Chief Military Counsellor Son-in-law/C5 He Didn't Come with Good Intentions
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Chief Military Counsellor Son-in-law/C5 He Didn't Come with Good Intentions
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C5 He Didn't Come with Good Intentions

"Who doesn't let people sleep early in the morning?"

Jee Xuan, who was sleeping soundly, touched her buzzing phone in a daze. After the call was connected, the sound that came from the other side made her shiver all over and immediately, she lost all sleepiness.

"Miss Ji, congratulations on becoming the new patriarch of Jee family. According to the procedure, you have automatically been selected as the new CEO of the Jee's Group. I am vice president, Chen Loong. I called you this morning mainly to invite you to participate in the shareholders meeting of the company. Please give me face. "

"Okay, got it. I will leave immediately."

Jee Xuan coldly gave the order, like a strong woman who had been fighting in the workplace for many years.

But when she hung up the phone, she was relieved. She looked at Xuan Ji, who had just woken up and was obsessed with reading. Xuan Ji's face was indifferent, as if the sky and the earth could not stop him from wandering in the sea of books.

"What should we do, Xuan Ji? I inexplicably became the heir of the family, and now I have to attend a shareholder meeting with a blank face. You know my ability to buy things and settle accounts. If I go there, I'll be killed... What should we do? "

Jee Xuan had already asked Xuan Ji dozens of times since last night. What should he do? After all, it had changed too much in a day. Jee Xuan had long regarded Xuan Ji, who had beautifully resolved all these crises, as a person who could hold up the sky and protect the country. She had asked Xuan Ji for his opinion on all kinds of things.

"When the soldiers come, they will block the water. When the water comes, the earth will block the water. It's that simple."

Xuan Ji still did not care about his words. He closed the book and went to change his clothes.

When they took the private car to the entrance of the Jee's Group's core office building, they saw the honest but fat man in a suit. There were many underlings beside him, but all of them stood behind him in an orderly manner. Jee Xuan thought for a moment and knew that this person was probably vice president, Chen Loong.

This person also saw Jee Xuan and rushed over with a smile on his face to shake hands.

"Aiya, aiya! You must be Miss Jee Xuan Ji, right? You are indeed as beautiful as a fairy. Please come in, quickly come in. You are the main character of today's shareholder meeting. Only you can decide the company's investment target for the next six months. "

" We will talk about it later. "

It was indeed Chen Loong. Jee Xuan waved her hand impatiently. She indicated that he did not need to say anything. This fellow was a typical servant. Whoever had the power would try to curry favor with him. On the other hand, Xuan Ji... Why didn't he get off the car when he was already here?

Chen Loong saw that Jee Xuan didn't pay attention to him and a dark look flashed across his eyes. He quickly ordered his subordinates to follow.

As the company's vice president, Chen Loong had long wanted to give him some benefits.

He was a person of Ji Yuan, and Ji Yuan had promised to let him be the CEO of Jee's Group after he became the CEO. He would be in charge of the company's venture capital... But now, a sudden change had occurred, and Jee Xuan, an outsider, had interfered and monopolized the company. Chen Loong's investment plan still had to be seen by Jee Xuan!

However, Chen Loong still thought that he was experienced in the underworld. In his eyes, Jee Xuan was just a spoiled young lady. This kind of business transaction was not something she could control. When the meeting started, I will let her have a taste of my own medicine!

The moment she pushed open the door to the conference room, Jee Xuan felt a headache. She did not know any of the shareholders in the room. Of the three branches of Jee family, her father and she were the most idle. They did not care about all kinds of business activities at all. It was difficult for her to take charge of the overall situation now.

"President Jee Xuan has taken her seat. Everyone can speak in turn. If there are any important proposals, bring up one proposal and discuss it!" Chen Loong, who was as obedient as a pug in front of Jee Xuan just now, had reorganized the atmosphere in front of the shareholders. He immediately ordered the shareholders to do things as quickly as possible.

"President Jee Xuan, I think our company should move into Shanghai, the economic center of China! After all, with enough funds, the people are rich. It is safer to invest in Shanghai's companies as soon as possible with this amount of money in hand."

"Don't listen to Old Li's nonsense. President Jee Xuan is too rash. How many wealthy companies in Jingdu want to settle their businesses in Shanghai? They failed and went bankrupt, but our Jee's Group can easily settle in? The economic center is even more xenophobic, okay? I think it's safer for us to choose some third-tier cities to sponsor our businesses. We will never lose anything by investing in our businesses!"

All the shareholders were talking freely, turning the group meeting into a market to buy groceries.

Jee Xuan did not have anything to say to these restless shareholders. They did not even have a basic investment plan. They just talked nonsense. Even if they had money, they could not spend it so hastily!

"Everyone, quiet down! Calm down! Since no one in America can come up with an effective plan, why don't you listen to my opinion first! " vice president and Chen Loong confidently called for the shareholders to stop. At the same time, they took a stack of documents from their subordinates. After calmly laying the documents on the desk, Chen Loong began to talk about his arrangements.

"I think the company's next step should be to the real estate factory. Everyone knows that the current profits of the real estate industry are quite considerable. If we can find a suitable land and inject hot money into it, we will be able to make money better! "

"Then Chen Loong, vice president, what about the land there? Have you done any specific research?"

"Good question! Actually, I have already checked out a place a long time ago!" Chen Loong spread out the map of the capital so that all the shareholders could see it. His fat hand pointed at Guanglin County in the southwest of the capital. Guanglin County was less than 100 kilometers away from the capital.

"The housing in the capital is almost saturated, but there is still a large number of people coming in every year! Think about it, how many people in the capital live in the Great Cooperation Room and basement? How many people spend a few hours on the way to work every day? The capital was already packed to the brim. Expanding to the surrounding counties was an irreversible trend! If the industry wants to expand the housing industry, it also needs to expand. What I care about is the housing problem."

Cheng Long's impassioned speech made all the shareholders fall into deep thought. This was exactly what he wanted to see.

However, he looked around and found that CEO Jee Xuan was taking a nap out of boredom. There was a handsome man dressed in Zhongshan attire behind her. He was smiling coldly in response to his enthusiasm.

"Excuse me, CEO Jee Xuan, who is the man behind you?" Chen Loong's question raised the curiosity of all the shareholders present.

" Oh! This is my advisor!" Jee Xuan turned around and glared at Xuan Ji." The advisor's opinion is my opinion. If he says that any plan cannot work, then it will not work. "

Chen Loong was shocked. What the hell? He was still waiting for Jee Xuan, who was a layman, to pass him!

One! The company's investment plan was so sloppy that it was handed over to a gigolo to make a judgment? This Jee Xuan was indeed not suitable for Shang Hai to kill. She did not even have her own opinion. She did not have the qualifications to be a CEO!

"Xuan Ji, you heard what vice president said just now. What do you think?"

Jee Xuan could only speak in official language in this kind of situation.

"Well, what vice president said is true. As the Guanglin County near the capital, there is indeed a very good investment demand. But according to my understanding, the industry model over there is biased towards societies of acquaintances. In order to do things and cooperate, we need the support of the local connections..." Xuan Ji pondered for a moment, then slowly spoke to the shareholders.

"I can! I am familiar with Guanglin County! I've done some research there, and I've found quite a few people there. " Before Xuan Ji could finish speaking, Chen Loong cut off Xuan Ji's words and expressed his value to Jee Xuan.

Seeing how anxious Chen Loong wanted to get Jee Xuan to give him the investment plan, a strange smile appeared on Xuan Ji's face.

"That would be great."

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