Crazy Cultivation/C14 Infinite Majesty and Grandeur
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Crazy Cultivation/C14 Infinite Majesty and Grandeur
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C14 Infinite Majesty and Grandeur

"Wine Sucking Grass!" Qi Qing whispered happily.

"The Heavenly Saint Ancestor set up the restriction himself. Only the sect leader of the Mysterious Sky Dao Temple can break it. Or perhaps it could be used on people who enter to prevent the restriction from affecting them. "So, once you're inside, you'll have to rely on yourself to deal with the spell restrictions on the second floor. Go quickly!" Xin Wu urged Qi Qing.

"En!" Qi Qing agreed and walked into the Scripture Pavilion.

In the eyes of cultivators with profound mantras like Xin Wen and Xin Wu, there were all kinds of magic restrictions in the Scripture Pavilion that could not be seen: long, wide, or narrow. The countless double-edged blades of light that resembled a net of blades of light intersected the entire room on the second floor, and in the gaps between the blades of light, they floated, could seal, or lock the figures of immortals, devils, demons, ghosts, and humans. All kinds of talismans appeared before Qi Qing as she entered through the door to the second floor of the Scripture Pavilion.

Qi Qing either dodged to the left, or dodged to the right, or crawled on the ground towards the north wall. When Qi Qing arrived at the center of the Scripture Room and was forced to stand up once again by the light blades and runes, the northern wall of the Scripture Room suddenly flashed with a golden light. A thin book that radiated a golden light suddenly appeared and slowly flew in front of Qi Qing. All around Qi Qing, the light blade net and the respective rune were pressed tightly onto his body, immediately opening up a space of no small size.

The golden book radiated an indescribable power as it led Qi Qing to sit down cross-legged on the ground. She floated before his chest and automatically opened the first page. Qi Qing saw a blank page at first, then lines of golden characters gradually appeared on the page. She couldn't help but completely concentrate on absorbing the text. "Huu." Naturally, every single word that appeared on the page was imprinted into his mind like it was engraved, and he could no longer forget it. Moreover, he unconsciously practiced the martial arts mental cultivation method in the book as the golden characters unfurled line by line. Immediately after, a very unique meridian diagram of martial arts energy flowing through his entire body appeared. Furthermore, even though he had stopped practising the martial dao mental cultivation method recorded in the book, the tiny and weak flow of martial arts that he had inadvertently demonstrated earlier was still circulating in the meridian diagram he created. And slowly, slowly, little by little, as it flowed, it became thicker and stronger. However, Qi Qing didn't know about these changes at all.

The moment Qi Qing finished reading the book, the book suddenly rose to a height of one meter above her head and began to burn with a "pu" sound. All of a sudden, Qi Qing could only raise her head and stare blankly at it, allowing it to burn. She couldn't even find the heart to save it. There was not a speck of ash left after the book had burned down. Qi Qing was stunned for a while longer before she stood up and walked out of the Scripture Pavilion. This time, wherever he went, the intertwining blades of light and all kinds of talismans automatically moved to the side to make way for him. Qi Qing couldn't help but feel unsettled in her heart.

Xin Wu, who had been waiting anxiously outside, came out when he saw Qi Qing not even four hours had passed. He couldn't help but ask, "Why can't you remove the spell?"

"No!" The book flew out of the wall. I memorized it all and practiced it once! " Qi Qing was so happy that she forgot herself. She had snuck into the Scripture Pavilion and couldn't help but say loudly.

"Is that so?" Xin Wu was also exceptionally happy. Although his voice was subconsciously suppressed, it was loud and clear.

"Yes sir!" Only then did Qi Qing remember that she had snuck into the Scripture Pavilion. Her voice had unconsciously lowered, but there was also an endless excitement.

"What book!" Xin Wen, who had been lying on the table all this time, suddenly stood up. He exuded a majestic aura as he solemnly looked at Qi Qing.

Xin Wu immediately felt ashamed and didn't know what to do. Qi Qing didn't expect Xin Wen to be so drunk. She was a little stunned and bent over as she stuttered, "It's a book that was sealed within the north wall by the Heavenly Saint Master. No one has ever learned it before!"

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