Crazy Immortal God/C17 Losing a man and losing a soldier(part ii)
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Crazy Immortal God/C17 Losing a man and losing a soldier(part ii)
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C17 Losing a man and losing a soldier(part ii)

"What do you mean, 'it's not too much if there's too much, but there's too little to be happy about'? Can there be a limit to your shamelessness? " Zhou Jun felt like beating himself to death and sending himself to be slaughtered. Was there anything more foolish than me?

"Hehe." Zhou Jun could only dryly laugh. His heart was riddled with thousands of holes, the feeling of thousands of arrows piercing his heart.

"Brat, how can you talk to General Zhou like that? You need so much food and weapons, can you even take it?"

"We can hire a carriage from the Earth Dragon City. By the way, are you the one who paid for the carriage too?"

"Hehe." Why did this laughter sound more like crying the more I looked at it?

"Stinking brat, are you looking for a beating?" Third uncle was enraged.

"General Zhou, don't lower yourself to the same level as this stinking brat. There are so many things that we need!"

"That's right, that's too much..." Hearing that, General Zhou immediately became spirited, there was no need to pay too much attention.

"How can we make the General Zhou pay the transportation fee and the money to hire a carriage? Smelly kid, you're too much. What do you say, Lord Zhou? "

"Yes, yes, haha, General Situ is indeed compassionate to his subordinates." The General Zhou was beaming.

"Just break these things in half. We won't be able to take them if we get too many." Third Uncle generously crossed the line.

"Yes, yes …" "Hmm …" When General Zhou heard this, he almost choked to death.

"This pair of uncles and nieces were born to play with themselves, right?" This time, Zhou Jun cried.

"Third Uncle is really brilliant. He's really brilliant. He's like the old rivers and lakes. If you want to learn something like this, you're not even half as shameless as Third Uncle!" In his heart, Gongsun Zaitian was determined to study hard and achieve the Upwards Ho!.

"Oh right, I will have to trouble Lord Zhou to take care of these food and equipment. Since our army is in a rush, we did not bring anything of value. How about I use some cloth to exchange for some equipment with the Lord Zhou?" Third Uncle's expression was as though he was truly in the dark. It made Gongsun Zaitian blush. Everyone in this era was a film emperor.

"Let's drink first, let's toast to General Situ." Zhou Jun wanted to change the topic.

Let's talk about business first, we can drink after we're done, here, this is the project and the quantity that General Zhou has agreed to donate, please have a look, then we can sign and pledge, tomorrow I can send our logistics officers and Lord Zhou to receive it. Gongsun Ztian was just using the opportunity to hit the snake with a stick. How could he let him off so easily?

"Hehe, hehe", he saw Situ Qingyun lower his head and eat the meat.

"Haha, nephew, look …" Zhou Jun still wanted to find an excuse to leave. These fodder and weapons were also prepared to be sent to a part of the Dragon Wolf Pass in a few days to stop the Situ Army's logistics supplies. The rest were to be immediately sent to the imperial city to give to the important person in the imperial city. They were going to fall out in a few days. This was called relying on the enemy, but wasn't he giving it to them now? On the surface, Situ Qingyun was a lot higher ranked than him.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jun started sweating profusely. Holding this list in his hand, he could not help but smile bitterly in his heart. Who could he blame? At most, he would just snatch it back. The other people in the capital were late, but it was probably impossible to trap them to death in the Dragon Wolf Mountain Range. Before they could trap the Situ Army, they and those bandits were about to starve to death. It seemed that he would have to let those bandits attack him forcefully. At that time, when they were attacking with all their might, he would lead his army to attack them from the back.

Since he had already made his decision, Zhou Jun no longer hesitated and signed his name. However, what he did not know was that the number of words on the military supply document had gradually disappeared. This was a blank document with a signed name. In other words, this was a 'cheque' that could be filled in numbers at will.

When Zhou Jun found out about this, his face was full of tears, and he almost died on his own tofu.

"General Zhou, I'm urinating a little. I wonder how can I walk in the latrine?" After drinking for a while longer, Gongsun Zaitian wanted to borrow some water to escape and go out for a stroll.

"Men, bring the young general." Zhou Jun waved a servant over, bringing Gongsun Zaitian to the latrine.

On the way to the latrine.

"I say, what's your name?"

"General, my name is Wu Dang."

"Oh, a good name. If you have the ability in the future, build your own sect. I will use your name to call it 'The Hiding Sect's crotch'."

"Thank you for your blessings, Sir."

"Where is that over there?"

"Over there is the old master's private room, it's a special place for lodging guests."

"I saw a light over there. Is there someone staying over?"

"A few days ago, a few people came, but they all prohibited us from entering. As for the specifics, I'm not too sure either."

"Alright, I see. Wait for me for a while. I might take a bit longer and get a little constipated." With that said, Gongsun Ze Tian grabbed his pants and ran into the toilet.

Wu Dai, being a servant, was rather afraid of being stinky, so he quickly walked away. When this lord came out, he came back and looked at them from afar.

Outside the toilet wall.

"Is everyone here?" Gongsun Ztian took advantage of the moment when the servants had left to flip over the wall beside the latrine to arrive outside the residence. He spoke to the people who had been waiting for a long time.

"Young General, everyone's here." The one who came was a member of the scouting camp s in the army.

"Very good. Is everything ready?"

"It's ready. Each bag has been added to the icehouse. It will definitely be fine by noon tomorrow. "

"Very good." He opened a package. Inside was a package wrapped in oilpaper. Gongsun checked it and didn't continue to open it. He sealed the bag again, took out a piece of paper from his bosom, and with the aid of the faint light, said to the people who had surrounded him.

"This is the plan of the Mayor's Mansion. Look carefully at these seats, they are the reception hall, the side room, and the horse market..."

"All these places need to be installed, do you all understand?"

"Ah!" Everyone nodded.

"This is the first time you are carrying out a mission. I won't say more if you have more, but settle your things and retreat along the route that you have set. Do you have any problems leaving behind any traces?"

"No." Everyone shook their heads.

"Disperse!" Gongsun said one word, grabbed a bundle, and jumped into the wall. Then, in the darkness of the night, he walked along the wall to the side room where he had seen the important guests, and then he threw the bundle down and hung it on the roof of the room.

After throwing them, Gongsun Zaitian clapped his hands and returned to the latrine. He pretended that he had just finished. He called out to the servant Wu Dang and led him back to the living room.

"General Situ, the night is dark. Let's go back." The moment they returned to the banquet hall, Gongsun Ztian immediately urged Third Uncle to run away.

"Alright, it's too late, I won't disturb Lord Zhou's rest any longer."

"It's already so late, there's no need for General Situ to be polite. Rest at my place, I have already ordered some people to prepare a room." The Lord Zhou asked him to stay.

"No need, the military matters are a lot, we can't stay any longer. We have to go back and watch those bastards." Situ Qingyun was determined to leave.

"Alright, I'll be staying with the general. I'll send someone to escort him out of the city." As if the General Zhou was sending off the god of pests, he hurriedly sent his two uncles away. He was afraid that if he stayed another night with them, he would have to beg for food on the streets.

On the way back.

"A latrine takes so long." Third uncle grumbled.

"Constipation." Gongsun Ze Tian's face was not red, his heart was still beating fast as he answered.

"You didn't cause any trouble for me, did you?"

"How much is trouble?" Gongsun Ztian was puzzled. The extent to which he could cause trouble.


"I'm sure I didn't burn down his house, nor steal his cat or dog …" Gongsun Zaitian swore solemnly.

"Do you believe what you said?" As expected of Third Uncle.

"I don't know if you believe it or not, but I do believe it. And I also think there's credibility, because I really didn't do that. "


"Third Uncle, don't forget to send someone to get the item tomorrow morning." He casually passed Third Uncle a list.

"Kid, you're really ruthless. Eh, this number is different from what we said?"

In Gongsun Zhaixing's military tent.

"Young Master, what are those things you've been carrying in your bag all afternoon?" The servant, Lan Er, asked curiously.

It's nothing, I just got them to buy sulfur, saltpeter, and some charcoal in the city these few days. After grinding them into a powder, they would mix it with water and then dry it, just like what we usually do with whips. After wrapping it up, we would wrap it in a layer of phosphorous powder. Gongsun Ztian said as he changed his clothes.

"Oh, just putting out firecrackers to scare them. How boring." The little girl felt very bored. She spent so much energy and used all kinds of tricks to scare them off. It was making a big fuss out of nothing.

However, what the little girl did not know was that Gongsun Ze Tian was talking about something similar to firecrackers, and that was a huge difference between heaven and earth. Ordinary firecrackers could only make a sound, and even if one was a bit closer, it might be able to injure someone, but that package, that amount of stuff, was enough to kill someone. This was a weapon of mass destruction plus a gas bomb.

"What do you know? This is called psychological warfare." Gongsun Ztian immediately fell asleep.

The next day. Morning. The Mayor's Mansion.


"Quickly report, I have an urgent report for you, milord."

"What is it?" Zhou Jun who had just crawled out of a warm and gentle place looked extremely unhappy.

"Situ Qingyun's logistics officer is here to retrieve supplies and equipment."

"Hmph, what's the fuss about? Didn't I inform you guys last night?"

"That's not it, my lord. They have emptied all our warehouses. After the grains and fodder were gone, there was even a team of people carrying brooms and sacks to clean them. After they left, the warehouse and fodder warehouse …" Special... "It's clean. I don't even have a speck of dust left …"

"What?" How is that possible? What are you doing? How can they take all of you away? I'm going to kill you! " The furious Zhou Jun wanted to find a knife and hack the person in front of him to death.

"Lord, I'm doing it according to the pointers list. Look." As he spoke, he handed over a document.

Zhou Jun fell on his butt and spat out a mouthful of blood. It was true that the items on the bill had been signed, but that number was ten times what he had seen last night. It wouldn't be enough even if he emptied his own storeroom.

Just as Zhou Jun was about to vomit blood due to a loss of focus, he heard "boom boom" sounds coming from every corner of the Mayor's Mansion. Following that, thick smoke began to billow out accompanied by blood-curdling screams.

"Assassins!" Just as Zhou Jun shouted out, he heard a loud explosion, and lost consciousness.

In the line of troops.

Early in the morning, Gongsun Ze Tian arranged for people to come and get the materials. Then, Gongsun Ze Tian ordered his third uncle to quickly leave the stronghold and informed him that the materials would meet up with him at the Dragon Wolf Pass.

In addition, Gongsun Ztian had his supplies team pull a few carriages of dilapidated soldiers under them, instructing them to specially choose the worst and dirtiest ones. They were even known for being used to replace the cost of the carriages and horses.

Looking at the thick smoke billowing in the city, Gongsun Ze Tian was in a very good mood.

"What an ingenious plan that Minister Zhou had to settle the world. He lost both his husband and his soldiers, hahaha …"

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