Chief Military Counsellor Son-in-law/C10 Autumn Queen Strike
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Chief Military Counsellor Son-in-law/C10 Autumn Queen Strike
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C10 Autumn Queen Strike

"F * ck! So the logistics department head is my third uncle's old classmate!"

Jee Xuan flipped through the Jee's Group company's name list and said to Xuan Ji, who was sitting on the sofa and drinking tea calmly.

"You have seen this Zhen Ken?" Xuan Ji raised his eyebrows.

"I have some impression of him. He gave Third Uncle a lot of gifts in order to enter the Jee's Group, but he ended up like this."

"In the past, when your Third Uncle suppressed him, he couldn't go over and act arrogantly. Now that your Third Uncle has entered the prison, he has begun to stir up trouble."

"No, no, the matter of the price being exposed was a little earlier than Third Uncle's accident."

Jee Xuan closed the name list and rolled her eyes at Xuan Ji. At this point, although Xuan Ji had beaten Ji Manchu to a pulp, the two of them would not say anything bad about Ji Manchu. They would still call him Second Uncle and Third Uncle.

The chaotic Jee family was a foregone conclusion. What Jee Xuan wanted to do was to stabilize the family.

After a few days of steady progress, there were no major disturbances within the Jee's Group.

The old crafty Zhen was willing to receive millions of dollars from the Daming Group. Fei Zhengle was so happy that he had no place to spend it. These few days, World Clubhouse massaged his body. Within these few days, he strolled around the capital, enjoying himself to his heart's content.

"Hey, do you have a young lady here?"

Zhen Ken, who was enjoying the precise massage from the female masseuse, asked an inopportune question.

"That depends on how much you can offer. I can only play with you when the money is in place."

The female masseuse wiped the oil off her hand. The oil came from Zhen Ken's back. She was considered a mature woman's enticement, which was very suitable for a man like Zhen Ken, who sought to stimulate his senses.

"Humph, even I can play with the diamond. Climb for me!" After saying that, she pulled the female masseuse onto the big bed. Just as she was about to make her next move, her phone rang at an inappropriate time.

"Logistics Department Head Zhen Ken, right? I am Jee Xuan. I don't care where you are right now. Hurry back to the company for a meeting! We can't miss the high-level meeting! " Jee Xuan's cold voice entered Zhen Ken's ears, causing him to lose all interest.

"What kind of stupid thing is this? Why can't we relax after work? What kind of stupid meeting is this? It was better to open it earlier! It saves me from running to the company every day. I'm so tired that my back hurts. "

After hanging up the phone, Zhen Ken muttered to himself. He unwillingly put on his clothes and rushed to the company.

In the meeting room of Jee's Group, all the higher ups, except for vice president and Chen Loong, gathered together. Zhen Ken slipped in from the back door and felt like a criminal was in charge of the company. Before Zhen Ken could touch his position, Jee Xuan shouted and almost scared him to the ground.

"Zhen Ken! Do you still have some self-awareness as the director of Jee's Group's logistics department?! Don't think that I don't know that you colluded with a famous group to sell out our project winning bid! My third uncle has always looked after you so much to let you take the position of Minister! I think it's time to take it back!"

Jee Xuan, who was wearing makeup and had sharp words, immediately stunned most of the officers. These officers were used to acting tyrannically during normal days. Almost no one held them accountable. Even though Zhen Ken was the one who had been charged with this crime, Everyone felt that Jee Xuan was scolding them.

Gan! She also knew that there was a third uncle, but she didn't know who sent her third uncle to prison... While Zhen Ken was thinking in his heart, Jee Xuan's spearhead was already aimed at him. He had to bite the bullet and attack.

"President Jee Xuan, you are making things difficult for me. I am also an old employee of the Ji clan. Even if you don't have any merits, you still have to work hard. How can you randomly accuse a conscientious old employee?" Zhen Ken spoke with tears streaming down his face. At this moment, he could only refuse to admit it. In any case, Jee Xuan did not have a solid hammer. If she did not have a solid hammer, she could not make a move on him. Once she made a move, she would incur the wrath of the public. Once she made a move, she would incur the wrath of the public... Humph, humph. As the CEO, she did not want to do it anymore!

"Looks like I won't give up until I reach the Yellow River, Xuan Ji! Put on the recording!"

Xuan Ji stood beside Jee Xuan and tapped on the recording pen. Wang Fei's voice clearly came from the Daming Group - "Xuan Ji, right? I don't mind telling you what you want to know. The one who betrayed your Jee's Group is your logistics department. What I want to ask is..."

A small recording is enough to verify Zhen Ken's crime!

" Do you understand? What you have committed now is not only the issue of disloyalty towards the Ji clan, but also the laws of China. Stealing the core secrets of this group and selling them to other groups! If the Ji clan indicts you, the few million you have earned from the Daming Group will not be enough to compensate you for your losses! "

Jee Xuan's words were as sharp as a blade, stabbing into Zhen Ken's heart. He didn't expect Jee Xuan to completely investigate all of his property a few days after her appointment. Now, even if he wanted to deny it, he couldn't.

"President Jee Xuan, I..."

"Enough! There was no need to say anymore! Security! Drag him out! "

A few sturdy security guards, who were already prepared, received Jee Xuan's order and directly carried Zhen Ken and threw him into the corridor. Everyone present who had similar crimes felt as if they were sitting on pins and needles. They were afraid that Jee Xuan would make trouble for them next.

"Don't panic, everyone. It's not a small loss of Zhen Ken. I know that many of the criminals here are even more abominable than Zhen Ken, but you are still able to sit properly in the department head position. Why? Because I, Jee Xuan, came too late. " Jee Xuan's voice was like thunder," I advise you guys not to have any extra evidence against me. If I can't find out what happened in the past, I can let you go and find out. It's your bad luck. From now on, be obedient at work! Don't think of doing anything to harm the Ji clan's crooked ways! Meeting adjourned!"

Jee Xuan had a proud look on her face as she led the military advisor, Xuan Ji, out of the meeting room. The remaining members of the upper echelons all stared at each other.

"The second flame of the president is burning on our heads! Tsk tsk! Everyone, you should quickly wipe away what you have done to harm our moral integrity. It's not a joke if you are found out. " The one who spoke was the accounting department's Elder, Li Hua.

"This is too oppressive. Who would have thought that a girl would have such an ability? I heard that a few months ago, she was still a young lady who had nothing to do at home. However, the moment she took office, she put us in such a sorry state. This is really too surprising. "

It seemed that the Ji clan had steeled their hearts to reorganize... Then as a member of the accounting department, I will definitely be investigated. Since Jee Xuan is focused on the project that has yet to be chosen, then I can start with the project that is already a partnership.

Undersecretary of the accounting department, Qian Liuxin, was thinking about his little plan. He wanted the Jee's Group to spend a lot of money to divert Jee Xuan's attention and buy time for him to wash his hands of it.

Jee Xuan walked into CEO Office and coughed a few times. The scolding just now made her throat dry up.

"Xuan Ji, I will do as you said. Now that I have given those cunning old men enough pressure, I will wait for them to be unable to hold themselves back and jump over the wall."

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