Cultivation From Cellphone/C2 Take Advantage of a Big Boss
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Cultivation From Cellphone/C2 Take Advantage of a Big Boss
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C2 Take Advantage of a Big Boss

Du Tianhu...

Qin Feng remembered this person. This was because this identity was of great value to Qin Feng in his future development as a human. He needed to get familiar with it first.

Sure enough, Zhou Kai saw the message. He was still hugging the beauty with an expression of enjoyment when he stood up, packed his things and left:

"Stop playing. Stop it for now. I have something urgent that I need to go take care of." "Let's disperse."

Immediately, Qin Feng received the notification that he completed the mission.

Ding! Task completed. Host's Soul Value + 10, Experience Value + 2. Level leveled up to LV2. "

"Ah?" What's wrong, young master Zhou? What is there to be so anxious about? " Chen Linlin was still puzzled. The other two princes were also stunned.

Zhou Kaicai didn't have the heart to think about this, and didn't care about their feelings at all.

"What is it? Do I need to tell you my reason for not playing? I'm in a hurry, don't you understand? Are you going or not?

"Let's go!" It must not affect Young Master Zhou's work! "

"That's right, that's right. I don't have many things to do in the future. Let's play some other day."

The other two young masters hurriedly said. They didn't dare to make Zhou Kai unhappy.

Hahaha, the young master Zhou in their eyes is only so capable.

The quest was completed, and this skill was quite interesting. I seem to be able to do a lot of things.

After using it, he discovered that this skill was too powerful. You can hack into their cell phones using the trails left by others on the web or on various platforms.

To Qin Feng, this was a godlike weapon. It was worth using.

After leaving Earth for so many years, he no longer knew what the situation was with his Chiangcheng. No one knew what the situation in the family was like or who was in charge of it.

However, with this skill, he could hack into someone's phone through the web and get to know whoever he wanted.

In this information age, no one used their cellphone to surf the internet. As long as they did so, they would leave behind traces of their existence.

Hehe, he doesn't look like a mobile phone, but an unrivalled hacker.

Unknowingly, Qin Feng started laughing inside his phone. A great blueprint rose in his mind.

"Grandfather, I'm back. I will definitely return to the Qin Family and personally take revenge for you! "

"Ding … you have new quest content, please check in time."

Just when Qin Feng was engrossed in his fantasy, a new mission was released and he chose to check it out.

Quest content: "Investigate the reason why the mobile phone owner needs 200 thousand and help the mobile phone owner get out of this predicament."

"Soul Value + 10, Experience Value + 2, Level + 1"

This task was not bad, Qin Feng wanted to know more about it immediately.

Although the mission was temporarily completed, the main reason was that the goddess desperately needed the 200 thousand yuan right now.

If he didn't solve the 200 thousand yuan problem, given the goddess' beauty and her personality, he would definitely become a goddess. It would definitely be used once again, especially by that girl friend of hers who was like a spicy chicken.

If he didn't solve the goddess' problem, he couldn't use her phone to carry out his revenge plan.

Therefore, even if the system didn't take the initiative to arrange it, Qin Feng would still take the initiative to help the goddess deal with the problems that had plagued her recently.

After all, only he could be a good goddess.

However, when Qin Feng found out that she needed to borrow this 200,000 yuan for the investigation, he was immediately enraged.

Because, it wasn't because the goddess really needed money, but because her little brother Shen Qianqiu was trying to trick her into using it.

The details of the situation were as follows:

The goddess's parents died a few years ago due to an accident, and only one of her brothers survived. However, this little brother was very disappointing.

Because she had been spoiled since she was young, everything centered around her. After his parents died, he dropped out of high school and became a hooligan.

Now, the reason why he asked the Goddess for 200 thousand was because he wanted to fight with someone and injure them. He needed to compensate the other party with 200 thousand in medical fees.

But the truth was that Shen Qianqiu didn't injure anyone else. On the contrary, Shen Qianqiu and his sworn brother, Lu Wannian, had fought in the KTV. It was Lu Wannian who had been injured. Still in the hospital.

Although the medical expenses only required forty to fifty thousand yuan, they had to spend everything they had to pay for it. Seeing that this amount of money had been used up, the money that the two of them had recently squandered and enjoyed was all gone. Shen Qianqiu had thought of this method. Screw off his sister's money.

He would treat Lu Wannian as someone who was injured by him, and Lu Wannian also happened to have a few subordinates that he could use to call and threaten his sister if he had nothing else to do. It's more like it.

The goddess was a model, so she usually made money relatively quickly. So this time, they just came back with the big one and lied to her for 200 thousand.

F * ck, they're really worse than animals. Qin Feng was so angry that he wanted to explode on the spot. If I had such a warm and weak sister, I wouldn't have enough time to protect her.

It really was like having all kinds of birds in the woods.

Qin Feng couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. This task was also very easy to complete. With his current skills, all he needed to do was use a little skill and let the goddess know the real reason.

But the problem was the trouble later on. Based on his brother's character, if he couldn't get his hands on the 200 thousand, he would instead be exposed as a scam. Then, wouldn't he lose all decorum with his goddess?

Therefore, he had to think of a way to deal with his younger brother. Not only would he make her younger brother not dare to offend the goddess, he would also have to sincerely accept her. This sort of person must be taught a lesson.

Wait, I got it! Qin Feng suddenly had an idea. His brother is a hooligan.

Isn't Du Tianhu the current big shot of Chiangcheng? Shen Qianqiu had become a delinquent after not going to school, so it was impossible for him to not know Du Tianhu's identity. He must also be obedient to a person like Du Tianhu.

Coincidentally, according to Qin Feng's plan, he wanted to continue developing on Earth. People like Du Tianhu were also needed to serve him.

Moreover, if Du Tianhu could think of a way to rope her in, it would also be able to solve the problem that her best friend, the spicy chicken, had brought him. After all, Zhou Kai had been tricked today …

That's right, Qin Feng's ambition was that huge, even if he was still a phone right now.

He could definitely use Du Tianhu as a cut-in point to teach his goddess' brother a lesson.

Letting Du Tianhu be his lackey … Furthermore, in the Chiangcheng in the future, he would be willing to protect his own goddess and prevent her from being bullied.

"Hmph, although this idea is dangerous, with my current ability, it is definitely feasible."

Immediately, Qin Feng began to carry out his plan.

He would first start with the younger brother of the goddess. It was time for this brat to teach her elder sister a lesson.

Following which, Qin Feng entered Shen Qianqiu's phone through the chat between Shen Qianling and her brother.

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