Clerk of Beauties Service Centre/C18 Severe Injury
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Clerk of Beauties Service Centre/C18 Severe Injury
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C18 Severe Injury

The yacht approached the shore. Watching the guests leave one by one, Yang Duoduo and his sister remained on the yacht, waiting for Qiu Chengfeng, who was also nowhere to be seen.

Liu Xiaoliu greeted Wang Wan Qing and then left in her car. Only then did Wang Wanqing remember that the key was on Li Haotian. She walked up to the car and looked around, hoping to find Li Haotian.

Suddenly, the car door opened from the inside. A blood-stained hand grabbed Wang Wanqing. Wang Wanqing was about to scream, but she saw that the person who sat inside the car was Li Haotian.

She quickly got into the car and asked in a nervous and surprised voice, "What happened to you? Why is your body covered in blood?"

"Don't worry about that for now. Quickly go to room 20 on the third floor of the yacht and bring back the suit I hid under the bed." At this moment, Li Haotian was extremely exhausted, and as he spoke, he looked extremely weak.

"Since you're already like this, why do you care about the suit? I'll immediately send you to the hospital." Wang Wanqing looked at him accusingly.

"This matter concerns my life. If you don't want me to die, then do as I say."

Although Wang Wanqing didn't know what had happened, hearing Li Haotian's tone and looking back at his current appearance, she did as he said.

According to Li Haotian's instructions, she secretly took back the suit and returned to the car without anyone noticing. However, at this moment, Li Haotian had already fallen into a coma.

Wang Wanqing didn't know what to do, so she quickly drove towards the hospital. On the way, Li Haotian woke up and saw Wang Wanqing driving, so he said, "Don't send me to the hospital. My body is full of gunshot wounds."

"But you are already like this. If you don't send the hospital, you will die."

"If you want to take me to the hospital, I'll jump off the bus right now."

"Alright, I'll listen to you." Wang Wanqing didn't know what to do, but seeing that Li Haotian had fainted again, she still decided to send him to the hospital.

In the midst of his haziness, Li Haotian was awakened by the sound of an ambulance. Only then did he realize that he had been placed on a stretcher. His originally empty body seemed to regain its strength in an instant. He struggled off the stretcher, glared at Wang Wanqing who was beside him, and walked away shakily.

The hospital staff were baffled when they saw Li Haotian stubbornly climbing off the stretcher.

Li Haotian, wearing blood-stained clothes, walked out of the hospital under the astonished gazes of the crowd. His steps were disorderly on the sidewalk. When the passersby saw this strange scene, they all hid far away. Who knew if a wounded person would be able to hold himself back?

After walking not too far, Li Haotian fell to the ground. No one dared to support him, so he just kept walking away. A car stopped at the side of the road. It was Wang Wanqing who got out of the car. She walked up to support Li Haotian, but he shook her off.

"I told you not to take me to the hospital. Why would you do that? Scram! Go away! "From now on, you don't have to worry about my matters."

"But you're injured so badly, you'll die if you don't send the hospital over." Wang Wanqing suddenly burst into tears.

"Do you want the police to come after me? You're too simple, you don't understand anything. " Li Haotian struggled to stand up and continued to stagger forward.

"Please get in the car, you won't be able to hold on like this." Wang Wanqing consoled him as she followed him.

"Still trying to kidnap me to the hospital?" Li Haotian turned his head and stared at her.

"I treat you as a friend and don't want anything to happen to you. Even if you don't go to the hospital, you must find a place to treat your injuries." Wang Wanqing's eyes were bloodshot. Looking at the wounded Li Haotian, she couldn't help but recall the scene when her parents were in a car accident. How painful would it have been?!

"Alright, help me get on the carriage." Li Haotian's body collapsed and he became dispirited.

"Mhmm!" Wang Wanqing helped Li Haotian up and finally got him into the car. The car was full of blood stains, but Wang Wanqing didn't care at all. Life was the most important thing.

After falling asleep for who knows how long, Li Haotian woke up with a burst of pain. Even so, he still didn't make a sound. He had experienced countless pain in his life. He had escaped death many times. No matter how unbearable the pain was, he had experienced gunshot wounds that did not injure his vital parts. To him, it was nothing.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Wang Wanqing and Dong Yifan standing in front of him. A man dressed in white was treating his wounds.

"You're awake. Does it hurt?" Wang Wanqing asked with concern.

Dong Yifan, on the other hand, was silent and looked at him calmly.

"It doesn't hurt, don't worry." Li Haotian replied with a weak voice.

"We've already taken out all the bullets. Fortunately, we didn't injure the bones and internal organs. As long as we don't get infected, there shouldn't be much of a problem. However, the time limit for the anesthetic has passed, so it will definitely be very painful now. " The man in white said.

"Thank you, Cheng Kailong!" Dong Yifan nodded in thanks.

"There's no need to be polite. We're old classmates, and we can still help out with this little matter. I still have urgent matters to attend to in the hospital, so I'll be leaving first. I'll come back tomorrow."

Dong Yifan saw him out and then turned back.

"What exactly is going on? Why are there several gunshot wounds? " Dong Yifan was not as tactful as Wang Wan Qing.

"We've met an enemy, let's talk about the details later." Li Haotian slowly closed his eyes.

Dong Yifan could roughly guess Li Haotian's true identity. It was only natural for her to be the only one who knew who he was. As an assassin, it was normal for her to form an enemy. However, since Li Haotian had already changed his career and was no longer an assassin, such an accident would happen again. Then, in the future, such a danger might come again at any time.

"En, rest well and recover quickly. I do not wish for you to die. If you do, I will be in trouble." Dong Yifan changed his tone of rebuke to one of calmness and sat down on a stool.

To be honest, Dong Yifan was really afraid of Li Haotian suddenly getting into an accident. If Li Haotian suddenly died, then she would naturally become the next successor before the next successor could be found. Though she was tied up in this damn office now, and it was twenty years as well. But she was an assistant. She didn't need to be in charge and do things herself, like a clerk. She just needed to stay in the office and take care of things. Although he and Li Haotian were both bound, he was much more comfortable than Li Haotian.

"What do you want to eat? I'll go and prepare it for you. " Wang Wanqing asked in a soft voice.

"I need to get my strength back and stew me with hens and bones."

"Alright, I'll do it now." Wang Wanqing turned around and was about to leave when she was suddenly stopped by Li Haotian. She turned around and asked, "Do you want to eat something else?"

"I want to say that your bed is very comfortable." Li Haotian smiled. Was I very fierce towards you just now? Did I scare you? "

"No more!" Recalling Li Haotian's fierce look just now, tears welled up in Wang Wanqing's eyes once again. She turned around and wiped them away, then walked out of the room.

Only Dong Yifan and Li Haotian were left in the room. Dong Yifan asked seriously, "There's no one else present now. Tell me the truth."

"I'm wounded right now and don't have the strength to speak. You should understand me." Li Haotian closed his eyes.

"Then let me ask you, just give me a simple answer. Is the enemy you met someone looking for you, or did you go looking for him? "

"It was I who called him."

"I guessed it. You forgot, you said to stay away from assassins. Since assassins are already in the past, why are you still holding a grudge?" Can't you live a new life in peace? "

"That person is an enemy who killed my master. Do you know what my master means to me? He is just like my biological father, who killed his father, and has an irreconcilable hatred for him. This time, I did not kill him, but next time, he will not be so lucky. " Li Haotian secretly clenched his fists, but it involved the wound on his shoulder. A wave of tearing pain spread throughout his entire body. However, he still clenched his teeth and endured the pain without uttering a single word.

"And the people you killed? They are either fathers or sons of men. If all their families came to avenge you, you wouldn't even have ten lives left. "Let's think about it. Since I want to throw away my identity as an assassin, I should be more straightforward and thorough. I should discard all the memories related to assassins in the future." Dong Yifan was like a big sister as he sincerely tried to persuade her.

"I have my own plans, don't worry about that."

"Alright, even if you die, I won't ask anymore." Dong Yifan stood up and walked out of the bedroom. She saw Wang Wanqing busily working in the kitchen. She also entered the kitchen and acted as Wang Wanqing's assistant.

After a long time, a pot of thick soup was finally made. Wang Wanqing held the soup and personally fed it to Li Haotian.

Dong Yifan watched from the side and smiled in understanding.

This girl is obviously a millionaire with millions of properties. Moreover, there are only a handful in the entire country who has such a high price at this age." But no matter how she looked at it, she did not resemble her identity. Instead, she seemed more like a docile and considerate obedient girl. A girl with this kind of condition should be the most perfect girlfriend in the minds of all men. However, Wang Wanqing, who had such perfect conditions, also felt a sense of inferiority. What a strange girl.

From the looks of it, Wang Wanqing and Li Haotian were getting along very well. If things continued like this, they would only get closer and closer. But at the same time, Dong Yifan also remembered what Li Haotian had said. Wang Wanqing's parents had died at his hands. If Wang Wanqing knew the truth, what kind of dramatic effect would it have?

His good friend, however, didn't really want to help him. It was because he had killed his parents that he got so close to him. He felt ashamed. Then, would the cowardly Wang Wanqing be unable to accept this fact?

It will definitely be very interesting! Dong Yifan snorted and turned on the television in the hall.

At this moment, a news report was broadcast on the television saying that the police had stopped a gang fight at the seaside. In the course of the gang fight, twenty-five gangsters were killed. According to the person who was caught, two people escaped and these two were hit in multiple places. We hope that the hospital and the public will report the case in time if they see the gunshot wound.

Dong Yifan looked into the bedroom. Needless to say, Li Haotian was definitely one of the escapees. To be able to kill more than twenty of the enemy's people, and in the process of being chased by a speedboat, and to kill more than twenty of them, this Li Haotian's killing power was truly terrifying.

It was hard to associate that sloppy Li Haotian with a terrifying killer. If not for what happened today, Dong Yifan would have forgotten that he used to be a killer. However, after all this time, Dong Yifan didn't see this man as a dangerous character at all. On the contrary, he felt that Li Haotian was someone who was easy to get along with.

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