Compulsory Cultivation At School/C12 Young Man Do You Yearn for Power?
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Compulsory Cultivation At School/C12 Young Man Do You Yearn for Power?
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C12 Young Man Do You Yearn for Power?

What woke Xu Lin up was a gentle shout from beside his ear. The special service to wake up was a beauty that caught his eye.

When he woke up, he saw Qiu Jianping sitting to the side. Her face was flushed red and her head was slightly lowered. She was a shy flower that said nothing.

Xu Lin was slightly puzzled. Acting so early in the morning?

Without even looking at Xu Lin, she pointed at Xu Lin's body.

Lin Zi looked down and saw the vigorous vigor of the young people vividly displayed by him in the morning.

The situation was very awkward.

Xu Lin could not bear this awkward situation. He needed to get out of this predicament!

He raised his hand and gripped it to the side. A cracking sound could be heard, along with the pain on Lin Zi's face.

"I'm sorry, it's an ancestral weapon." Xu Lin's face was somewhat pale, his voice somewhat shaky.

The corners of Jiang Ting's eyes twitched as she lowered her head even more.

"Li Xinghai! I found it first! " The soft female voice that carried some anger and coquettishness came from outside the cave.

Xu Lin and Qiu Jiang Ting also separated from the awkward atmosphere. Their eyes met as they stood up and walked out of the cave while following the sound.

At this moment, not far away from the two of them in the cave, two people stood opposite a puddle of water.

One was the enemy of Xu Lin, Li Xinghai, and the other was Yu Xin, who was looking for Xu Lin and his wife.

Yu Xin put her hands on her hips and pouted, looking extremely cute.

Li Xinghai, who was standing opposite of Yu Xin, was both angry and helpless. The girl in front of him was too unreasonable.

A Twin Shadow Flowers were in the puddle beside the two of them. It was already noon, and the Shadow Flowers were affected by the scorching sun, minimizing the impact on humans and beasts.

Li Xinghai had left the squad early, so he had missed out on most of his classmates' cooking.

After all, he was still looked down upon in the class. Although he was nicknamed the 'bully', he was actually just bullying the weak ones. If he really got up just now, he would definitely be the first one to submit!

Today was a sunny day, the weather was warm and clear. Li Xinghai slept in the surroundings for the night, and when he woke up, he felt refreshed. He had the illusion of great luck, which gave him the feeling that he was going to find a treasure today.

The Twin Shadow Flowers were still rather precious and could be sold at a high price in many shops. They were precious herbs needed by entry level alchemists, so the market price was very high. He was very happy and quickly ran over to pick them.

He also told Li Xinghai that she had discovered the flower first and had stayed up until noon to pick it for the sake of better harvesting. He waited until the scorching sun had suppressed the medicinal properties of the flower before preparing to harvest it, but he didn't expect that Li Xinghai would almost harvest it halfway.

Listening to Yu Xin's explanation, Li Xinghai was half believing and half doubting. Although her words were reasonable and full of anger, her twinkling eyes were full of cunning!

For a time, Li Xinghai was helpless. It was not a fight between men and women, but he was reluctant to part with these precious herbs. It was difficult to give them up for the time being.

"Young man, do you desire power? Do you want to have wealth? "

The serene voice of a woman came from an unknown place, carrying with it a bit of enticement. It entered into Li Xinghai's ears. Li Xinghai looked left and right, but he didn't see anyone.

However, this voice made Li Xinghai, who had always been conflicted with himself, suddenly turn vicious. He had a strong desire for the Shadow Flower in front of him. He even had the urge to lose control when he looked at the charming Yu Xin.

He took three steps forward and headed straight for the Twin Shadow Flower, wanting to seize the initiative.

However, his surroundings suddenly became cold, and his breathing became cold. When he looked carefully, he found that Li Xinghai's extended arm had been frozen, and a huge ice blade had been cut off from his arm and inserted into the ground. The surrounding lake quickly froze, and the cold air gushed out.

Although from afar, it looked more like Li Xinghai had punched through the ice blade, but he was really upset now and couldn't move. He raised his head and looked at Yu Xin who was smiling.

She was smiling very sweetly, with shallow dimples and curved crescents. She looked harmless.

"I already said it's mine!" "Why are you still snatching away!" With adorableness and pride, he looked at Li Xinghai who was now half-squatting on the ground and unable to move.

"Come out, you've been watching for so long!"

At this moment, Xu Lin and Qiu Jiang Ting, who were hiding at the side and spying on Qin Lie, felt their hearts tighten.

He thought that he had hidden them perfectly, but he did not know that he had already been exposed, and inadvertently saw Yu Xin's strength, shocking Lin Zi's heart. In his memory, Yu Xin was still the nervous girl that tried to find him in the library, but in the blink of an eye, the girl's real strength was terrifying, and she was not even in the same league as him.

Li Xinghai was puzzled. There was only him and Yu Xin here, and the surroundings were completely silent. How could there be anyone else? Of course, he had automatically filtered out that strange female voice.

"Do I have to force you out?" Yu Xin was a little angry, today was really not going well, the flower in front of her eyes wanted to secretly take it away, but more and more people knew about it.

The instant she raised her hand, the surrounding cold energy condensed into the palm of her hand and gradually formed into an icicle. The icicle was directed at the place where Xu Lin and Qiu Jianping were hiding.

"Alright, alright, we're all in the same class, stop fighting." Xu Lin tried to smooth things over as he hurriedly tried to curry favor with her. His desire to survive was extremely strong as he walked out from behind the tree with Qiu Jianhan and Jiang Ting.

Yu Xin's originally agitated mood turned into nothingness with Xu Lin's voice. The cold air she condensed also dissipated. She was too familiar with this voice. It made her think about the forest she dreamt of … The young girl was excited, and her eyes shone with golden stars.

However, reality was cruel. The person beside Xu Lin was Qiu JianTing. The two of them were quite a man and a woman, and they were a good match.

This made Yu Xin's mood plummet, and her face was covered in a layer of frost.

"Why are you two together?" Yu Xin tried her best to calm herself down, but everyone could hear that she was gritting their teeth.

Xu Lin felt a chill run down his spine. This feeling of being caught in the dark came so suddenly and caught off guard.

His strong desire to survive made him instantly think of the answer.

"Ah!" I just met him. I'm not too familiar with him, so when I heard his voice, I came over together with him!

Qiu Jiang Ting listened to Xu Lin's answer with a questioning face, but did not reveal anything. After all, it was better to keep what happened yesterday a secret.

He was curious as to why Xu Lin was so afraid of this girl. Although he guessed at their story, he felt a bit disappointed.

No matter how she guessed, she would not guess that Xu Lin was afraid of Yu Xin stealing his child's body …

Listening to Xu Lin's explanation, Yu Xin's expression turned dark again. Her emotions changed so quickly that for a moment, she looked at Xu Lin with stars in her eyes.

Of course, Yu Xin wasn't the only one with such a drastic change in mood. At this moment, Li Xinghai was trapped, and his heart was in turmoil!

Looking for the source of the voice, Li Xinghai saw the Chou family's Xu Lin. Right now, his bedraggled appearance was seen by Xu Lin, who he recognized as his opponent. It could be said that he was utterly humiliated. This way, at least, he would be able to maintain his demeanor.

But when he was beside Xu Lin, he saw Qiu JianTing, who he had been arduously chasing for three years. The most important thing was that Qiu JianTing did not even glance at him, but only looked at Xu Lin from beginning to end. The sunlight shone on the young girl's body, imprinting her profile, her perfect figure, and even her reflection in the water rippled due to her beauty.

But! Li Xinghai understood the look in her eyes when she looked at Xu Lin! That was the way he looked at her!

That was the sour smell of love!

Li Xinghai's state of mind instantly exploded. He could no longer control his emotions. All kinds of anger, grievance, and an indescribable sense of failure mixed together.

However, his arm was stuck and he couldn't do anything. A feeling of powerlessness flooded his heart, and he thought to himself that if only he wasn't that weak at this moment!

"Young man, do you desire power? Do you yearn for money? "

The tempting female voice sounded, but it was still the same familiar scent.

Li Xinghai, who was in control of his emotions, could no longer control those old tricks!

He shouted, "I want to! Give me your strength, I want to burn them to death! "

The wind was light and the clouds were light. Li Xinghai's roar didn't even cause the lake water to stir. Even the ants beside him didn't react. They continued to carry the minced meat and lined up, trying their best to crawl towards their lair.

Li Xinghai's eyes were bloodshot. He knelt on one knee and maintained his position of picking flowers. He looked very comical, and when he roared, he felt very stupid.

Xu Lin and the other two turned around to look, and all of their expressions revealed awkwardness.

Then, he calmly continued his conversation …


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