City Cultivation/C5 Magical Medical Skills
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City Cultivation/C5 Magical Medical Skills
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C5 Magical Medical Skills

With the protection of his Yuan Qi, Zhang Haorann wasn't worried about hurting Xiao Weiwei.

Zhang Haorann's dark pupils stared at Xiao Weiwei's abdomen. He did not slack off at all. Under the gaze of the Yin Yang Eyes, the scalpel in Xiao Weiwei's abdomen could be seen clearly.

The students cried out in alarm. If they were wrong, Xiao Weiwei would be finished.

"What kind of surgery is this?"

"Unbelievable operating skills!"

"Zhang Haorann is controlling the scalpel through his skin," said Wang Yao. "It's ridiculous, isn't it?" asked Wang Yao.

Zhang Haorann avoided all the vital points. The scalpel gently cut and took out his appendix. At the same time, he used the Profound Golden Essence Returning Technique in his other hand to condense Yuan Qi to help Xiao Weiwei stop the bleeding and reduce the pain.

This action seemed complicated, but in fact, it was all under the observation of Zhang Haorann's Yin Yang Eyes. It was orderly and methodical.

Zhang Haorann's movements were seen by the surrounding students the entire time.

Xu Qing, who dreamed of becoming a surgeon, was even more dumbfounded.

"The teacher once said that using gauze pads to push the small intestine to the inner side, we first find the colon, then follow the three colon belts to the top of the colon, and we will be able to find the appendix."

"But Zhang Haorann accurately reached the appendix through the skin, and he didn't use any disinfectant."

Xu Qing had too many questions. What she wanted to ask the most was how Zhang Haorann could avoid bleeding during the surgery.

Zhang Haorann took the sewing tools from Xu Qing's hands and sutured Xiao Weiwei's wound.

Xu Qing clearly felt that Zhang Haorann's suturing movements were not smooth, but he could suture the wound well. The entire surgery process was very "simple," but the result of every detail was beneficial to Xiao Weiwei.

"There was no bleeding, no disinfection, and there was naturally anesthesia. How did he do it?"

Xu Qing's heart was like a horse roaring.

The newspaper said surgery.

The legendary technique that was broadcasted on television.

It was said that Godly Doctor Jiu Qingshan's acupuncture skills were half a second under the needle, and he was in the middle of the needle, and so on.

These were all deeply engraved in Xu Qing's mind, which made her determined to become a medical legend of an excellent surgeon.

In an instant, it collapsed.

The surgical methods and surgical methods in the newspaper were incomparable to Zhang Haorann's skin, which was separated by skin, "searching for something.

As for Xu Qing's idol, Godly Doctor Jiu Qingshan, Xu Qing concluded that even if Jiu Qingshan were to personally observe Zhang Haorann's surgery, he would probably vomit three liters of blood.

How was this a surgery?

This was clearly a beast!

Of course, the beasts here did not have any intention of belittling them. Xu Qing could not find any words to describe her shock.

Because she actually saw Xiao Weiwei stand up in disbelief.

"Even if Xiao Weiwei's recovery speed is any faster, it is impossible for her to stand after the surgery, right?"

Xu Qing's mind went blank. The surgery in front of her was definitely a miracle in medical history. She felt that her worldview was smashed by Zhang Haorann with a hammer.

"Beauty, where are you looking? I'm giving you something." Zhang Haorann passed the scalpel and other surgical tools to Xu Qing, but Xu Qing did not react, so he teased her.

Then, he said earnestly, "The surgery process and details are very important. You can't take any careless steps."

Did he teach me the other way around? Xu Qing was just about to retort, but when she saw Zhang Haorann's tired look, her heart softened inexplicably. She took the scalpel and sewing tools Zhang Haorann passed to her.

Zhang Haorann smiled at Xiao Weiwei and said, "Let's take a few steps and see. It should be fine."

Xiao Weiwei tried to take a few steps, but it was really fine. She was like a normal person.

"I am much better now. Thank you." Xiao Weiwei's complexion was much better than before.

Zhang Haorann showed a bright smile. His face was pale and red. He was not as pale as before. He was totally different from how he used to help Xiao Weiwei when he was exhausted.

This was another manifestation of the Yin Yang Eyes's effect. Zhang Haorann could see the Heaven and Earth Vital Energys flowing in the air. He used the Profound Golden Essence Returning Technique to absorb the weather origin energy into his body, and his mind and body condition quickly recovered.

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