Cultivation From Cellphone/C7 To Commit a Crime Lynn will Die for Sure
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Cultivation From Cellphone/C7 To Commit a Crime Lynn will Die for Sure
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C7 To Commit a Crime Lynn will Die for Sure

Within the Cloud Peak Magnificent Era.

"It's okay if you don't have the money, I have the money. How could I bear to let a great beauty spend my money? But you came here to thank me, so you should at least do something, right? " Zhou Kai held a glass of red wine and slowly walked towards Shen Qianling.

"Happy today, would you like to drink more? There must be sincerity in apologizing. "

"That's right, Qianling. If you drink a bit, you won't lose a piece of meat, and you even have a connection with young master Zhou. How great is that? "

Linlin whispered into the goddess' ear, patting her on the shoulder.

"I can't drink too much …" Shen Qianling mumbled softly.

He slowly picked up the wine cup, and under the ambiguous light, the shadow of the red wine was reflected deeply.

"Thank you for your trouble, young master Zhou."

Shen Qianling licked the remaining red wine from her cherry lips.


Seeing this scene, Zhou Kai suddenly had an evil thought. It was really tempting.

"Miss Shen, you just thanked me for a drink. I'm very happy today. Cheers! I'll accompany you again."

"… …"

Zhou Kai started to have more and more reasons, while Linlin also increased the atmosphere.

"I really can't drink anymore." Shen Qianling held her head with her left hand while her right hand covered her chest. The swaying peaks caused Zhou Kai to exclaim in surprise. It seemed that she had reached her limit.

"Miss Shen, don't tell me you're rejecting me. It's just a few cups."

Zhou Kai slowly approached under the light and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't touch me, please …" "Self-respect!" Shen Qianling tried her best to push Zhou Kai away, but after drinking the drugged red wine, her actions seemed soft and weak.

In Zhou Kai's eyes, it was just flirting.

Under the purplish red light, on Shen Qianling's slightly red cheeks, there were a few drops of red wine remaining on her cherry lips. The drunk Shen Qianling was completely infatuated. Her small mouth constantly trembled, and her coarse breathing became faster and faster.

The effect of the pill had reached its peak. Zhou Kai laughed in frustration and had a lecherous look on his face.

"Today you belong to me."

Seeing that the situation wasn't good, Qin Feng hurriedly controlled Du Tianhu's cell phone to call Zhou Kai.

"Only I stand guard in the quiet desert …"

At the wrong time, Zhou Kai remembered the different ringtone and stomped his feet in anger.

However, when he saw that it was Du Tianhu on the phone, he lost his temper again.

"F * ck, even if it's the Emperor, I won't do anything today." Later on, I will use some excuse to explain it. "

The ringing of the phone also brought Shen Qianling back to her senses. Her whole body was soft and her legs were weak, but she still wanted to support herself on the sofa to stand up.

"Qianling, where are you going? Haven't you seen it yet! "

Linlin blocked the entrance, supporting Shen Qianling.

"Today, you and I belong to young master Zhou. "Be good, be good."

"Linlin … You, you want to harm me? " Shen Qianling replied weakly, her eyes glazed over and exuding a pessimistic aura of helplessness.

"Stupid bitch, stop pretending to be innocent! Where did you get so much money from a model? He was sent to someone else's bed. Linlin was extremely jealous of those words that had been spoken so sarcastically.

Shen Qianling collapsed to the ground, treating her like her best friend. In the end, she ended up in the hands of her most trusted friend.

"I did not, I did not. "Linlin, why did you do this to me!"


The crisp sound of the slap was especially ear-piercing. This slap had completely stunned Shen Qianling, causing her, who had lost her consciousness, to fall to the ground.

"You are better than me in everything. Let's go out together and others' eyes will always be on you. What am I?! Your reference? Your foil? "

"Today, you, Shen Qianling, will pay the price for your actions. From today onwards, you will become Young Master Zhou's forbidden woman and will no longer be as aloof as you are now! So what if you're unrivalled in charisma? but you've still become the underbelly of a man. "

Thinking of Shen Qianling who was like a goddess in front of others and how she would appear to be so hungry in front of others, Chen Linlin became interested. She pushed her to Zhou Kai's feet and took out her phone, ready to start shooting.

Zhou Kai unbuckled his belt and shouted, "Right, Linlin, you have to record this moment for me!"

"Brother Kai, Brother Kai …"

"What? You want to come with me?" Don't worry! One by one! "

"Brother Kai!"

"What are you yelling at, you bitch?!"

Zhou Kai raised his head and saw Chen Linlin standing there in a daze with a face full of fear.

It was Qin Feng. He transformed into a virtual data image and transmitted it into Chen Linlin's phone. Using his ghostly appearance as a screen saver, he slowly typed out a few words.

To commit a crime, Lynn would die.

Chen Linlin's phone slid off.

A VR image was projected from the phone. Under the dim light of the box, the projection on the wall was pitch black.


A whistling sound exploded out!

An ear-piercing sound filled the entire room. The projection suddenly transformed into a blood-red eye socket that was embedded with white light and emitting a deathly black aura.

It was bloodshot.


The eyeball was turned around, and it was bulging with the color of the starry sky.

In the airtight cabin, a chilling wind blew as thousands of men and horses charged out from the center of the deep eye of the starry sky! The aura that swept through everything seemed like a battlefield of blood.

Zhou Kai was completely shocked. His chin was trembling slightly and he was mumbling something.

"Ghost …" "Ahhh!"

Zhou Kai ignored his pants as his hands continuously moved and retreated.

Slowly, the ancient cavalry force faded.


Qin Feng snorted disdainfully.

In alien world, all the major powers knew that this was the cultivation technique of Warlord and Qin Feng.

It was the same Clear Vision Technique. Only Qin Feng's Clear Vision Technique had something special about it — Spiritual Interference. The thicker the training spirit, the more influence it had. People with deep spiritual power would usually be able to strike the mind of low-level cultivators and destroy the Yellow Dragon, completely destroying his Sea of Consciousness.

When Qin Feng transmigrated, he had already sealed 1/1000th of his spiritual energy. Now, he was only able to use 1/1000th of his power, which was more than enough to deal with mortals.

Coincidentally, he discovered that the current mobile phone had the function of projecting. All he needed to do was transform energy and project a virtual image onto it.

Looking at the two lying on the ground, Qin Feng didn't have a shred of sympathy. If he could get out, he would crush their heads and throw them into his spirit beast garden.

"This Du Tianhu is still too late, we can't rely on him alone in the future. Earth will also have almighty powers of concealment, and one day, the Clear Vision Technique will also be exposed. "

"It's more important for us to expand our power as soon as possible."

The System reminded him.

"Mission Completion Reward: Soul Points + 10, Experience Points + 3, Level + 1"

He already had 40 soul points, and he had reached level 4 as well.

I'm really looking forward to it.

After about half an hour, Zhou Kai woke up and ran without looking back.

"… …"

When Shen Qianling returned home, she recalled the scene and couldn't understand why she was still dressed neatly.

It's impossible for Zhou Kai to dress me!

He didn't know what had happened, nor did he feel anything out of the ordinary after the inspection.

Oh, Shen Qianling, Shen Qianling, there's really nothing left now.

Friend, your little brother is the same as a small marten!

Why did the heavens do this to me …

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