Crazy Cultivation/C4 Apprenticeship
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Crazy Cultivation/C4 Apprenticeship
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C4 Apprenticeship

"Good intentions!" How can your temperament be like a child's in front of this junior! " Xin Wen advised her like his brother. Xin Wen, Xin Wu, and Xin Xin were siblings. They had started to practice martial arts and magic together since childhood. In fact, their relationship was even closer than siblings.

He ignored Xin Wen and stared at Xin Wu in jealousy, "Don't tell me you haven't found her in more than two hundred years! Did you kill her? " The moment Qi Qing stood up, she immediately guessed that Xin Wu was thinking about him and had almost become his Junior Sister. Xin Wu and Xuan Zhen couldn't help but look at Xin Wu. This was what they wanted to know. The eyes of Qi Qing and the girl met again. The girl glared at him once more and looked at Xin Wu.

Xin Wu's face turned red as he said embarrassedly: "She … she is pregnant with my child!" Other than Qi Qing, everyone else was stunned.

Xin Wen hastily asked worriedly, "Is it a human or a demon!?" In a moment, Xuan Zhen and the girl he didn't know looked at Xin Wu with rapt attention.

"It's a human form!" Although the growth of the body is not as slow as that of a demon, the growth speed of the body is still similar. For the past two hundred years, the temperament, height and intelligence of a person of the same age as Qi Qing! " Xin Wu's tone was full of kindness. Xin Wen, Xuan Zhen, and the girl all relaxed.

His heart was filled with jealousy, "So you've been living together with her for the past two hundred years!" He glared at Xin Wu and asked.

Xin Wu felt awkward and said: "Yes!"

"Then why did you come back to ask for Senior Brother to bring you two and your disciples back to the Heavenly Mystery Temple!" He was getting more and more angry.

"No!" I just want Senior Brother to accept Qi Qing into my sect! " Xin Wu quickly tried to defend himself.

"That won't do! Anyone who is related to you wants to join the Profound Heaven Dao Monastery, even if Senior Brother agrees, I won't allow it! " His thoughts were overbearing and resolute and decisive.

Xin Wen could not help but advise him in his heart: "Back then, Mei Niang killed more than thirty disciples of the Profound Heaven Dao Temple. However, at that time, all of them were afflicted with the heart devouring demonic energy of the devil, so if Mei Niang did not kill them, it would have been even worse for them when they lose their humanity! At that time, the Sect Leader seemed to have imprisoned her only because she had interfered with the affairs of the Profound Heaven Dao Sect and lightly punished her. If Xin Wu is not going to let her go, the Sect Leader will also let her go! "

"I don't care, I won't allow his disciple to view, as the disciple of Xuan Tian!" His eyes reddened as tears began to well up in his eyes.

Xin Wu and Xin Wen looked at her and could not help but have a helpless feeling. Xin Wu took out the Heavenly Sage Old Lord's Five Elements Secret Art and showed it to her, then advised her further: "Not only did Xin Wu manage to find the treasure book that the Mysterious Heaven Temple had lost for more than three thousand years, the Five Elements Secret Art that the Heavenly Sage Ancestor wrote personally, but he also has a body of five elements that has never appeared before since ancient times!"

His heart froze for a moment. He couldn't help but and that girl carefully looked at Qi Qing in shock. Qi Qing smiled at them amicably. After looking at Qi Qing, the girl glared at Qi Qing in dissatisfaction. She then looked at the Five Elements Arcane Art in Xin Wen's hands, and carefully received it from him with her hands. She flipped through a few pages, and handed them back to Xin Wen, saying, "Since this is the case, I won't stop his disciple from entering Profound Heaven Temple. But I have one condition, and that is that Qi Qing must defeat my disciple Yun Ji!"

Xin Wu was stunned, he unconsciously used his sharp eyes to carefully observe Yunji, and discovered that Yunji was actually a natural martial arts body. As soon as she was born, she had the instincts of an ordinary person, who had trained in martial arts for over a hundred years, and was able to absorb and absorb the essence of life, returning it back to its original state. This kind of natural martial arts body was similar to the seven qingqing's five elements shared body. Since ancient times, it had never appeared. Xin Wu could not help but feel discouraged. He thought to himself: the odds of the world's weirdest and weirdest incidents were already encountered by him. He didn't know if Qi Qing could beat her or not.

Xin Wu could only reluctantly agree, "Alright!"

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