Celestial Cultivation Academy/C8 The Reason for the Pursuit
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Celestial Cultivation Academy/C8 The Reason for the Pursuit
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C8 The Reason for the Pursuit

"Who was it that was after you?"

Lee Xuan hadn't inquired before, but now that Loong Ling had become the eldest senior sister of his sect, it was time to address the issue. If he failed to help her resolve her troubles, how could he expect Loong Ling to assist him in his endeavors?

Loong Ling was not only stunning and compliant but also incredibly diligent.

A girl like her was a walking advertisement; she could draw in people continuously, regardless of their gender.

Envisioning this wonderful prospect, Lee Xuan's eyes sparkled with excitement as he turned to gaze at Loong Ling with deep emotion.

Loong Ling's skin crawled under the intensity of Lee Xuan's stare.


"I understand you might be facing some challenges, but trust me, as long as you're a disciple of Azure Cloud Academy, nobody can harm you," Lee Xuan assured her with conviction, touching Loong Ling's heart.

With her head bowed, Loong Ling gathered her courage before speaking.

"The truth is, they didn't want to kill me; they wanted to capture me and take me back." Tears shimmered in Loong Ling's eyes. Not only was she beautiful and had a sweet voice, but she was also a well-known singer.

In the cutthroat entertainment industry, a girl like her was all too easy to manipulate.

Loong Ling had no powerful connections; her parents were simple country folk. Her greatest desire was to earn enough money to provide for them in their old age.

But just as she was gaining a bit of fame, she caught the unwanted attention of someone who insisted on making her his mistress.

That was bad enough, but since arriving in the big city, her good looks had attracted all sorts of unwanted advances.

She even faced harassment while trying to eat in peace.

Loong Ling had grown accustomed to it, so she steadfastly and humbly rejected their propositions.

She had hoped that would be the end of it.

But after being rejected, the man became furiously embarrassed, as if he felt Loong Ling was looking down on him, and he started to make trouble for her. If it hadn't been for Lee Xuan's timely intervention, Loong Ling feared she would have ended up in a dire situation at his hands.

"Do I really have to leave the mountain? He won't stop pursuing me."

Tears shimmered in Loong Ling's eyes as she spoke. "We must descend the mountain. Don't be afraid; no one will be able to harm you."

Lee Xuan reassured her with those words.

Moreover, Lee Xuan believed that he didn't even need to intervene. Loong Ling was still unaware of her own strength.

Considering her his first disciple, Lee Xuan thought it best to let any adversary come to their own demise.

Loong Ling gazed at Lee Xuan with admiration, biting her lip and nodding vigorously.

"First, solidify your cultivation. In a few hours, you can accompany me down the mountain," Lee Xuan instructed. "The mountain lacks resources and students. Once I descend, I intend to recruit more students..."

Lee Xuan mused to himself, and Loong Ling sensed his desire to find more disciples.

At that thought, Loong Ling wished she could be of assistance to Lee Xuan.

She stroked her clothing, which had an ancient charm reminiscent of a costume from a historical drama, yet she wore it with even greater elegance.

The fabric was luxurious and clearly expensive, the kind that couldn't be acquired without spending a small fortune.

Lee Xuan had casually bestowed such attire upon her.

She felt compelled to repay his generosity.

Resolved, Loong Ling quickly solidified her cultivation and approached Lee Xuan. "Sect Master, I am ready."

Lee Xuan regarded Loong Ling and began their descent from the mountain.

"I'm curious where I might find new students. Loong Ling, do you have any suggestions?"

"...Well, I have a few fans with whom I'm quite close. Maybe we could see if they're up to the task?" Loong Ling proposed, thinking of her devoted fans.

She might not have a solution, but perhaps they possessed the necessary aptitude.

Moreover, Loong Ling considered the Azure Cloud Academy an excellent institution to recommend to them.

With Loong Ling's endorsement, Lee Xuan was open to the idea.

"Then let's get ready to leave the mountain."

"However, if we depart like this, I wonder if our junior brothers and sisters will continue their cultivation diligently?"

The thought of the three individuals brought a complex look to Loong Ling's face.

She had a feeling that, despite the short time they'd spent together, she knew they were not the type to take their cultivation seriously.

In fact, Loong Ling's intuition was spot on; those people were indeed not committed to their cultivation.

But then again...

Since Lee Xuan had the confidence to leave the mountain, he must have had a plan to handle them.

If they dared to neglect their cultivation, oh, there would be quite a spectacle to witness.

"Don't worry, haha, they'd better take their training seriously, or else..."

Lee Xuan let out another inscrutable smile, making Loong Ling anxious for the ones left behind.

"I just hope the junior brothers and sisters heed the Sect Master's words and dedicate themselves to their training," Loong Ling murmured to herself.

But they couldn't hear her. They were exactly as Loong Ling and Lee Xuan had predicted.

Their initial excitement quickly faded as they realized how monotonous cultivation could be.

It required constant repetition and a certain level of talent. They started off enthusiastic, but soon became impatient and irritable, especially with Lee Xuan and Loong Ling absent, meaning there was no one to supervise them.

Think about it: if there's no teacher overseeing your study session, would anyone truly focus on their books?

It's highly unlikely.

So, the group began to cause trouble.

"Now that Lee Xuan's gone down the mountain, why keep up the pretense? The worst part about this place is the lack of internet!" complained Zhuh Feng.

Zhang Yi had a carefree demeanor, yet he couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy for Loong Ling's earlier achievements.

"What's the point of looking better if you're a man? To start acting effeminate?" scoffed Zhuh Feng.

Zhang Yi shared the sentiment but couldn't help questioning, "But didn't Lee Xuan mention that with continued training, we could fly on swords? That would be incredibly cool!"

"Just because he said it, does it make it true? Besides, even if we take a short break, nobody will find out. Let's take advantage of his absence and have some fun. How about we head down the mountain and find an internet café?" suggested Zhuh Feng.

Zhuh Feng and Zhang Yi were in complete agreement.

Qiao Yun, standing nearby, was at a loss for words.

"Don't you worry about getting caught for not following orders?" Qiao Yun felt the pull of temptation, but her reason reminded her that Lee Xuan must have a contingency in place to be so bold as to descend the mountain openly.

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