Conceited Matrilocal Son-in-law/C15 Thinner than a Toothpick
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Conceited Matrilocal Son-in-law/C15 Thinner than a Toothpick
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C15 Thinner than a Toothpick

Liu Dajin's gaze immediately focused on Qi Haotian, anger appearing on his face as he said this.

"You useless brat, what did you do to my precious son? "Do you believe that I can find someone to kill you within minutes?"

As the boss of the Magnificent Brocade Group, Liu Dajin naturally knew a lot of friends in this society.

Qi Haotian had turned the size of his thumb into that of a chopstick, and was getting smaller and thinner.

I believe it won't take long before it becomes thinner than a toothpick.

How could Liu Dajin not be angry?

Hearing that Liu Dajin was supporting him, a trace of pride appeared on Liu Wenliang's face.

On the other hand, a trace of indifference appeared on Qi Haotian's face.

The Magnificent Brocade Group was indeed a third-rate enterprise in Qingning City, but to Qi Haotian, it was nothing more than a fart.

On the other hand, Han Yu'er, Huang Huairen, and Han Faangzhong looked at Liu Dajin with pitiful gazes.

It had to be known that, even the king of Underground World, Brother Loong, had to be respectful to Qi Haotian.

Liu Dajin's way of doing things, wasn't that just courting death?

Seeing that Qi Haotian didn't say anything, Liu Dajin said coldly.

"Qi Haotian, just you wait. For Divine Doctor Han's sake, let's put aside this debt for today. I'll come and settle it with you after my precious son's illness is cured."

After Liu Dajin said this, he handed a bank card over to Han Faangzhong with a face full of smiles.

"Divine Doctor Han, I'm the chairman of Jinhua Group. I came here today to let you treat my disappointing son."

However, Han Faangzhong didn't even look at Liu Dajin. As for the bank card, he didn't take it.

"Chairman Liu, it's better if you go back. I am helpless in the face of your son's illness."

Although Han Faangzhong didn't know where Liu Wenliang was injured, but he already knew that it was definitely Qi Haotian.

Adding on Liu Dajin's attitude from before, it made Han Faangzhong very unhappy.

In this case, how could Han Faangzhong use his hands to heal Liu Wenliang?

With Han Faangzhong's words, Liu Dajin's face revealed a mournful expression.

"Divine Doctor Han, I was introduced by Brother Chao. Please take a look. Regardless of whether you can cure me or not, I will give you the one million yuan from this card."

One must know that since yesterday, Liu Dajin had brought Liu Wenliang to the major hospitals.

However, every doctor shook their head when they saw Liu Wenliang's condition.

Liu Dajin had to rely on a lot of connections to know that Han Faangzhong would make a diagnosis at First People's Hospital.

Therefore, he brought Liu Wenliang over, hoping that Han Faangzhong would be able to cure him with his bare hands.

However, just as Liu Dajin finished his words, Han Yu'er grabbed his bank card and threw it away.

"Hmph, scram. My grandfather said that if you can't cure, you can't. Do you think my grandfather is someone who covets money?"

When Han Yu'er said this, her face was full of anger.

Before this, Liu Dajin had been so disrespectful to her idol. This caused Han Yu'er's heart to be filled with anger.

Seeing this, Liu Dajin quickly picked up the bank card and handed it over to Han Faangzhong with a big smile.

"Little girl, that's not what I meant. It was just a small token of my appreciation."

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