Conquer The Hell King/C8 Flexible for Big Black Dog
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Conquer The Hell King/C8 Flexible for Big Black Dog
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C8 Flexible for Big Black Dog

Only Wang Cann and Lin Yun were left in the empty store.

Wang Cann was silent. No one knew what she was thinking, but it was obvious that she was nervous!

Everything she had touched now was something she had never touched before. What she was going to possess, was also something she had not possessed before.

"Don't worry, Dahei is easy to get along with!" Lin Yun teasingly said, specifically accentuating the word "get along" by a lot.

Wang Cann couldn't hold back her laughter as she thought about the big black dog that had just taken a bath.

It had to be said that Wang Cann's smile was very beautiful, especially beautiful. Lin Yun was dumbfounded all of a sudden.

"I'm here." At this moment, the big black dog's voice came from the bedroom.

Lin Yun suddenly woke up with an awkward expression and walked towards his bedroom with Wang Cann.

However, Lin Yun couldn't help but smile wryly again after arriving at his bedroom.

He saw that there was a large towel on the floor of the bedroom. The big black dog was rolling on the towel. Its hair had been completely raised and was still wet. In his mouth, there was a large bone that had been there for an unknown amount of time.

At this moment, the big black dog looked like it had all of its fur on its head, and it did not look docile at all.

After rolling a few times and seeing Lin Yun and his partner coming into the bedroom, the big black dog stopped and looked at the two of them.

His face suddenly turned serious. "I have something to tell you two!"

Seeing the serious expression on the big black dog's face, Lin Yun's heart was also moved. The big black dog rarely had such an expression, it seemed like Lin Yun already knew about the cultivation of Allip Soul!

Wang Cann revealed a puzzled look. Although she knew that someone had raised a Allip Soul, she did not know how powerful the Allip Soul was!

"Right now, there is a hidden power in this world, which is this power. They are cultivating Allip Soul, and their ultimate goal is to rule this world!" Blackie said seriously.

"What, rule the world!" Wang Cann covered her mouth in shock. This was a little too big.

"That's right, the Allip Soul that they nurtured are probably already under special control, it looks just like a real person!" Blackie slowly spoke, and for some reason, there was a trace of loneliness on his face.

"Moreover, they brought ghosts from the Underworld back to the Underworld and attached them to their bodies. Without a special method, it's impossible to tell!" Blackie sighed.

"There's only one person with that right in the Underworld right now, and that's Thirteenth Generation Nether King. Kun Xu, I've already confirmed that everything is definitely him messing up again, but I've already reincarnated, but I can't stop him!" The big black dog had an ugly expression on its face.

"I said so much, not because I want you to deal with Kun Xu now, even if there are ten thousand of you now, you still won't be Kun Xu's match. He's the current Nether King, I'm telling you to make a careful choice, including you, Lin Yun!" Blackie said.

Lin Yun was slightly surprised for a moment and then revealed a wry smile: "Dahei, did you think I would shrink back? Since I have already made my choice, I will be sure of it! "

He knew that before Da Hei met him, Da Hei had tested a lot of people. However, before most of these people passed the test, they thought they were invincible. First, they had to test Da Hei!

In front of humans, he couldn't show any of his superpower. That was why he was almost eaten by people several times. After all, he was just a stray dog!

It could be said that Dahei's experience was very rough. Now that Dahei said this, Lin Yun could guess that Dahei wanted to shoulder all of this by himself!

How could Wang Cann not have guessed this? Wang Cann and Lin Yun looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's eyes!

"Dahei, don't say anymore. We have decided to advance and retreat together with you. We have yet to experience the flavor of a savior!" Lin Yun licked his lips. After a few months of being together, Lin Yun also developed feelings for Blackie!

"Un, Dahei, don't worry. Big Sister will take good care of you in the future!" Wang Cann chuckled.

Blackie fell silent. He knew Lin Yun, but Wang Cann hadn't known him for long. He didn't want her to be in danger.

However, in the end, he still sighed, "Then the two of you have to work hard. Don't think about saving the world, hurry up and raise your strength!"

"Actually, Lin Yun, being able to reach one hundred Karma Point is only considered as an Inferior Grade, The Nether World Master!" Blackie said!

"What? Inferior The Nether World Master?" Lin Yun asked in confusion. He did not hear anything from Blackie.

"The Discipline you've learned is actually divided into six levels." When Dahei talked about proper business, he had a solemn expression with an imposing manner that did not get angry.

"These six levels are, respectively, the one hundred merits of the lower The Nether World Master, the one thousand merits of Intermediate Nether Master, and the ten thousand merits of Senior Nether Master. The next three realms are, Hades, Nether King, and Emperor of the Underworld!"

"In front of us, The Nether World Master's realm is something that can be reached simply by working hard to reach it through the precipitation of time. However, in order to reach the Underworld's realm, one has to rely on the comprehension of the heavens and the earth."

"And to become Nether King, the only way is to go to the Underworld's Underworld's Underworld's Yellow Springs to receive the baptism. This kind of baptism only has a one in a thousand chance of survival. This is the limit of the rules! "

"However, no one has ever reached the Emperor of the Underworld, that is a legendary existence, it is said that it can change into a terrifying Allip Soul, but Nether King can only control it, no one can change into a Allip Soul. The Emperor of the Underworld is already an invincible existence, but he only exists in legends!" Blackie explained to the two seriously.

"Then, Dahei, do you mean to say that I haven't even entered the sect yet?" Lin Yun had a bitter expression as he spoke in a hoarse voice.

"That's right, you haven't even started!" He glanced at Lin Yun and said.

"However, to be able to turn underworld money into real money just by being a lower class The Nether World Master, wouldn't that mean that Intermediate Nether Master, Senior Nether Master, was already a heaven defying person? "Then why doesn't Senior Nether Masterson have any powerful abilities?" Lin Yun rolled his eyes at the big black dog and said in disbelief!

"I've already been reincarnated. My superpower has basically disappeared." The big black dog said snappily.

"But, Wang Cann, have you really decided?" After saying that, Dahei turned to look at Wang Cann!

Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Cann nodded her head heavily.

"Alright, for the sake of the two of you not colliding, Wang Cann, I need you to collect Karma Point, not Yin De points." Then, for the sake of the two of you not colliding, Wang Cann, I need you to collect Karma Point, not Yin De points. Blackie said!

"This is unreasonable. Karma Point are so easy to collect. Why didn't you say earlier, Dahei!" When Lin Yun heard this, he cried out sorrowfully towards the sky. Even if it's ten times more, he still wants to collect Karma Point!

"The Karma Point can only be collected by women. What, Lin Yun, do you want to go for surgery?" The big black dog's sharp counterattack immediately made Lin Yun speechless.

"I'm still worried about that. I need to go to the cemetery to gather merits. This girl is very scared, but it's good now!" Wang Cann was so happy that she almost jumped up. She was a kind-hearted girl to begin with.

Later on, the big black dog also said many taboos. However, what puzzled Lin Yun was that the test did not appear!

The so-called test was for the big black dog to take out a blood-colored pill and give it to Wang Cann to swallow. That way, if Wang Cann behaved wrongly, she would lose her memory as long as the big black dog willed it!

Of course, the big black dog wouldn't tell Wang Cann all of this, but this time, it didn't show up!

"There's no time left, so there's no need to test!" The big black dog sighed and then said. But no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

Of course, just collecting Karma Point was still not enough. After all, there were still many good people in the world, and there must be countless people who, without knowing it, possessed hundreds or even thousands of Karma Point.

But they still hadn't acquired their Discipline.

This required an opportunity to activate the soul.

As long as the soul has been awakened, then everything will be fine. And if the soul has been awakened, then only Nether King can do it. I'm afraid even Kun Xu didn't expect that the big black dog was still alive and could open up a human's soul!

This process was very long, it even made Lin Yun feel like Dahei was being lustful again!

Wang Cann finally walked out with a slightly flushed face. Although Dahei looked like a dog, she had already treated Dahei as a human being. When her soul was activated, Wang Cann had to take off the clothes on her back. Naturally, she showed many things to Dahei!

"White..." So tender … "So slippery …" Blackie was salivating while his eyes were filled with peach blossoms. He then walked out!

Originally, Lin Yun thought that the big black dog had finally become a little more normal. However, after seeing this, black lines appeared on Lin Yun's forehead once again. He took a big step towards Blackie and shot him with an explosive punch!

No one left during the day. Wang Cann was collecting information from the big black dog, while Lin Yun was worried that Da Hei might have something to do with Wang Cann. He also wanted to wait for Xiao Cui, so he didn't leave!

During this day, many things happened. Unknowingly, the sun had set and the sky had darkened!

Everyone's stomachs began growling. Originally, it was Lin Yun who cooked at home!

However, Lin Yun had too much anticipation in his heart today, so he wasn't in the mood to cook, so he ordered takeout!

"What's wrong with Xiao Cui, she's so slow!" Lin Yun was so anxious!

After all, turning underworld money into real money was something that could move anyone!

Just as everyone finished their meal, there was a knock on the door. Lin Yun's eyes lit up as he strode to the door and opened it!

Sure enough, just as he had expected, it was Xiao Cui who was still attached to Older Sister Ming's body!

At that moment, Xiao Cui looked exceptionally exhausted, but her eyes lit up with joy.

"It's too comfortable today!" When Xiao Cui saw Lin Yun, she could not help but ask him with a smile.

When Lin Yun saw this, a smile emerged on his face. Sure enough, as Xiao Cui said those words, the surrounding space suddenly started to ripple!

"That brat, Lin Yun, is about to advance to a lower class, The Nether World Master!" The big black dog immediately scuttled out of the bedroom, and Wang Cann also followed out with her eyes wide open as she watched this scene!

Xiao Cui walked into the shop and closed the door!

In the void, ten blue dots of light quietly appeared like stars!

At the same time, many blue dots of light flew out from Lin Yun's body and danced in the air!

There were a total of 109 blue dots floating in the sky, as beautiful as the starry sky! Illusory Dream!

"So beautiful …" Wang Cann's eyes couldn't help but be dazed.

Countless blue dots of light flew up from the sky and turned into a whirlpool. Almost in an instant, they crazily drilled into Lin Yun's head!

Lin Yun's body trembled. In an instant, all the blue dots of light drilled into Lin Yun's head. Lin Yun instantly opened his eyes and a blue light burst out. It looked extremely strange!

Everyone was looking forward to it, watching nervously.

When all the blue dots of light entered Lin Yun's body, he felt as if all his pores had opened up. It was extremely comfortable and he felt like he was floating in the air. At the same time, his seven orifices seemed to open up and his body felt very comfortable.

But when he opened his eyes, the first thing he did was to laugh out loud: "Wahaha, I finally reached The Nether World Master's realm and I can turn underworld money into money!"

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