Chief Military Counsellor Son-in-law/C20 The Sound of a Pig in the Middle of the Night
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Chief Military Counsellor Son-in-law/C20 The Sound of a Pig in the Middle of the Night
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C20 The Sound of a Pig in the Middle of the Night

I really drove after the driver along the highway and didn't know how long it took to find the place where the driver lost contact.

There was no signal in this place. Xuan Ji and Jee Xuan's phones were not connected. In this kind of situation, the only way was to make a satellite phone call.

Xuan Ji got off the highway and parked the car at the temporary parking spot by the road. He was ready to follow the highway and check the situation of the truck. The mountain road was very steep. Jee Xuan walked straight and cried for her feet to ache. The two of them walked under the moonlight.

The two of them took a sharp turn halfway up the mountain and found some clues. From afar, Xuan Ji saw the dark black scratches caused by the fierce friction between the truck's tires and the ground. He decided to go down the mountain to take a look. The mountainside and the bottom of the mountain were full of withered branches and withered leaves and caltrops. Xuan Ji and Xuan Ji carefully walked down the mountain path.

The deeper they went, the more strange it became. The tiny plants were pressed down to form a wide road. The mountain soil loosened and rocks collapsed. The steel plates and small parts of the cars were scattered on the mountain. As expected, there was an accident in the truck.

It was only a few dozen meters away from the mountain stream, and they couldn't see the bottom. Xuan Ji and Jee Xuan slowly walked into the valley and saw the truck that had fallen down. It was still in good condition. However, the side of the road that connected them had changed drastically. It was such a violent collision of falling cliffs. It was impossible for a person to die in one piece.

If one wanted to see a person alive, he had to see a corpse. Xuan Ji made up his mind and gestured for Jee Xuan to stand where she was. He went over to the cockpit to take a look at the situation. He did not expect Xi Xi to rub it in the grass. The sound of hurried hooves tapping on the ground made Jee Xuan turn back to look. Between them, a wild boar with a green face and tusks rushed towards the tower. She immediately cried out in surprise.

"Ah! Ah! " Jee Xuan fell into panic and was unable to say anything as her entire body began to tremble.

Xuan Ji was provoked by her and saw the wild boar charging over. There was suddenly no equipment at all. He instinctively hugged Jee Xuan and jumped onto the roof of the car. Although the wild boar came menacingly, it was not very big. It could not do anything to the steel truck.

The two of them took the opportunity to catch their breath.

The ferocious wild boar directly broke a small tree that was as thick as a bowl. After that, it looked in Xuan Ji's direction with red eyes and snorted. However, with its size, it could not jump onto the roof of the truck.

Xuan Ji casually took out two silver needles from his pocket and shot them out, blinding the wild boar's eyes.

"What happened? Why are there wild boars attacking us? "

Jee Xuan, who was born and raised in the capital, did not know that even now, in the mountains and forests near the mountain road, there were still wolves and deer, but even if these things existed, they did not dare to easily provoke humans.

Jee Xuan looked at it with fear in her heart.

"Don't worry, it is just a small matter. Wild boars usually do not appear in groups." Xuan Ji comforted her.

But in the next moment, Jee Xuan felt that something was not right. Xuan Ji's face also became serious.

There was more than one wild boar around! There were more than a dozen of them!

Could it be that the cargo trucks of Jee's Group were carrying wild boars?

That's not right. Even the wild boar couldn't stand the impact of falling from such a high height, right?

"What exactly happened here!?"

As soon as Jee Xuan finished speaking, a gunshot rang out. The bullet hit the truck and the wild pigs scattered in all directions. Xuan Ji dared to hug Jee Xuan tightly and jumped off the truck. He hid behind the back of the truck.

Jee Xuan had shouted and given an inaccurate coordinate to someone. That person was shooting at them!

In the middle of the night, there was actually someone shooting at them in the suburbs? Jee Xuan's brain thought quickly but she was unable to find a suitable explanation. This kind of feeling was as helpless as an earthquake when she went to the toilet.

Jee Xuan, who was still in shock, could not help but want to ask Xuan Ji what was going on. Why were they inexplicably involved in a very strange accident scene?

Xuan Ji heard the gunshot and naturally dodged. He did not think that the person who shot just now was helping them drive away the wild boar. It was more accurate to say that the person who had chased the wild boar over just now had forced them to jump onto the roof of the car! Only in this way could that person be directly designed from the top of the mountain without any obstacles?

"Assassin?" Jee Xuan was somewhat puzzled. Why would an assassin come to kill at this time? Why would he use this kind of method to kill?

Xuan Ji did not know, but he knew one thing. An assassin had no bottom line. As long as they could achieve their goal, they would do anything.

With a bang, the second gun was fired. The assassin used a handgun with a large recoil. If it hit a human body, he would die.

Xuan Ji immediately headed towards the direction of the mountain. There were two gunshots, and the bullet hit the flying knife to the side.

This assassin's marksmanship was quite good. He was able to knock down two of Xuan Ji's silent flying knives. In the quiet night where it was almost impossible to see, cold weapons were probably still more useful than hot weapons. It was just that this assassin had used his intuition to shoot down Xuan Ji's throwing knives. It was really rare.

During this exchange of fire, the two of them roughly touched each other's position.

"Stop struggling. You two won't be able to survive. Hurry up and get out of the back of the truck, or else I'll blow up the truck's fuel tank and make it completely crack open. You'll be blown away by the explosion first, and then burned by the heat. That's not a decent way to die! "

As the assassin shouted, he spun the barrel of the revolver in his hand and filled in the four empty bullets.

"What should we do, Xuan Ji?" Jee Xuan had never seen such a scene before and her scalp went numb when she heard it.

Xuan Ji patted her head and motioned for her to squat on the spot and not move. Then, he walked out by himself.

The assassin immediately fired a shot. The force of Xuan Ji's knife was heavy. In the super high speed that ordinary people could not imagine, the flying knife hit the bullet and bounced the bullet away from its trajectory.

Hearing the gunshot, it was already too late. Xuan Ji's hands did not stop, and he instantly used many hidden weapons. At the same time, he instinctively dodged the opponent's bullets, until the sixth shot was empty. Taking advantage of the gap between the bullets, he quickly closed in on the assassin.

Jee Xuan was so scared that she covered her ears and closed her eyes. However, there was no movement for a few minutes. Her heart skipped a beat and she rushed out. She found that Xuan Ji was pulling the driver out of the car.

"Don't just stand there. Quickly come and help. This driver is still angry. If there is anything that can save him, ask again."

"Who was that person just now?"

Xuan Ji pointed to the grass beside him. A man was lying there with his legs badly mutilated. His eyes were staring at Xuan Ji, but he still did not stop breathing. It seemed that the killer was defeated in a few minutes of duel.

"We will take the driver to the hospital for treatment. As for this man... Don't worry about him. I have informed my old friends to take care of him. " Xuan Ji's condition was not very good either. There were many abrasions on his body. "I didn't expect them to find me in this way again."

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