Cultivation From Cellphone/C20 Prairie Shock(5)
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Cultivation From Cellphone/C20 Prairie Shock(5)
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C20 Prairie Shock(5)

(The path of time includes space and time. The alien world Qin Feng cultivates in is the world of the demons and fairies, and time is before Earth is created.)

Since the Immeasurable Swordmaster came, Zhang Ziran naturally lost this memory.

"Wuliang, hurry up and finish this beast, I want to go home and eat."


Meng Niu and Ily were dumbstruck on the side. It was already difficult to fight one of them. Now that the two of them knew each other, it was obvious that they were bullying others?

"Ugh …" "Yah!"

Meng Niu roared angrily at the sky. He reckoned that it would be hard for him to escape death. He glanced at the formation and thought, "The great deed is about to be accomplished. Let me sacrifice myself for my faith."

Why is it always my turn to be so miserable? When the two brothers were about to starve to death, the Taotie promised them that as long as they became servants to help him collect human blood, they would be guaranteed endless food.

The Taotie sucked up the anger, the abnormal Qi, and the human blood. Hiding his strength and nurturing his ignorance, all for the sake of establishing his own country in this new world.

After wandering around for so many years, spreading out his soul value, finding his own servant, and waiting until the Taotie army matured, that would be the day to counterattack!

Today, he finally got his wish.

Once Meng Niu saw that the time was right, he ordered his master to fight for the last period of time!


Ily instantly moved after receiving the order.

One on the left, one on the right, and one on the side. It was so dazzling that it was hard to tell which one was the real one.

"This little thing runs really fast!" It's just that I'm not very good at using strength, so it's good enough for me to tickle you. " The Immeasurable Sage smiled shamelessly at Qin Feng.

Ily had already used all of his strength to slap Wuliang's back, but his words had actually hurt his pride.

"Moo ~ ~ ~" He was so angry that he immediately let out a bellow. He quickly brandished his left arm and continued to strike the same spot.

"Alright, alright. Change the location. A little lower, yes, yes, comfortable. " Seeing that, Qin Feng immediately wanted to punch him.

"Mr Feng, with his strength and speed, it's exactly like the electric massage chair you were talking about!"

"F * ck, is there anyone who can teach you what you shouldn't learn?"

The deities that were respected by the world were actually so vulgar. Even Qin Feng felt ashamed of him, but Wuliang Long kept saying, "In any case, I'm Warlord, Qin Feng's disciple, I'm not afraid."

"Almost done." Qin Feng was already sitting on the floor and combing his hair out of boredom.

The scene was quite joyous.

Wuliang shrugged his shoulders and let out a long sigh of satisfaction, "Thank you for the hospitality. Next time, I'll also invite a technician like you over."

"Pfft!" When Qin Feng heard this, he almost gasped for breath.

"This is for you, tip!" Wuliang's words came out of his mouth one word at a time. He raised his hand and slapped.

"No matter how much you play, no matter how much trouble you cause, don't joke with me, Mr Feng!"

Ily, who weighed over a hundred catties, flew up into the air and then fell down heavily. The ground was caved in and he fainted.

"Mr Feng, your little bro has completed his mission. I will take my leave first. There are three mahjong in the family and one is missing. They are very anxious. "

"Tsk, with your cannon skills, you're going to die?" Qin Feng complained with a look of disdain.

"Are you familiar with this rune?"

"Mr Feng, isn't this the pattern on the Taotie's body? Looks like that fellow really wants to summon his Taotie. "

The Taotie, you brothers have all given up hope after being beaten by me, why are you so unconvinced?

"Wuliang, stay here with me."

Thus, a man with a dog was squatting on the stairs, just like a young man …

"Mr Feng, who is this?"

"Call me sister-in-law!"

Shen Qianling had already forced him to do it just now. This Zhang Ziran was clearly a different person. According to the novels, he should be an immortal. But why did he act so relaxed like Qin Feng's little brother?

"Hello, sister-in-law!" Zhang Ziran's words were filled with an old man's manliness.


Who knew how much more shocking Qin Feng could bring her. Shen Qianling quickly changed the topic, "How did you communicate with Qin Feng?"

"Soul points, this is a special kind of energy. Aside from using our mouths to communicate with them, we also use soul points to communicate with them. It's just like what kind of electricity you guys use, but once we lose all our soul points, we can only wait for death. " Wuliang hoped that he could leave a good impression on his sister-in-law and make it easier for him to seek help in the future. Thus, he didn't put on any airs and patiently understood.

Ily woke up early and wanted to wait for Wuliang to leave before sneaking away. He didn't expect Wuliang to squat with a dog for the whole afternoon.

"It's about time. He's coming."

A crack appeared in the sky right above Xia Bing, and a stream of completely black soul value seeped out of the crack. With a rustling sound, the black soul value fell drop by drop into the space between Xia Bing's eyebrows.

Seeing that his backer was about to recover, Ily's courage also increased.

He stood up and sent a message to Wuliang and Qin Feng with his soul value, "You two are neither human nor ghost, my master is about to descend into this world, you will pay the price for your arrogance!"

"I will use a knife to stab you full of holes and make you my tonic!"



The two replied at the same time, making Ily feel awkward.

The soul value between Xia Bing's eyebrows had already completely permeated into her body. Her body involuntarily floated up as she slowly opened her completely red eyes.

"It's been tens of billions of years, and I, the Taotie, have finally returned. Warlord and Qin Feng, wait until I bring the Taotie army back to the alien world, and then alien world will be your burial ground! "Hehe …"

"Master." Meng Niu's face was full of courtesy as he rushed forward. "Someone is obstructing your reincarnation ceremony, please personally teach them a lesson!"

"Trash, I gave you such a powerful energy, you can't even deal with one person? "Where are they? Let's start with them today." The Taotie's eyes were filled with ferocity. Having just reincarnated, he had plenty of energy. At this moment, he believed that he could swallow the heaven and earth, and all living things.

"Yes, there." Ily pointed at the man and dog beside him.

"Hehe, mortals can tremble over this! To be able to become the first meal of my Taotie, you are all honorable! "

Shen Qianling pouted, annoyed that he was being long-winded. They were used to this kind of situation. Just from Qin Feng's calm attitude a moment ago, they could tell that this Taotie was someone that had been taken care of.

The Taotie controlled Xia Bing's body and walked towards them step by step, deliberately slowing down to let them feel fear.

"What are you so shy about? Get the hell over here for me, young master! "

When Qin Feng said this, the Taotie was stunned...

"What's going on?"

But in the next second, Zhang Ziran, who was on the left side, revealed his Infinity Quintessential Essence's true form, causing the Taotie to stop moving.

With Wuliang around, that dog must be Warlord, Qin Feng...

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