Chief Military Counsellor Son-in-law/C9 A Report for a Report
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Chief Military Counsellor Son-in-law/C9 A Report for a Report
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C9 A Report for a Report

"If you want to ask someone, shouldn't you be polite?" Xuan Ji sighed.

"Who cares about you? What exactly did your Ji clan come here for? What was the point of saying those words in front of me just now? "

Wang Fei couldn't forget Jee Xuan's gaze when she looked at those two idiots, and he firmly believed that Xuan Ji's words just now definitely had something to do with it. However, Xuan Ji did seem to be calm and composed. In any case, it wasn't that he was anxious.

"Alright, I understand. If you have any requests, say it quickly!" Wang Fei needed someone to answer his doubts.

"Alright, tell me about the project in the suburbs of the capital. Who told you the bidding price of the Jee's Group?" Xuan Ji became serious. The teasing mood just now was swept away and he resumed his role as a military advisor.

Wang Fei instantly felt a sense of danger on his back. Indeed, the new CEO of the Ji clan was not someone to be trifled with.

He had originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos in the Jee family to make some small moves, but it seemed like Jee Xuan hadn't forgotten about this matter.

"This... has nothing to do with me, right? The price of the bidding is higher than yours, and I have hit the mark. You must suspect that there is a spy in your company who leaked commercial secrets and can conduct an internal investigation. Why do you have to ask your competitors directly? " Wang Fei saw Xuan Ji's intention and naturally did not dare to be neglectful. He used an excuse to cover it up.

"You do not need to refute. I already have conclusive evidence. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come looking for you. You Daming Group are heartless. Don't blame us for being unjust when the time comes. Besides, I'm not the one asking for your help right now. You're the one asking me, so I'm not in a hurry. But can you bear it? " Xuan Ji wiped his hands and walked out of the door, leaving Wang Fei alone in a mess.

The banquet was in full swing. As the new CEO of Jee's Group, Jee Xuan was naturally surrounded by stars. All kinds of big shots in the business circle surrounded her and chatted with her. They did not care that her expression was gradually turning ugly.

Xuan Ji rushed into the crowd with a cold face and pulled Jee Xuan out like a little duck.

"You finally came back. You did not know that these greasy uncles are buzzing around me like flies!"

Jee Xuan pouted helplessly.

"Don't talk about this. It is not good to be surrounded by flies. For example, Wang Fei's wife, Bai Ying."

Xuan Ji pointed at Bai Ying, who was also being held and chatted, and Jee Xuan almost laughed again.

"How is it going? Did you ask anything?"

"Not yet. Wang Fei is after all a high ranking official. He is always alert when encountering problems. However, he had already become suspicious of his wife. An angry man will not consider the consequences. I think he will come to find me again tonight." Xuan Ji had a confident look on his face. Jee Xuan also relaxed her heart.

On the way to the cocktail party, they had discussed it long ago. Jee Xuan thought that Daming Group winning the bid might be a coincidence. However, Xuan Ji said that there must be a spy in the Jee's Group. He pointed out that the Jee's Group had a bad reputation. The personnel allocation was also mixed up. The company's losses and profits over the past few years had been exaggerated. The reason why the company did not close down was because the Jee family had been able to hold on for a long time.

However, a cancer was a cancer that must be eradicated. Otherwise, the Jee's Group would not be able to survive for long.

The first thing Jee Xuan needed to do when she took office was to clear out the company, but who was loyal and who was anti-thief, this still needed to be carefully verified.

The lights in the hall flashed and gradually turned dark. The CEO of the Daming Group Wang Yuqiang whom he had just met appeared on the stage. More than ten magnesium lamps were all on him. It seemed like there was a big announcement.

"Thank you for your support. Everyone also knows that our Daming Group has recently won a big project in the suburbs of Jingdu. Daming Group has already prepared for this project for a few years. This time, we will definitely work hard to get it done. Prepare the project! "

Wang Yuqiang knew that Jee Xuan and Xuan Ji were waiting quietly underground, so he only said some nonsense and did not mention the core content.

Xuan Ji had already experienced this kind of crafty old fox and was not prepared to make a move on him.

"Next, let my son Wang Fei say a few words. He will be the future CEO of Daming Group!"

As soon as these words came out, many women exclaimed. Wang Fei was originally a golden phoenix that grew up in the phoenix nest. Now that his father had completely set his business under his name, he would definitely become a flying phoenix in the future.

Unfortunately, this golden phoenix was taken away by that kind of big-breasted and brainless woman. All the women looked at Bai Ying, who was panicking. What Bai Ying didn't know was that her husband was also thinking about her.

Xuan Ji's sympathetic smile kept lingering in Wang Fei's mind. If it wasn't for the fact that Xuan Ji was the so-called advisor of the Jee's Group's CEO... Wang Fei had been proud of his life. When did he need sympathy from others?

This kind of thing. Something's pressing down on his heart, making him unable to say a word.

The crowd below the stage was in an uproar. They did not know what Wang Fei was staring at on such a joyous day.

"Xuan Ji, right? I don't mind telling you what you want to know. The one who betrayed your Jee's Group is your logistics department head, and what I want to ask is..."

"It's about your wife, right? You are very interested in her." Xuan Ji smiled evilly. "Don't worry. I have nothing to do with your wife. There is another person who is truly related to me."

Xuan Ji took out a photo from his dimensional pocket. It was the photo of Wang Fei's wife, Bai Ying, and the upstart in the North Country Commercial Building. The nouveau riche put his arm around Bai Ying's waist, but his palm fell on her butt.

They all understood.

Wang Fei felt his blood boil and he almost vomited blood. That bitch Bai Ying! Didn't she know that her comfortable life was all because of her tender love? How dare she, how dare she cheat on another man! And she was such a stupid, stupid, upstart!

After Wang Fei thanked Xuan Ji with an ugly expression, he pushed the crowd away with a sharp wave and gave Bai Ying a slap in the face!

"B * tch! Speak! How did you have an affair with that man! If I don't make it clear today, I'll kill you!"

" No! Wang Fei, listen to my explanation. He is only my friend..."

"Is that so? A friend with his arms around his back and his butt touching?"

The surrounding people were shocked and immediately reacted. Some people went forward to pull the rack, while others secretly laughed. More people watched as the furious Wang Fei punched and kicked Bai Ying, who was crying. Wang Yuqiang, who was standing on the high platform, couldn't help but suffer a crushing defeat when he saw the scene below. He repeatedly lamented the misfortune of his family.

"Let's go, Xuan Ji. If we stay here for too long, sooner or later, we will be involved in this matter." Jee Xuan quietly tugged at the corner of Xuan Ji's clothes.

"You are right. We should go back and get rid of that spy."

Xuan Ji coughed lightly and left the hall with some tiredness.

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