Clothes, Great Universe Teleportation, a Heart Cultivation Method reserved for elite disciples, and a Spirit Bell."

Excitedly, Lee Xuan examined his rewards. The Cold Ice Clothes were exceptional, offering robust defense that was impervious to blades and bullets. Moreover, they provided comfort in both winter and summer—a perfect item for any journey, whether for combat or arson.

He wasted no time in studying the Great Universe Teleportation and the Heart Cultivation Method. By the time his meditation session ended, he had fully mastered Great Universe Teleportation. This skill allowed Lee Xuan to appear anywhere within a thousand miles and to teleport objects between spaces with ease, significantly enhancing his flair.

Despite his efforts, the number of followers was still small, and Lee Xuan sensed a challenging journey ahead.

The following morning, Lee Xuan sought out four individuals who were deeply accustomed to modern life, each still sound asleep around five or six in the morning. After all, which modern child hadn't fantasized about a life of cultivation, imagining themselves as the heroic protagonists of Xianxia games, vanquishing foes left and right?

Their dreams were abruptly interrupted by the ringing of the Spirit Bell, so loud they sprang to their feet, thinking it was an earthquake. Their faces registered panic until they realized it was merely the bell's tolling.

"Why are they making such a racket before sunrise?" grumbled Zhuh Feng, as the group made their way toward the source of the sound.

They found Lee Xuan standing there, hands clasped behind his back, holding a towering golden bell. It was clear that this bell was the culprit that had disturbed their slumber. The expressions on their faces were far from pleased.

"Waking up at five o'clock?" Zhang Yi complained under his breath.

Lee Xuan surveyed the group. Aside from Loong Ling, the other three were visibly displeased.

Loong Ling had joined the sect just yesterday, so she was brimming with vitality. She had already reaped some benefits, but the others hadn't been as fortunate.

"Going forward, you'll need to rise at this time each day to begin absorbing spiritual Qi. Remember, the Qi available at sunrise is the purest essence of the heavens and earth. As cultivators, it's our duty to harness this first breath of clarity!" Lee Xuan instructed, noting the dissatisfaction on their faces. Nonetheless, they complied with his guidance and began their meditation, albeit with a hint of impatience.

Lee Xuan couldn't help but smile at the sight. Despite the looming pressure of the college entrance exam, there were always those inclined to cut corners. He was aware that some might just go through the motions to snatch a few extra moments of sleep, but it was of no consequence.

"Don't worry. To ensure you're motivated to rise early, allow me to introduce one of our sect's protective treasures: the Myriad Spirit Bell." The sight of the bell filled them with a sense of foreboding.

"The Myriad Spirit Bell's purpose is straightforward: it's here to encourage diligent cultivation. If anyone falls short... well, feel free to test its effects," Lee Xuan teased, leaving them in suspense. They recalled the embarrassment of their last descent from the mountain and felt an ominous premonition.

"This bell looks just like any ordinary bell. It could even be worthless scrap metal," Zhang Yi muttered under his breath, a sentiment echoed by the others.

Lee Xuan offered no explanation.

"Here is our sect's schedule. Outside of designated cultivation times, you are free to undertake missions from the sect. Those who complete these missions will earn rewards!"

"Rewards? What kind of rewards are we talking about?"

At the mention of rewards, their eyes sparkled with anticipation, including Loong Ling's.

"The rewards are diverse: cultivation methods to enhance your strength and beauty, spirit pills, wondrous medicines, and treasures are all up for grabs," Lee Xuan announced.

The group's excitement bubbled over, and Lee Xuan inwardly sweated. In truth, he had nothing to offer at the moment, but as long as he could accrue the necessary points, all these treasures could be procured in no time.

As Lee Xuan grappled with his own concerns, the four disciples were already filled with motivation. Seizing the moment, Lee Xuan pressed on.

"Yesterday, Loong Ling successfully absorbed the spiritual energy, which means she's ready to begin her cultivation. Loong Ling, step forward."

"Yes! I will obey," Loong Ling responded, her cheeks flushed with excitement as she moved closer.

Clearing his throat, Lee Xuan produced the sect's Heart Cultivation Method.

"This is the Heart Cultivation Method, a privilege reserved for the sect's elite disciples to learn!"

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