Charming Fortune Teller/C48 Blessed
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Charming Fortune Teller/C48 Blessed
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C48 Blessed

After Liu Cheng and Xu Guangjie finished working on the water wheel, it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon.

Xu Guangjie sized up the transformed water wheel that was already sitting beside him. Suddenly, he felt an unprecedented change occur in the entire company, but he couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was that changed.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This was probably the power of Feng Shui.

"Master Liu, it's noon now. Why don't we go have a meal together? There's a restaurant near the company that tastes pretty good, let's go have a taste together!" Xu Guangjie looked at Liu Cheng and laughed.

Liu Cheng nodded his head, and happily agreed. This Xu Guangjie was an old food eater, for him to be able to say that the taste was good, he must be extraordinary.

Especially after experiencing it with Xu Guangjie last time, Liu Cheng felt that Xu Guangjie would truly enjoy life.

The two of them went outside, and just as they were about to get on the car, Xu Guangjie suddenly asked: "Master Liu hasn't bought a car yet, right?"

Liu Cheng was startled and nodded his head, "I was planning to buy one recently!"

Xu Guangjie said solemnly: "It's time to buy one, this car is equivalent to a person's face, after eating dinner, I will bring Master Liu to pick one, coincidentally that 4S shop is not far from here too!"

Liu Cheng himself drove a Mai Bach S560, and after completing all of the formalities, it felt like it was more than 2 million. Liu Cheng sat on the car, and truly felt comfortable, but at this moment, he felt that money was more important than anything else. If it was in the past, he probably wouldn't even dare to think about it, but now, not only riding on this luxurious car, it wouldn't even be possible for him to buy one in the future.

Perhaps at the moment he obtained the《 Arcane Stash》, his life had undergone a tremendous change as well.

After 10 minutes or so, Xu Guangjie parked his car in front of a restaurant and the two of them went inside. It was different from the wild game restaurant from last time.

Xu Guangjie took the lead and walked in first, and said: "I come to this restaurant quite often. Although the taste is light, it is extremely delicious, especially the vegetables and eggs here are not genetically modified, they are definitely green!"

Liu Cheng could not help but laugh: "I never thought that Owner Xu would have such research on eating!"

"Haha, there's nothing I can do about it. In the past, my family was poor, so I remember that when I went to college, I wasn't able to eat even a single meal every month. After graduation, I was busy with business, and although there were many big fish and big meat, it was all for the betterment of the society," Xu Guangjie said self-deprecatingly.

Liu Cheng nodded his head, not long ago he was also a poor College Students, tired of running, and did not have time to think about food and drinks.

The two of them smiled as they walked in and sat in a small booth in the innermost area.

The walls of the room were painted in a brown color, and all the furniture was of a similar color. There were even some slender vines in the corner. It was as if the two of them had entered a small forest.

Xu Guangjie was actually still alright. After all, he had come here several times already, but Liu Cheng still praised him: "The environment here is really not bad. Let alone eating here, even if we just simply sit here for a day, it would be extremely good for the human body!"

"Haha, Master Liu, you didn't come this time for nothing, right?" Xu Guangjie laughed.

Liu Cheng laughed: "Owner Xu, what I'm talking about is not only the environment that is good for people!"

Xu Guangjie was startled, "Could it be that Master Liu saw through something else?"

Liu Cheng nodded his head and muttered to himself: "The entire arrangement here is in accordance with the logic of the heavens, although it is not especially obvious, but for some reason, people who eat here, will feel extremely comfortable. Although I do not know what the taste of the food is like, but just by relying on this, I am able to attract many customers!"

Xu Guangjie suddenly realized, "So that's how it is, no wonder I feel especially good every time I eat here. Even if I encounter any bad thoughts, sitting here for a short while would somehow feel great!"

Liu Cheng continued: "If I guessed right, there are a total of nine rooms and a hall, right?"

Xu Guangjie nodded, "Is there anything special about that?"

"This is the overall layout of the restaurant, it corresponds to the Nine Rhythm Ring Formation. Either the Owner here have great attainments in feng shui, or they have received guidance from an expert!" Liu Cheng laughed.

He had just finished speaking and Xu Guangjie had not even opened his mouth when the door to the private room was suddenly pushed open. A hearty laugh came as he said, "I did not expect this little brother here to be a Master Feng Shui who could immediately see through the layout of the formation!"

Liu Cheng looked up and saw a middle-aged man push open the door and enter. He was 1.8 meters tall, had a strong build, and his entire body was glowing red.

When Xu Guangjie saw the newcomer, he immediately laughed and said, "Old Nie, hurry over, let me introduce you!"

He then pointed at the middle-aged man that walked over and said to Liu Cheng: "Master Liu, this is the Owner of this restaurant. Nie Zhen, Old Nie, this is the Feng Shui Master that I have just made friends with, Liu Cheng, the Master Liu!"

However, he said the latter half of what he had said to Nie Zhen.

Liu Cheng stood up and shook Nie Zhen's hand: "Nie, hello."

Nie Zhen held his hand and said with a smile: "Master Liu is really young and capable, I wonder what you saw in my little shop?"

Liu Cheng swept his eyes across them, he already had an idea of what was going on, and said indifferently: "If I'm not wrong, then Owner Nie Li probably met with the guidance of a Master Feng Shui, and not because he is proficient in this dao!"

Nie Zhen was surprised, "Why do you say that?"

"After I shook hands with Owner Nie, I didn't feel that kind of Qi on the body of Feng Shui Dao's man. It's clear that Owner Nie Li is not this kind of expert, so he could only receive other people's guidance!" Liu Cheng laughed, "Dare I ask, is it true?"

Nie Zhen nodded his head, and said solemnly: "Master Liu is not lying, I had already failed in my business a few years ago, and almost committed suicide.

From the moment Nie Zhen came in, Liu Cheng had been paying attention to his appearance. This person had a straight nose and a red face.

His face and nose corresponded to the Palace of Wealth in the Twelve Palaces. This alone was enough to prove that this person's fortune was not bad. It seemed like meeting that master in the face of death was fated.

However, the tip of his nose …

"Owner Nie is destined to be rich for life, it's just that there will be a calamity at the age of fifty. If we can safely get through it, then we'll naturally have nothing to worry about for the rest of our lives!" Liu Cheng slowly said.

When these words came out, Xu Guangjie's expression changed the first. He did not expect that the first time Liu Cheng saw him, he would actually say such a thing, and could not help but worry that Nie Zhen might grow a little annoyed.

Thinking about that, he subconsciously looked at Nie Zhen's face and saw that his complexion had changed greatly.

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