Chief Military Counsellor Son-in-law/C3 I Am Actually Very Smart
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Chief Military Counsellor Son-in-law/C3 I Am Actually Very Smart
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C3 I Am Actually Very Smart

Things have come to this point, no matter what, this birthday feast can't go on.

The officials had never seen such a scene before, even though they were barely able to endure the disgust from the bones that were exposed from the flesh of the person on the ground. But if they were called like Xuan Ji, they would still eat as if nothing had happened with this thing on the ground. If they should drink, they would eat it so elegantly even when it came to eating chicken claws. Forgive them for not having cultivated for more than a year.

The guests left one after another, and the birthday feast ended on bad terms. In a short while, only the people from the Jee family were left in the huge hall. The old lady sat on the armchair with fear lingering in her heart, and her head was covered in cold sweat. She just sat there, gasping for breath. She couldn't even speak.

It was no wonder that an old man would be so blatantly expressed that he wanted to take his life. Even if he almost succeeded, he would still be a coward.

Since the most important person in the venue had become like this, he naturally had to come out to appease the people. In terms of seniority, Jee Huo could be considered the person with the most weight besides the old lady. Thus, this matter had to be handled by him. Although Jee Huo was dissatisfied with the old lady's decision, he still had a filial piety. Seeing his mother so frightened, how could he calmly ask someone, "Did you do it?"

Jee Huo was a practical person, so he directly questioned the group. "Who did it?! Stand out!"

No one answered him.

Jee Xuan did not know who her father was asking. Was he the one who sent people to assassinate the old lady, or was he the one who stabbed the assassin with chopsticks? In fact, she felt that the one who stabbed the assassin with the chopsticks did not have any intention of hiding herself...

After a long time, everyone had a blank look on their faces. Seeing that the old lady on the Grand Preceptor's chair was almost out of breath, the youngest brother of the Jee family, Ji Yuan, hurriedly brought a cup of tea and prepared to serve it to the old lady.

But who would have thought that just as he passed by Xuan Ji... Xuan Ji put down a chopstick in his hand. With a very insincere fake throw, he mixed Ji Yuan into it. His mouth was still full of emotion. "Ah!" he exclaimed.

No one saw what he did either. When everyone came back to their senses, Ji Yuan was lifted up by Xuan Ji as if nothing had happened. Not only did the tea in the cup not spill out, Xuan Ji even helped him pat the non-existent dirt on his suit.

Ji Yuan hurriedly glared at Xuan Ji in embarrassment and served the tea in his hand. After drinking a mouthful, the old lady was patted on the back by her son, which was not much better. At least she could breathe.

Just when everyone thought that this situation could finally come to an end, a clear sound attracted everyone's attention.


It was a very clear sound, as if a porcelain teacup had been smashed into pieces.

Ji Yun stared blankly at the shocking blood on her palm. The blood that dripped from the corner of her mouth fell to the ground, as if life was slowly being sucked out of her body.

His face gradually turned gray. He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something. But before his last words could be heard, he fell to the ground with a "plop."

This was a death that even people without medical knowledge could see on the spot.

Everyone was stunned on the spot. Finally, accompanied by a female scream, the entire hall was thrown into chaos. Ji Yuan's body was trembling as he looked at his son's corpse. Shaking his lips, he finally let out a sorrowful roar: "- - - who is it?! Who is the one who harmed my son!!"

The old lady had just recovered from her anger, but she did not expect this to happen again. Her expression was even uglier than before, as if she was going to let go of everything in the next second.

Ji Yuan cried beside Ji Yun's corpse as he roared. His hideous appearance was ridiculous and pitiful. Unfortunately, Xuan Ji did not have the slightest intention of understanding him. He only glanced at the corpse on the ground that died with everlasting regret. He said faintly, "Since I owe him, I naturally have to pay him back."

"What did you say?!" The New Age was like a mad dog that would bite whoever it caught. As soon as Xuan Ji spoke, he glared at him with red eyes.

This crazy look could scare others, but not Xuan Ji. He might as well not eat anymore. He left his seat and walked towards Ji Yun's corpse. He took the broken teacup in his hand. "Didn't you want to know who killed your son? Alright, I'll tell you. You were going to bring this cup of tea to Old Madam Ji, but there was something inside. You don't know?"

A shudder ran through Ji Yuan's body.

"Looks like you've remembered." Xuan Ji did not even lift his eyes. He casually threw the fragment beside Ji Yuan's feet. "As for the origins of the assassin, it is also very simple. As the appointed successor, Ji Yuan did not need to invite someone to take action during the birthday banquet. As the eldest son, Jee Huo has a certain advantage, which is naturally the same. In this way, isn't there only one person who can do this?"

When everyone heard this, they all turned to look at the pale-faced second son of the Jee family - Ji Man.

"He is the second son of an heir who is in a disadvantageous position, and he has no son, and he can't even give birth to a son. There is no doubt that it will be the most difficult for him to fight for the position of Patriarch. Therefore, he absolutely cannot let the old lady announce the successor. Judging from the night vision device on the assassin's head, It is estimated that the power outage midway was also done by him. His plan was very thorough, but unfortunately, he miscalculated the time when the old lady announced her successor. " Xuan Ji's analysis made sense, and the others nodded involuntarily. Jee Xuan looked at the scene of the kindergarten child nodding in agreement with the teacher's opinion. She even suspected that she had gone crazy for a moment.

"Then why did Ji Yuan, who has been announced as the heir, poison the tea and kill the old lady?" A girl of the same generation as Jee Xuan even raised her right hand as she asked. Jee Xuan covered her face. Do you think this is a question for the teacher to answer in class? If you ask, then ask what hand you are holding up?

"It's very simple." Xuan Ji really answered this student's question like a teacher answering a student's question. "Since the successor has been announced, then in The New Age, the old lady will naturally be of no use."

The girl who raised her hand put down her hand with admiration. All the people from the Jee family once again looked at the son-in-law of the Jee family, who was silent like a mute yesterday, as if they had seen a ghost.

Xuan Ji looked at the son-in-law of the Jee family as if he had just seen a ghost. Perhaps because Xuan Ji was not used to being the center of attention, he easily escaped from the encirclement of the crowd.

After noticing Jee Xuan looking at him, Xuan Ji shifted his gaze away for a moment, then asked her somewhat naturally, "I'm actually quite smart, right?"

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