Conceited Matrilocal Son-in-law/C4 Faster than the Sprint Champion
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Conceited Matrilocal Son-in-law/C4 Faster than the Sprint Champion
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C4 Faster than the Sprint Champion

"Qi Haotian, do you know that without money, my father will definitely die?"

"You … How can you be so impulsive? Do you know how hard it is to find a job now, I... I was really pissed off by you. "

As soon as they left the private room of Happy KTV, Su Qingxue shouted at Qi Haotian.

Although Qi Haotian took a bite out of Liu Wenliang for Su Qingxue's sake, but Su Haifeng is still lying in bed.

Without money, how could he survive?

Qi Haotian didn't show any anger on his face when he heard Su Qingxue's scolding. Instead, he stretched out his hand and pulled her.

"Wife, I was once a piece of trash."

"Pah! How could I possibly be a piece of trash? I was just a fool before. "

"Don't worry, I can treat father's injuries. And within three days, Liu Wenliang will deliver the compensation to us."

Qi Haotian, with this body, was still quite friendly towards his beautiful wife.

Of course, this was not only because Su Qingxue was a top beauty, but also because ten years ago, she was a steamed bun that he would never be able to forget.

As the former War God Haotian, he had always been someone who distinguished between kindness and hatred. How could he not repay Su Qingxue's kindness?


When Su Qingxue heard Qi Haotian's words, she couldn't help but touch Qi Haotian's forehead and say.

"Don't tell me you had a mental breakdown after waking up?"

"Besides, you should be lying in bed. How come you're here now, and you've never been so good at it before?"

Hearing Su Qingxue's question, Qi Haotian quickly returned her phone to her and said.

"Actually, I've practiced it before. It's just that I like to keep a low profile."

Although Su Qingxue didn't really believe Qi Haotian's words, she didn't care about it much and walked outside instead.

After all, what bothered her the most right now was Su Haifeng's treatment fees.

"You are Feng Er …" "You are Sha …"

At that moment, the pink phone rang.

Su Qingxue looked at the contact person on her phone and connected immediately. An anxious voice came from inside.

"Qingxue, immediately …" Hurry over here, father, he... He may not be able to make it. "

Su Qingxue felt the sky spin and the earth spin as she heard her mother Lee Jiaoyan's voice coming from the phone. She immediately leaned back.

Seeing this, Qi Haotian hurriedly reached out his hand to hug Su Qingxue, hugging her tightly and said.

"It's fine. Father-in-law will be fine. We'll rush over right now."

In Qi Haotian's memories, his father-in-law Su Haifeng had treated him pretty well, and was also the only person who treated him as family in the entire Su Family.

Normally, if she was hugged like this by Qi Haotian, she would definitely be furious.

However, this time, perhaps it was because she was too worried about Su Haifeng that she forgot to resist and allowed Qi Haotian to carry her to the First People's Hospital.

First People's Hospital was about five minutes away from the happy KTV.

Qi Haotian carried Su Qingxue on his back and rushed back to First People's Hospital in less than a minute.

When Qi Haotian put Su Qingxue down, he couldn't help but take a deep breath as he thought silently in his heart.

Sigh, this body of his is truly not good. Back then, this short distance was merely a matter of a flick of a finger.

It looks like I have to recover my strength as soon as possible.

If Su Qingxue knew Qi Haotian's thoughts now, she would definitely be shocked.

You have to know, the speed Qi Haotian ran with her on his back just now was much faster than the world champion sprinter.

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