Compulsory Cultivation At School/C3 Science Nonexistent!
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Compulsory Cultivation At School/C3 Science Nonexistent!
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C3 Science Nonexistent!

In the drowsiness of the dream, Xu Lin was awoken by the dazzling light.

Through the dazzling sunlight outside the window, he knew that Xu Lin had left early in the morning.

"Crap!" "I'm going to be late!"

He put on his coat and rushed out of the house with his schoolbag.

After running for a while, they arrived at the campus.

A few hundred meters outside the school, there was an old breakfast, soy milk and youtiao, which the students nearby could not bear to part with. Xu Lin was no exception.

"Boss, one serving of youtiao and a cup of soy milk. Hurry up, we're going to be late!"

Picking up his breakfast, Xu Lin lifted his leg and ran.

Just as he ran to the classroom door, Xu Lin heard a whistling sound behind him.

He looked back and was so shocked that he could not hold on to the soy milk and youtiao. With a "pa ji" sound, they fell to the ground.

The homeroom teacher, Mr. Marten, was actually sitting on a giant black board as he flew!

Was this a science fiction movie filmed by the school? Why is Teacher Marten sitting on a black board and flying? Teacher, do you know that after the founding of the country, animals cannot become spirits?

However, there was nothing wrong with wiping off the black board.

Teacher Sable, you're sitting on a black board, looking like a saint. You're unreasonable, but even if you're doing a film, why would the school do such a thing?

And what was the title of the filming crew?

'My teacher is flying '?' My math teacher is flying '?' Look, it's flying '?

While he was still stunned, Teacher Marten had already landed beside Xu Lin. Teacher Marten looked at Xu Lin with an impatient expression.

"What are you waiting for if you're not going in yet!?"

"Oh, oh, oh!" Xu Lin did not have time to ask, nor did he have the time to think about how to pick up Teacher Marten's giant black board. He quickly slipped into the classroom.

Returning to his seat, Xu Lin prepared to take out a math textbook. Although he didn't want to learn it, he still had to pretend.

Xu Lin looked through his bag and took out a few books.

"History of the cultivation world"

"Basic theoretical knowledge of cultivation!"

"Version 1.0 of the basic training examination paper."

"General knowledge of herbal medicine theory"

"Basic principles of refining."

The more Xu Lin searched, the more confused he became. Who was the one who gave him the bag?

Where is this old man's math textbook!? Where's the language book? What about health education!?

Xu Lin looked at the little fatty beside him and asked.

"Fatty, did you change my math textbook?" What are these things? "

The fatty was confused.

"What do I take from you? Mathematics? Brother, I told you not to read novels, what scientific cannons and aircraft, they don't exist! "

Xu Lin muttered in his heart: "How come this fatty suddenly became a retard today? Did he become an idiot when he read novels?"

Fatty took advantage of the chattering to say, "Brother Xu, the '108 Styles between me and the air stewardess' that you showed me last time is really not bad! "But don't let me play recently, my dad has been watching me closely all day and needs to practice his body technique every day to learn medicinal herbs. He must be exhausted. He really wants to go to the scientific world and play with air stewardesses." As Fatty said this, his eyes began to shine.

Xu Lin was completely confused. Today wasn't April Fool's Day, right? What was this fatty doing? Could it be that when the movie was filmed today, everyone would have to act together and the entire school would come to cultivate?

You don't say it's good to meet your classmates? "Hello, Fellow Daoist. Did you cultivate all night yesterday?"

Is there something wrong with it? Xu Lin seriously suspected that he had broken a piece yesterday and forgotten something.

Just as he was about to ask the fatty a few more questions, Teacher Marten's voice came from the classroom.

"Cough cough, everyone, open your history textbooks. Today, we will be talking about Chapter 6, 'The Fall and Rise of the Human Race'."

Fellow students and teachers are also in their second year? Xu Lin could not help but raise his hand.

Xu Lin had always been lazy for the past few years. Could it be that today, he had changed his character and was going to start studying?

"Xu Lin, what's the matter?"

"Teacher Marten, are we not going to the Mathematics class anymore? Is today a school movie? "

The class instantly fell silent, and then some people began to laugh.

"What is he saying? The donkey kicked the brain? " Taking off his pants, Wang Zhang Quan could have found a chance to ridicule Xu Lin, so he quickly added.

Teacher Marten was also confused when he heard this. Was this child sick?

Xu Lin, what math class are you talking about, stop reading novels, what math science are you talking about, stop dreaming about it, in the cultivation world, strength is the only thing that matters.

"I hope you study hard."

Taking Xu Lin as an example, Teacher Marten turned around and began educating the others …

All of you are about to be promoted to a higher school right now. What Black Turtle Academy? Immortal Phoenix Academy? Shocking Martial Academy? All of these are important high schools; they have a lot of resources and the speed of cultivation in the future is also fast.

At the very least, you have to do well in pharmacology and at the very least, learn the basics of refining. Otherwise, if your results are poor, you won't even be able to enter the Lan Xiang Immortal Academy, and you won't even be able to become an apprentice, do you understand!

"Understood!" All the students in the class said the same thing.

Teacher Marten seemed to have used a special technique in his words, causing the blood of all the students in the class to boil.

Xu Lin was completely at a loss. Just what had happened to the school today? Let me ask you, were you wrong in math? You're not going to class today to change to Immortal cultivation? Today's class was fun! Xu Lin decided to continue watching the performance.

Teacher Marten cleared his throat.

"Alright, let's begin the class."

"Let's continue with the lecture from last night."

Ten thousand tribes invaded our land. At that time, our humankind was still poor and had yet to develop, and the originally peaceful homeland was now filled with waves after waves of non-humankind, which could not be stopped just by relying on brute force alone. There were many natural mountains and mountains full of immortal herbs, and this was the reason why these non-humankind beings coveted resources so much.

Teacher Marten's expression was a little heavy. He paused for a moment before continuing.

"The pagans were numerous and powerful. At that time, the humans were like frogs at the bottom of a well. They relied on their brute force to fight against the other races that had used immortal arts. The casualties were disastrous. The number of humans plummeted, and corpses were strewn across the fields."

"The shameful thing is, the human race wasn't exterminated, but was enslaved by the foreign races. They used a large amount of manpower to excavate the forbidden lands, exploring the immortal mountains for medicinal herbs and treasures. The forbidden area is full of ancient restrictive spells and all kinds of magical formations. Anyone who touches them will die. These non-humankind beings are using the lives of humans to reclaim the land! "

"After so many years of slavery and survival under others' shelter, the human race has finally risen to greatness."

"Speaking of which, it's really sad. The rise of the human race is because of a few other races, but what's the most powerful one among the human race?" Do you know why? "

There was complete silence in the classroom. No one knew how to answer his teacher's question.

"It's because they have powerful reproduction abilities. It's because they have great reverence. Do they know why humans have risen to power? "The reason is because the hybrid children of the non-humankind and the humankind were born, because some of the non-humankind discovered that marriage with the humankind had the chance to give birth to even more powerful bloodlines. Speaking of ridicule, the survival of the humankind actually depends entirely on the survival of the humankind through reproduction."

"After many years, the human race and the non-humankind have become inseparable, and the concept of rank has been gradually broken. The number of pure-blooded foreign races has decreased, and the human race has also gradually come into contact with immortal arts, and because of the large number of people, many geniuses have also been born. At the beginning, the suppression of the non-human race had some effect, but later on, the rebellion of the human race and the mixed race has completely destroyed the pure-blooded foreign race."

"This is the first year of the Immortal Yuan. The humans have officially returned and joined forces with the majority of the mixed race foreign races to pull the pure-blooded foreign races off their thrones. This is the era of coexistence in the Immortal Yuan century."

The classroom was peaceful and quiet. This part of the history of the rise of the human race was like a dark river in history. The most painful part of the rise was that it weighed heavily on all of the students.

Xu Lin hesitated and suspected, wasn't such a clichéd plot something unique to novels? Today, Teacher Marten was going to act until the end, and he even brought along a script?

However, with Teacher Marten's next move, Xu Lin's view of the world completely collapsed.

"Do you know what is an Immortal technique? Why is there such a great difference in strength compared to it? "

Teacher Marten took out a piece of symbol paper and stuck it on his feet. His legs turned white as he floated and swayed left and right in midair.

"This is the most common weapon crafting technique, the side product of crafting, the talisman paper. Moreover, the talisman paper teacher is holding is useless and can be floated for a while. However, even this ordinary by-product is able to allow you to ride a crane and soar into the sky, traveling a thousand miles at a fast speed. "

"The truly powerful refining method is to train in everything and become a spiritual treasure of heaven and earth."

"I heard that even the city we're living in right now is a treasure forged from a weapon."

Xu Lin's eyes stared straight ahead, his heart was already in turmoil.

Teacher Marten did not stop and continued explaining.

"Do you know why I made you study pharmacology?"

The students shook their heads.

Teacher Marten took out a small dagger from under the table and slashed at the back of his hand without saying anything.

A cry of alarm came from the classroom. The timid female students did not dare to look and used their hands to cover their eyes.

Fresh blood gushed out, while Teacher Marten's expression was slightly painful.

He took out a light red potion from the glass bottle and poured it on the wound.

The blood stopped flowing in an instant. Those with sharp eyes could see that the wound was healing. After wiping away the remaining blood stains, the wound unexpectedly shone with a bright light.

"This is a pill made by an apothecary, and it's even the lowest level of hemostatic."

"It's useful, but it can be used for travel at home. It's an essential item for killing mobs."

"So this is medicine. Why do you want to learn it? Do you understand?"

The students nodded like chicks.

Xu Lin's shock went from morning to night, only now did he realize.

"Damn, this is heaven! Did I transmigrate?!" I've arrived in the world of cultivation? You don't need to study math, you need to learn cultivation? It means that fighting monsters to level up, teasing fairies, and beating up evil forces isn't a dream? "

Xu Lin was so excited that he could not hold it in anymore, and his heart was simply elated. He must use his physical body to express his feelings.

So Xu Lin happily clapped, used his body to clap, and happily said:

"Teacher is awesome, I love studying, studying makes me happy, studying makes me rich!"

Teacher Marten looked at Xu Lin in astonishment, while his classmates looked at Xu Lin in astonishment.

Today, did Xu Lin's head really get kicked by a donkey?


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