Compulsory Cultivation At School/C15 Terrifying Strength
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Compulsory Cultivation At School/C15 Terrifying Strength
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C15 Terrifying Strength

The old monk slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were cloudy and empty, gray without a trace of luster.

His murky eyes regained their clarity, and after a short period of absent-mindedness, his eyes revealed endless joy. The joy he could not hide, coupled with the clarity in his eyes, made the amiable old monk feel even more buddhist.

The corner of his lips slightly curled up as his smile grew wider and wider until it reached his ears. He grinned, revealing a mouth full of yellow teeth that could not be touched and looked at each other. Compared to his amiable appearance, this was more like another person's mouth.

"Phew!" "Swish!"

Xu Lin sucked in a breath of cold air, suddenly waking up from his stupor. He instantly stood up, his entire body tensed up. His consciousness was still stuck at the moment he was knocked out by Li Xinghai.

When he woke up at this moment, his mind was still thinking about the two girls in danger and his own injuries. He subconsciously touched his body and realized that his collapsed chest was completely unharmed and his exhausted body was actually full of spirit energy. Looking around to find traces of the two girls, he realized something strange.

At this moment, Yu Xin and Qiu Jiang Ting were actually sitting cross-legged on the ground with their hands clasped together, their faces devoid of any color. If it wasn't for their calm and even breathing faces, Xu Lin would have thought that they had been killed. Right now they seemed to be cultivating in their own rooms, relaxed and defenseless, as if nothing in the world could disturb them.

What surprised Xu Lin even more was that the environment around him, the previously destroyed forest, was now completely covered in darkness. A sea of shadows covered the land, endless as far as his eyes could see.

He felt as if the entire world was surrounded by Shadow Flowers. Not far away from him, Li Xinghai was lying on the stamen like a dead fish, motionless, not knowing whether he was dead or alive. Meanwhile, beside Li Xinghai, an old monk sat on a huge Shadow Flower Garden.

He could not feel the slightest movement in the wind, but the flowers beside him were gently swaying, the eerie and quiet atmosphere around Xu Lin caused him to feel that this place was a little unusual, and the old monk's gaze from afar even seemed like an ice-cold current surging into Xu Lin's heart.

He tried to call out to the two girls sitting beside him, but no response came.

The two women wanted to investigate, but as they approached, they suddenly opened their eyes!

"Yu Xin, Jiang Ting, what are you doing?" Let's get up and leave. Something's not right around here! " Xu Lin turned his back to the old monk and whispered to the two girls, afraid of disturbing the person behind them.

The two girls' eyes were lifeless. They did not seem to have the slightest intention of leaving. When Qiu Jiang Ting heard Xu Lin's words, she moved slightly, but in an instant, she calmed down and closed her eyes, ignoring Xu Lin.

As for Yu Xin, her head and neck slowly turned towards Xu Lin, one after another, like a machine that had not been used in a long time, her movements were extremely strange.

"I …" Listening to Master... Master... "Teach the Scriptures." Her voice was still beautiful, but it didn't have the slightest emotion. It was so abrupt that it sounded like she was reading a student's book.

Xu Lin felt that Yu Xin was now more like a robot executing orders according to the program. Her usual lively and energetic attitude was completely gone.

The old monk behind him looked at him with a gaze that seemed about to shoot out light. However, that old monk also seemed to have the bearing of a saint, as if he had forgotten about the world. Yet, Xu Lin would never connect him with the old monk.

Because right now, the old monk was too strange. The smile on the corner of his mouth, the unconcealable joy in his eyes, and that mouth full of scorched yellow teeth, Xu Lin couldn't think too much into it.

Which monk would look at you like a hungry ghost and the fat and tender meat as if they were hungry? Which high monk would sit in the mountain behind the academy and preach to others?

Seeing that the two girls seemed to be infatuated and had forgotten about the mortal world, he decided to quickly take them away and leave this land of conflict!

"As long as you are here, do as you are told. Why didn't you listen to this old monk finish his law? "

The old monk's voice came from behind them. His voice was like the chiming of a morning bell, heavy and steady like the buddhist music of a three day detour, causing people to feel at peace when they heard it. The old monk's voice reached Xu Lin's ears.

"If I leave, I will be disappointing my expectations of the master."

The moment this thought appeared, Xu Lin felt a sharp pain in his chest. This brought him back to reality in an instant, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

Thinking of that thought from before, he couldn't help but shudder …

This old monk could not afford to offend him, nor could he afford to offend him. His single sentence almost made him lose his mind. Thankfully, the pain in his chest was a treasure's message and the pain had saved him.

He had not expected that there would be such terrifying things in the back mountain of the school. Although he had already felt that this exam had an extraordinary significance and was more difficult to pass than the previous exams.

Not to mention that he was almost killed by the mutated Li Xinghai, and now he has met an old monk with terrifying power, Xu Lin felt that he was a student who was risking his life in an exam. He really wanted to immediately use a teleportation talisman to announce his actions, set up a memorial arch for himself, and then have the school award him an award, issue him an immortal pellet, and gift him with a treasured manual as a fugitive exam candidate!

However, he couldn't do this. The two girls were currently in a dazed state, and the teleportation talisman could only be used by themselves. He couldn't bring the two of them away with him.

Xu Lin's thoughts were a bit chaotic as he thought of how to leave. It caused him to be slightly dazed, as if he had really been held in place by an old monk and was unable to move.

The old monk was planning to attack, but the smile on his face became even wider. The Soul Search technique was indeed his famous technique, and he was not satisfied, although he had been sealed for hundreds of years, his Jindan broken and his soul sea dried up, but he was still a powerful warrior in his previous life, and facing a little disciple who had just awakened his powers, it was still not easy! After sensing the success of the Soul Search technique, he was actually somewhat glad.

If Xu Lin knew what he was thinking, then he definitely wouldn't be so cowardly right now. Perhaps he would even have to back off and hit the old monk until he was ashamed, but now he didn't know the slightest bit.

After a slight pause, Xu Lin realized that the old monk had not yet stood up. He decided to take the risk and was about to stretch out his hand to pull the two girls away.

The old monk's blooming smile froze on his face. His magnificent Soul Search technique had no effect on an ordinary disciple?

Xu Lin came behind the two girls and stared at the old monk in the distance. He looked at his stiff smile and saw that he did not move at all, so he became a little more daring.

The two girls were both beautiful girls with light and delicate bodies. The young girl's softness blossomed with Xu Lin's hands. However, this was not the time to think about such things. He felt a strange tickling sensation on his hands.

Lowering his head to look, he saw that he was holding onto the arms of the two girls. He was actually being held by bloody arms. Where did these arms come from?

Looking for the source of the sound, it actually came from behind the two women's backs. Xu Lin naturally did not believe that the two women practiced the three heads and six arms ability, so this must be the work of the old monk.

His extended arm was like a vine, tightly grabbing onto Xu Lin's arm. The force of the grip was so deep that Xu Lin's arm became swollen.

Originally, when Xu Lin supported the two of them, it was difficult for them to escape, but when the two women sat cross-legged and did not move at all, this made him somewhat helpless. However, the extended arm allowed Xu Lin to easily lift the two of them up, and for a moment, he used his spirit energy to support his arms, using his extended arms to support them, lifting the two women up and turning them around! He lifted his leg and ran!

The two girls were still sitting cross-legged when Xu Lin opened his arms. The two girls were like a gourd hanging from Xu Lin's arm. The way they ran in a row was very strange …


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