Crazy Cultivation/C20 If There Is Nothing to Behead
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Crazy Cultivation/C20 If There Is Nothing to Behead
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C20 If There Is Nothing to Behead

"That's true! Should I remind them? " the shorter woman said.

"Why are you reminding them!" Once we get far away from Cui Yun Mountain, we will go up and kill him. After absorbing his Yuan Yang, he and that girl will naturally not go to the Immortal Demon Mountain! " The taller woman's voice was hard. The shorter woman thought so too.

After walking a distance, Yunji couldn't help but say to Qi Qing, "I'll take you with me like I did just now!"

"Do you want to have a taste of the clouds the way the Tree Immortal did just now?" Qi Qing didn't answer her, but asked her instead.

"Not really! Even if we wanted to, we wouldn't! " Yunji said with a smile.

Qi Qing pulled her to a stop and concentrated slightly. Suddenly, a red cloud appeared under his and Yunji's feet, lifting the two of them up steadily and gradually raising them into the air. Moreover, the red cloud became bigger and bigger, and the two sides continuously fanned. Yunji lowered his head to take a closer look. That red mist was actually formed by the seven phoenixes using the fire element. It was like a real, living, enormous fire phoenix, carrying both of them into the air. Yun Ji felt the fire element under her feet gather into a phoenix that was just a bit warm and didn't have the slightest intention of burning her. Yun Ji was very surprised and couldn't help but use her foot to lightly stomp on the phoenix. She could not help but look at Qi Qing with love and surprise. Qi Qing let go of her hands and turned into a hug, slowly bringing her onto the Fire Phoenix's back. She smiled at her and said, "It must be fun!"

"En!" Yunji comfortable, the mood is very beautiful nestle in the arms of Qiqing, a sound.

When Qi Qing saw her happiness, she couldn't help but exclaim excitedly, "I've been playing like this with Sister Xueyan for the past two years!" Hearing Qi Qing mention Snowy at this time, Yun Ji suddenly felt a burst of jealousy in her heart. She couldn't help but turn around in Qi Qing's embrace, using her tender white hands to lightly cover Qi Qing's mouth as she lovingly looked at her face. Qi Qing couldn't help but look at her. The two of them felt like they were in the same mood. Gradually, they entered a very quiet state, unconsciously forgetting everything that happened outside their body. The two women who were following them, hiding in the shadows of the moonlight, seeing their love and romance, and some of the taller ones, could not help but laugh with jealousy, and said in a fierce voice, "This little one! "How can you be so intimate with that little beauty when a great disaster is about to befall you? I'll suck you in a bit and you'll lose all color in your face!"

The slightly shorter girl could not help but ask, "Have you really fallen for him?"

"A little!" the taller woman said bluntly.

"Then we'll take care of him later. Although we are only having a one-night stand with him, after having a good time, we can still be considered half a wife to him. He dares to be so intimate with that little demoness in front of us right now, he doesn't even put us, who are already more than three thousand years old, in his eyes!" the shorter woman urged.

"Alright!" The taller girl agreed straightforwardly.

"Do you know where the Immortal Demon Mountain is?!" Yun Ji suddenly asked Qi Qing curiously.

"I don't know!" I just left subconsciously! " Qi Qing was stunned and couldn't help but to say with a smile. The two of them laughed. Yunji turned around and snuggled into Qi Qing's embrace. She then reached out her hand to hold onto Qi Qing's.

"Let's find a place to rest first and find someone to ask about it tomorrow!" Qi Qing discussed with Yun Ji.

"Alright!" Yunji gently replied. Qi Qing held Yun Ji and stood up from the fire phoenix, letting the fire phoenix fly downwards slowly. They found a small mountain and descended. After collecting the fire phoenix, they jumped onto the grass with Yun Ji.

"Other than knowing the five elemental spells, do you know any other spells!" Yun Ji asked Qi Qing.

"No way!" Qi Qing answered frankly.

"Then let me do it!" As Yun Ji spoke, she left Qi Qing's body and took a few steps forward. The treasure sword behind her back suddenly flew out and rotated, as if it had cut down nothing. The few large trees in front of her suddenly collapsed.

With her right hand in front of her chest, she raised her index finger and chanted a spell. After she finished chanting, she pointed her index finger at the few large trees, and most of the limbs of those trees immediately separated to form countless JianSen House. The various raw materials she needed suddenly formed a small wooden house in the middle of the forest. She pointed at the remaining trees and a portion of the remaining trees, then took the form of various raw materials and flew towards the wooden house. The door of the wooden house automatically opened, allowing the various raw materials to fly in. The two girls who were hiding at the side and watching them were surprised that Yun Ji was so young. They couldn't help but gather their demonic powers and carefully look at Yun Ji. When they realized that Yun Ji was a natural martial ability, they couldn't help but look at each other in shock.

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