Charming Fortune Teller/C4 First business(2)
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Charming Fortune Teller/C4 First business(2)
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C4 First business(2)

Time passed quickly, and a week had passed.

Early in the morning, Famous City's manager, Elder Wang called Liu Cheng over and pointed at his nose and shouted: "Liu Cheng, you are talking about you. You have been at the company for three to four months already, and you still haven't sold your entire house.

Just then, Chen Jing walked over with a document. Through the glass, he saw the way the Great Elder Wang looked at Liu Cheng, and could not help but ask his colleague: "Why did the Great Elder scold Liu Cheng again?"

"Isn't it the Sihua Road house? Liu Cheng still hasn't sold it yet." A colleague said.

"You can't blame Liu Cheng, that house is old and run-down, and its location is normal, yet the owner sold it at such a high price. That house has been in the company for three to four months, and quite a few people did not sell it out!" There were also colleagues who spoke up for Liu Cheng, "I think that Great Elder Wang may have purposely targeted Liu Cheng."

Another colleague laughed and said, "But other than that house on West Flower Road, even after coming to the company for so long, Liu Cheng still hasn't sold a house yet!"

At this moment, someone said, "Hurry up and check the computer. There's a major news that can't be posted!"

Chen Jing was startled, and immediately gathered with her colleagues to stare at the news on the screen, as big guys started to discuss.

At this moment, Liu Cheng became furious, and threw the documents in his hands onto the Great Elder's face, "What the hell, I have been at the company for so long, and even if I don't have any contributions, I have to put in a lot of effort. You really think I am afraid of you, huh!"

Just as he was about to take the Photos out, he suddenly heard a wave of noise coming from outside. The Great Elder Wang was already infuriated. He reached out his hand to open the door to the office, and just as he was about to ask Liu Cheng to scram out, Chen Jing walked over and said: "Manager, have you seen today's news?"

Upon seeing Chen Jing, the Great Elder's anger was immediately extinguished by thirty percent. He swept his gaze across her from top to bottom, and his gaze stayed on the sturdy top for a moment before she asked, "What news?"

"The latest subway plan, the 6th line goes past Xihua Road!" Chen Jing said with a smile as she held the mobile.

"What?" The Great Elder Wang was shocked, he looked at Chen Jing's mobile to confirm the news, and immediately stood there with a complicated expression.

"Did you hear? The West Flower Road and the Light Flower Road need to plan for a subway. It seems that the price of housing there is going to rise."

"Yeah, I'm so envious of those families along the subway!" Several of his colleagues whispered.

Seeing the Great Elder Wang like that, Chen Jing could not help but find it funny, he handed over the documents in his hands to the manager, "Manager, this is the new and flourishing sales plan, it has already been prepared."

Liu Cheng was also staring at the news on the mobile. When the new trains were announced, the price of the houses along the lines increased by at least 30%.

Just then, his Telephone rang out.

"Hey, Miss Song, hey hey, that's right, really, congratulations." Liu Cheng laughed as he walked to the side, and said: "It's all thanks to your good fortune, I only contributed a little. Alright, then we'll listen to you, let's have a meal together when we have time!"

Very quickly, he hung the Telephone, smiling as he touched the copper coin hanging from his neck.

It was precisely this copper coin that allowed him to complete his first deal successfully. When Song Lianqiao just came to the Telephone, one of the latest subway plans was right next to her house.

She wasn't greedy. She chose the most suitable one and sold the house for 1.2 million.

That was why she purposely beat up Telephone s to thank Liu Cheng. In her opinion, if Liu Cheng had not let her chop down the tree at the entrance, she might not have been able to sell it off so far.

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