Chinese Folk Tales/C22 Hall
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Chinese Folk Tales/C22 Hall
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C22 Hall

Not long after, Yang Quan came back and told us that the trees were already being cut down, and that the people at the forest park were even helping him. Hearing this, I couldn't help but admire his power, those trees were originally planted by them, if not for the relationship between them, it would be impossible for them to cut them down again, furthermore, it was immediately cut down, obviously, Yang Quan was not a simple person. Of course, if he was able to survive until now, social relations would naturally not be comparable to that of ordinary citizens.

The lunch was very sumptuous, and could be said to be the most sumptuous meal I've had in my entire life. Not only was it sumptuous and exquisite, the Yang siblings were also extremely enthusiastic about it. They enjoyed their meal very much.

During the meal, Yang Quan suddenly asked me without knowing why: "Is Mister Chen already married?"

I shook my head and smiled wryly, saying that I was just a god. How could it be that easy to get married.

Yang Quan laughed: "Sir, you are too modest. An expert with your abilities, if you want to get the wind and the rain, you can get the rain. It must be because Sir's request is not normal."

I smiled and didn't say anything, because for a moment I didn't know what to say back to him. I know very well what I am like, but I will not float just because of a few words of praise from him.

Seeing that I was quiet, Yang Quan suddenly pointed at Yang Qing and said: "Mr. Chen, what do you think of my sister? I think the two of you are around the same age. "Haha!"

Hearing that, I was stunned. really wants to introduce his sister to me? God, am I really going to have a wife?

I smiled embarrassedly, and glanced at Yang Qing who was beside me. At this moment, she already had a face full of shyness, after saying the word "big brother", she looked at me, and awkwardly smiled, revealing two sweet dimples.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little awkward, Yang Quan laughed out loud, and said: "I didn't expect you two young people to be so shy. Forget it, I don't care about the matters between you young people. "Alright, let's eat, let's eat."

After listening to what he said, how could I have the mood to eat? Forget about this meal, even for the entire next day, I was completely distracted. In my heart, I kept thinking about what Yang Quan meant by what he said during the meal, and whether everything he said was true or not.

Perhaps that was how people were. If they didn't give any hope, then they wouldn't let their imaginations run wild. However, once it gave them hope, even if they knew it was impossible, they would still yearn for it.

After dinner, I bid farewell to Yang Quan. Yang Qing asked me to move to his house, saying that my basement was too damp and my environment wasn't too ideal. Although the basement can't compare to the Yang family's mansion, but I don't have a special relationship with the Yang family after all, how can I live in their house?

Of course, the Yang siblings did not force him. Seeing that I was determined to return, Yang Qing took the initiative to send me back. And so she sent me back to the basement of my neighborhood!

Along the way, we didn't say anything. Maybe it was because of what Yang Quan had said to us during dinner, which made us both feel a little awkward, so we casually spoke a few words, and when we reached our destination, I hastily got off the carriage.

That night, I set all my thoughts aside and felt that I was ridiculous. What era was it now, the marriage was already free, even if Yang Quan wanted to, it didn't mean that Yang Qing wanted to, right? Besides, the gap between us is really too big, so I said to myself that there is no use in thinking about this, it is better to go home early to find grandpa!

I spent the next few days packing up and shopping, preparing to bring gifts back to the village, and I picked them out for four or five days. I didn't start packing until I had bought everything. I waited for the next day's journey home with my luggage on my back. It's been ten years, and it's time for me to go back and take a look. However, during these four to five days, Yang Qing did not come and look for me, and neither did Yang Quan. I couldn't help but mock myself in my heart: What's going on, looks like I've really thought too much, how could she have any feelings for you, it's been almost a week, and she hasn't even contacted me, it's clear that it's to get me to help the Yang family, so she made some good promises.

The next morning, I woke up early, packed my bags, and left the room. However, I was stunned when I went out of the basement early in the morning. At this moment, there was a young and beautiful lady standing outside the basement looking at me with a smile. That's right, this young lady was none other than Yang Qing!

I was surprised to see her and thought, Why is she here? Before I could ask her, she walked over and asked, "Where are you going with your big and small bags?"

"I was going home." I said yes and asked her why she was here.

"Go home?" Yang Qing was startled, she immediately pushed me down to the basement and said: "Return to what home, first put everything back, I'll bring you to a place!"

Seeing that she didn't seem to have any room for discussion, I returned to the basement and put the items back in place. At the same time, he asked where she wanted to take me. However, she was so secretive and didn't say anything at all. She only said that she wanted to give me a surprise.

Thus, that day, I did not return home, and got into her car to take me out of the basement. Finally, she took me to a shopping street in the center of the city. I had walked this street before, and of course I hadn't come here to shop, because the shops on this street were full of high-end goods.

I asked her, why did she drag me here? She pulled me forward a few dozen meters, then pointed to a shop in front of us and said, "We're here, it's here. Look!"

Seeing how secretive she was, I didn't say anything. I hastily turned my head to look at where she was pointing. She was actually pointing towards a shop without a signboard. However, just looking at the decorations outside this shop, it was extremely luxurious. However, the style was very ancient and simple. Furthermore, there were some Yinyang Eight Trigrams patterns on the wooden wall outside the shop.

However, what made me curious was that the Wind Water Dojo would normally be famous, but the shop in front of me didn't even have a signboard, which made me puzzled.

At this time, Yang Qing asked me with rolling eyes: "How is it, does this shop look good?"

I nodded. "It's nice, and very upscale. Just why did you pull me here? "

"As long as it looks good!" Yang Qing laughed, and did not answer my question, and urged me to take a look.

I'm still trying to say that it's not good to just blindly enter other people's stores when there's nothing else to do, right? But how could he resist her urging? In the end, he had to be careful to accompany her in as well. However, there was no storekeeper inside, only an aunt cleaning the place.

The shop was extremely large and was divided into two rooms: the inside and the outside. The decorations on the outside were also very simple, but they did not lose any of their high quality. The interior was equipped with wooden equipment, mahogany tables and chairs, as well as some simple decorations. The more he looked at it, the more it looked like the decorating style of the Feng Shui training hall. Then she pulled me into the inner room, which had been larger, a suite of rooms divided into rooms and rooms, complete with furniture, and even beds to house the shopkeeper.

Just then, the auntie walked over to Yang Qing and said, "Director Yang, your shop has been completely cleaned up, I'll be leaving first."

Yang Qing nodded, then instructed him to clean the place every morning and night, then told her auntie to go back first.

After hearing that, I finally understood and said, "So this store is yours? "What's wrong, do you want me to come and take a look at this shop's feng shui?"

Who knew that Yang Qing would give a mysterious smile and then ask me to extend my hand. After that, she flung a bunch of keys into my palm and said, "No, you're wrong.

Hearing this, I didn't come back to my senses for a long time, thinking that I had misheard. I said, "What? This is mine? "Why?"

Yang Qing laughed and said: "Stop daydreaming, what do you think about this shop opening for you?"

I nodded and said it was all right, but I couldn't take it.

But Yang Qing acted as if she was angry and said: "You are not allowed to refuse, this shop will be yours from now on. Look at this place, everything has been renovated according to the style of the Feng Shui training hall, just the installation fee alone is over tens of thousands, do you want me to demolish it all?"

I was just about to say that this gift was really too heavy, because this shop isn't something that anyone can afford to open. It's worth every single inch of land, so how could I accept such a heavy gift for no reason? But Yang Qing doesn't care, what she means is, there are too many liars on the streets, and a person with real ability like me has a proper training hall, if not it would be too cheap. In short, this was the first time she had given someone a gift. Even if I didn't want it, I would still want it.

Thus, I had no choice but to temporarily accept the name of the shop and immediately named the hall "Xuan Hall".

Like this, I finally have my own Wind Water Dojo. I will begin my path to Wind Water: Yin Yang …

On the same day, the "Xuan Hall" sign had just been hung up when the sound of firecrackers rang out. Before long, a guest had arrived at the door and welcomed the first guest …

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